Sloe Djinn
Idiot with Internet Access.
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Right, and they're operating off of the notion that it is their duty (I don't think I have to make the argument that a lot of traditionalists wind up in the army do I? Even if they're not traditionalists this kind of thinking is omnipresent, but I digress) to sacrifice themselves to protect women.
There has been, in fact, a push to include women in the military for quite a number of years. I haven't served in the military, but most of my friends joined right out of high school and based on their estimation of life in the military things like race, gender and sexual orientation disappear in combat and usually before then even. The U.S. military has allowed women in for many years now and several of them have become officers, some of them high-ranking. Promotions are meritocratic however, and also with not as many women joining as men there will be few female officers and few female soldiers.
To choose between dying and having their manhood invalidated by sacrificing a woman to die in their place thus making them cowards in the eyes of society? Yes, they technically had that choice.
Probably should volunteer in greater numbers to fix that.
Other than the fact that seeking high-ranking corporate positions or positions on the national stage of politics is something that men try more statistically? Jeanette Rankin was the first Female Congressional member back in like the 1910s I want to say- and since then women have had plenty of opportunity to run for office and yet they don't. The sexual harassment is a problem, though no doubt about that but it's already a lot of work to go through for a job where- man or woman pretty much everyone has a reason to be upset with you and there is little time for being a mother or a father or even just for yourself.
You haven't seen the multitude of feminists who came out against the red pill without having seen the film and began claiming it supported rape and that the movement (as one feminist gender studies professor put it) was all about men having the right to sleep with women whenever they want to without they're being able to object. Now as someone who has seen the film, you know that's a lie- they're lying to the public and marginalizing men's issues- that's not helping both sexes that's only helping themselves. Additionally, think of how many laws feminists have managed to pass and yet in Canada, if you poke holes in the condom to trick a woman into having a kid you go to jail (thanks to feminists changing the laws) but if you trick a man into having a baby as a woman not only do you not go to jail the poor bastard still has to pay child support. Isn't it odd how they were able to change one law but not another?
Ancient Rome had courts, right? You couldn't murder your wife without standing trial because you were violating the law but if you died whilst fighting for the empire that was nothing to worry about. As a woman you might be marginalized because of your gender but being marginalized is marginally better than being dead.
1) With regard to the military I am referring to women being able to have combat roles.
2) With regard to the dying/invalidation choice, it's a shitty choice, but it's still a choice whereas women have to advocate for policy change for combat roles.
3) Volunteer in greater numbers to change the male dominated administration or to see the front? Either way, they should not have been excluded from the front and I don't think females should have to swell their ranks for the policy to be equal.
4) I'll acknowledge the claim of stats at face value. Not going to get all EH about it. Regardless of the fact that being a politician is hard, that shouldn't gloss over the fact that rampant sexual harassment may pose a significant barrier to career advancement that men mostly (they can be victimized too) don't need to worry about aside from getting caught doing it.
5) Shitty feminists don't shake my belief that feminism is not the enemy of men's rights.
6) Ok but that's ancient Rome. If any of those laws were to be changed, who could have done it? Males. I'm not aware of any female senators. Additionally, in that clip she was talking about backwards societies that currently exist. Again, it is likely males in most of the societies in question that have the power to affect change, which I think is the bigger point.
Good arguments. Been a while since I've been in a debate that isn't a total flame war.