
I like discussing the philosophy of Faith, not so much religion. Can we agree to keep the conversation light and agree to disagree should the time come? (I've been verbally degutted enough for one week, my boohoo needs time to heal

) I'll prob be stored by others, but alas...
Onward (perhaps upward) to open discussion of your questions
@Skarekrow ...
Personally yes, I rely on my faith everyday. When I rise in the morning, I say thank you to God. Now I have to explain I follow 'my learning's, what is right for this I take KJV, Catholic, and Gnostic Bible text in unity. My 'God' is the one true god and not the Earthly God, who's wife is Sophia; (aka Truth & Wisdom). Meaning the god I speak to is the energy, the creator of all that is, all that has been, and all that will be. That is who as I fall asleep/meditate to and discuss the days events and blessings for that day, I do call him 'Big Guy' it is endearing.
Socially, no, and an emphatic NO. I believe that because many folks as children were drug to churches, sects and religion ---instead of being allowed to choose---were brainwashed in their formative years, when repetition breeds memory to the point when I ask tgem 'why do you believe in God' most say to me because they just do, or they don't know. Baffling.
I believe faith to be limitless.
No, Not in human flesh. Projectionally, (out of body), yes.
I believe people are impatient. Society has grown into a materialistic (earth bound), want to compartmentalize/ organize everything, not to mention instant gratification, throw away tangibles, the list goes on, way of life that, (and I point a finger at religion), faith is forgotten much if the time if not all the time.
And, then the opposite -- blind faith, which to me is a ridiculous concept while focused/concentrated faith is available.
Yet, more and more of the younger generation is conducting themselves more openly in their beliefs.
Trick question sweet Krow, lol.
I believe it is both. The Others (Elders) cannot intervene unless they are asked to do so. And, they are quick and apt to do so when a group prays for another---not for their self.
This is where I'll put as an example. When one prays for oneself it must be a selfless prayer not a selfish prayer, not a bribe eg 'if you give me A I'll do B' ... but a self-LESS prayer. Asked in humility.