It became clear to me very quickly, that this forum is to the same degree of falsehood and pride, that any group of self-identified patrons always seems to inflict upon themselves.
Where do you think the feelings come from? The aether? I bet you do.
I guess that the "General sense of the 'vibe' of the place, just happens"? Did you ever stop to think that an INFJ has an inherent ability to absorb social, and psychological ques?
How's this 'feeling of the room'...
You guys just like to be identified as something, because it makes you feel special, and you treat it like your life depends on it. Frankly, I don't give a shit about how I'm identified. My mommy and daddy taught me how to be proud of who I am, no matter what.
I know what my intuitions are, and they have always served me well - to a fault. People, like yourselves, can't handle the truth we know about you. Just like most, you can't look at your own reflection, because it scares the hell out of you - which proves why you need 'Identity' virtue signals.
Deleted member 16771 is the greatest example of this. (What a fake).
You people probably have never met a real INFJ, just a bunch of fakers who need that extra sense of unique specialness, because they were taught in school that humans aren't special, because we are all just a bunch of accidents.
If you didn't understand the INFJ 'stare', or why we keep our thoughts to ourselves, is for this very reason. People can't handle it.