[Rant] Why would anybody involve themselves...

Even though Q Anon also preaches what you're saying here?
Well I used to, until I realised they're also controlled opposition. A lot of it is, but it still doesn't mean these things don't happen.
Like that Gaga photo above, their faces tell me that "We're well aware of Qanon influenced conspiracies, we'll just troll them."

Truly this kind of pedo ring has lasted for a long time. Hell George Washington must clearly have been a pedophile... i mean he was a 33rd degree. Same with all of our forefathers. Which would mean America was started by pedophiles.

See this logic?

However, most people overlook these factors.

furthermore it's not just democrats that pose a threat a lot of GOP have done this as well. Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska was a central hub. (since the early 2000s they ended up calling it Girls and Boys Town to be more inclusive. It was ran by Father Flanigan to look after troubled youth. (Which was popularized by Anna Freud. Whom is Edwards, Mother.)

When i hear about any kind of pedo ring, and people thinking it is just the democrats... or bankers... No, it was horny corporate CEOs and politicians.

Wait isn't trump both of those?
Who says I support Trump? He's just as bad.
All political powers are as bad as each other.
Like that Gaga photo above, their faces tell me that "We're well aware of Qanon influenced conspiracies, we'll just troll them."

Truly this kind of pedo ring has lasted for a long time. Hell George Washington must clearly have been a pedophile... i mean he was a 33rd degree. Same with all of our forefathers. Which would mean America was started by pedophiles.

See this logic?

However, most people overlook these factors.

furthermore it's not just democrats that pose a threat a lot of GOP have done this as well. Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska was a central hub. (since the early 2000s they ended up calling it Girls and Boys Town to be more inclusive. It was ran by Father Flanigan to look after troubled youth. (Which was popularized by Anna Freud. Whom is Edwards, Mother.)

When i hear about any kind of pedo ring, and people thinking it is just the democrats... or bankers... No, it was horny corporate CEOs and politicians.

Wait isn't trump both of those?
I'm well aware that p3dophiles can be anybody.
Yes it's the Freemasons. It's the Illuminati. It's the priory of Scion. It's the rosicrucians. It's QAnon. It's Alex Jones. It's Tucker Carlson. It's Rush Limbaugh. It's, it's filling the blank.
The world is not to your liking because of all of these things and forces that are dark foreboding and ominous.
We are all pawns of the international game created by the new world order.
Stories as old as time. Amplified by the internet of course. Shout it out by cable networks that claim to be news until they're sued at which time they claim no we're entertainment.
Like so many Alice's sliding down so many rabbit holes off we go. The pyramids in Egypt couldn't have been built by Egyptians they were built by, wait for it, aliens. How do I know that? I watched it on television.
You can find whatever you choose to believe somewhere on the internet or somewhere on cable television.
And then there's written history. History written by the Victor. History written by those with a story to tell in a product to sell.
The alien conspiracies are stupid.

But I understand what you're saying, and agree.
Why are you so disrespectful @ByTheWaves :thonking:
Who hurt you bb
Yes. This is true.
It's why I quit watching TV in the mid 90's and quit main stream internet news several years ago. It's all a controlled narrative....including to various degrees the conspiracy theories AND alleged FACTS abounding "out there".
I just found it easier to come to the understanding there is Distortion in everything being taught to us. The key word is TAUGHT to us...and I emphasize the main teaching which is to trust the Authorities.
There may or may not be an ulterior nefarious agenda and from what I've witnessed throughout my long life and especially the last 10 years is that people may or may not understand how deeply ingrained our behaviors are conditioned to be.
Again...I go back to the underlying foundation of our society and that is to Follow the Leader.

I don't fully trust any of it now and it's partly why I have turned towards developing a strong knowing with my higher guidance self (Intuition).
So I say to any here...
You will see the things you need to see to expand your own awareness for your own unique journey.
One person's truth will never ever convince anyone else of THEIR truths. But yours may spark them....

The trap is when we spend time and focus on trying to prove...well...anything.....to the Other.
It's just maybe I don't want heaps of people to die. But you know perhaps I should leave it.
Should we start a thread discussing all the terrible things Christians have done throughout history and still do, or should we instead stop this ridiculous finger-pointing and calling others evil, realize we need to do work on ourselves and try to live a life that emulates what Jesus wanted, which is peace, love, and helping others?

Forced indoctrination, colonization, genocide, the Inquisition, the centuries of witch trials, Indigenous children forced away from their families and being forced into brainwashing school and killed, stealing pagan stories, holidays and rituals while condemning those same religions, condemnation of left-handed people, condemnation of strong women, condemnation of non-Christians, forcing people to live their way in every way possible, erasing cultures, torture, homophobia, transphobia, The Crusades, war.... the list goes on. We can go on pointing fingers at Christianity forever.

It's kind of funny that the occult is perceived as "bad" and "evil" when it was the Christians who slaughters those who participated in these practices or were even suspected of it.

But yes I realised last night instead of focusing on this I should focus on helping others.
I'm well aware of my flaws.

But what if I believed in something that could kill heaps of people? Or should I just like, leave it.

What can you do?

Well, I have applied for positions to help homeless people and all that.

Honestly if I had the money I wish I could help many people.
i didn't say you support trump i was pointing out trump is both...
Lets have some fun with this and it was posted July 3 2012.

While everyone watches the freemasons' black magic my black magic will reduce existence to smithereens
View attachment 82245

Smite the demiurge, brother.


I'm interested in the elite pedophilia discussion because I think there's something to it. A youtuber I watch once discussed it as "people with power wanting to get even more power by violating something sacred".

How would one go about preventing things like Epstein's business?
Lets have some fun with this and it was posted July 3 2012.

Cool video once you get past the Bush thing in the beginning which is annoying.

Anyway, apparently this dude owns an art house called The Residency in Versailles now :thonking::looninati:
It's just maybe I don't want heaps of people to die. But you know perhaps I should leave it.

Yes. None of us want heaps of people to die. As was said...you can maybe offer some info....without any attachment to whether they accept it or not.
But in the end we allow people to make their choice.
I love this video! For me the whole thing describes how humans wake up the Christ consciousness within them and break away from the mind control. <3
I used to believe in Christ Consciousness. But I mean if that's your thing then, Yolo you know hahaha.
Yes. None of us want heaps of people to die. As was said...you can maybe offer some info....without any attachment to whether they accept it or not.
But in the end we allow people to make their choice.
Lets have some fun with this and it was posted July 3 2012.

the name sounds very familiar too... not sure where i have heard it... ironically this was released around the same time my Book One was released... under the moniker Cyn Chaote. (which each hold similar symbolic traits.)