I certainly didn't expect us to go from world domination to NT love
Can you spell Alucard backwards?
To catch and enclose or compress tightly between two surfaces, or points which are brought together or closed; to pinch; to close in upon.
To remove by pinching, biting, or cutting with two meeting edges of anything; to clip.
To blast, as by frost; to check the growth or vigor of; to destroy
To annoy, as by nipping.
To taunt.
I wasn't sure what to expect when I made this thread, and I certainly didn't expect us to go from world domination to NT love but I'm perfectly satisfied with things so far.
Also we can take bets on when a new forum member takes this as an opportunity to generalize either for or against NTs and take this all seriously- which nobody should do.
Well...I'm a bit disappointed that the intuitives on this forum haven't worked out the real truth yet. Those of us in the Illuminati have run the world for the last 5 millennia. We use psychohistory and the dark side of the feeling force to keep you all enslaved without you knowing it. The NTs and STs do all the grunt work for us if we need to get a bit physical with the plebs.
That is how Truman sold it, and how history remembers things but there are a number of reasons why the bombings were totally unnecessary. For example, Japan was trying to surrender months before the bombs were dropped- on the condition that the emperor retain his throne. Truman rejected anything less than a total surrender, that is to say a surrender in which Japan gets no considerations of any kind. Then after the bombs were dropped, Truman accepted Japan's total surrender, and in a cruel irony allowed them to keep the emperor, because his retaining power was unquestionably necessary for the future stability of Japan in the postwar years.Reason may have a different view on this, but my impression is that it wasn't just theatre. Yes, the outcome of the war was already certain at that point. But the Japanese might not have surrendered. At least this is how Truman rationalized it: Japan had been at war for such a long time and the honour code meant that they had to keep on fighting, so if the bombs hadn't been dropped the US troops would have had to continue invading island after island, prolonging the war for several months. However, as Reason said, many generals thought that Japan would have surrendered anyway. We can't really know for sure what would have happened had things gone differently.
It's also been said that some generals wanted to see the effects of the weapon in action. It's a delicate issue with many arguments for and against.
Why I have time: I did much of my work in advance. I anticipated moments like these.Hey look, a little corner of our own. How homely. I see we're using this place to spam memes. How... un-ENTJ of you Pin. Shouldn't you be studying? Psst, between you and me, I could hack into your university to get you the answers to your next test. Fuck the system, am I right?
So, who else thought that the astrology thread was ridiculous to the nth degree?