Should we start a thread discussing all the terrible things Christians have done throughout history and still do, or should we instead stop this ridiculous finger-pointing and calling others evil, realize we need to do work on ourselves and try to live a life that emulates what Jesus wanted, which is peace, love, and helping others?
Forced indoctrination, colonization, genocide, the Inquisition, the centuries of witch trials, Indigenous children forced away from their families and being forced into brainwashing school and killed, stealing pagan stories, holidays and rituals while condemning those same religions, condemnation of left-handed people, condemnation of strong women, condemnation of non-Christians, forcing people to live their way in every way possible, erasing cultures, torture, homophobia, transphobia, The Crusades, war.... the list goes on. We can go on pointing fingers at Christianity forever.
It's kind of funny that the occult is perceived as "bad" and "evil" when it was the Christians who slaughters those who participated in these practices or were even suspected of it.