Red Pill Documentary

lol. I do sympathize with some situations. The Wendy Williams scene was ridiculous, and men who date or marry crazy women should get out as soon as the crazy starts. Same with women in abusive relationships with crazy men. And yes in a lot of situations it’s easier said than done. I wish I could save the world.

The thing is that no system is perfect and yes there are shitty women out there as well as shitty men. Shitty people everywhere!

Edit- Wendy Williams needs to be fired.
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Ah yes, the Red Pill. Whenever I am in the mood for some good ol' fashion grade A misogyny, I head on over to reddit/TheRedPill.

The enlightened gentlemen at Red Pill explain in detail to me about how and why they are in fact alpha males while everyone who disagrees with them or who treats women with any degree of respect is in fact a beta male cuckold loser.

I must say, I am quite jealous. I had always thought that taking the red pill was a metaphor for realizing that one is transgender and medically transitioning; the concept came from a movie created by a couple of transgender women after all. But alas, that is not the case. Instead, these gentlemen have awoken to the reality that women have gotten quite out of hand these days, expecting to be treated as "equals". These spoiled entitled Disney princesses fail to understand that their social market value is too low for them to deserve to be respected by men.

Let us all take the red pill so that we too can become alpha males and have sex with any women we please.
The enlightened gentlemen at Red Pill explain in detail to me about how and why they are in fact alpha males while everyone who disagrees with them or who treats women with any degree of respect is in fact a beta male cuckold loser.

Though less funny due to truthfulness.
Ah yes, the Red Pill. Whenever I am in the mood for some good ol' fashion grade A misogyny, I head on over to reddit/TheRedPill.

The enlightened gentlemen at Red Pill explain in detail to me about how and why they are in fact alpha males while everyone who disagrees with them or who treats women with any degree of respect is in fact a beta male cuckold loser.

I must say, I am quite jealous. I had always thought that taking the red pill was a metaphor for realizing that one is transgender and medically transitioning; the concept came from a movie created by a couple of transgender women after all. But alas, that is not the case. Instead, these gentlemen have awoken to the reality that women have gotten quite out of hand these days, expecting to be treated as "equals". These spoiled entitled Disney princesses fail to understand that their social market value is too low for them to deserve to be respected by men.

Let us all take the red pill so that we too can become alpha males and have sex with any women we please.

So we should just neglect the whole topic because there is a sub-reddit filled with enlightened individuals?

I take it you don't think much of these issues, may I ask why?
So we should just neglect the whole topic because there is a sub-reddit filled with enlightened individuals?

I take it you don't think much of these issues, may I ask why?

I don't think that was what she was saying Elis. Faye is a very caring person who thinks about things deeply.

I think if you read through her blog or other posts, you will see that.
I don't think that was what she was saying Elis. Faye is a very caring person who thinks about things deeply.

I think if you read through her blog or other posts, you will see that.
@Elis re read Faye’s post, then read it again twenty more times.
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I must say, I am quite jealous. I had always thought that taking the red pill was a metaphor for realizing that one is transgender and medically transitioning; the concept came from a movie created by a couple of transgender women after all.
The matrix draws a lot on Plato's Cave theory especially with the whole 'red pill' scenario.

EDIT: It's really about discovering unpleasant truths you should watch this:

Let us all take the red pill so that we too can become alpha males and have sex with any women we please.
The subreddit is separate from the MRA movement and has absolutely nothing to do with the documentary, but okay. Also nobody in the documentary says anything like that at any point.
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