Hmm.. I am so late with all of these topics but I wanted to share some
information from my part of the world and also air/vent some of my worries about what's happening in the world right now. Since its deeply troubling me. I want to find that
happy middle to all of this and I know you guys too. Who wants a chaotic world?
First, I have no idea which thread to post this one since there are so many threads here which are interrelated regarding this issue. Second, I'm not European but I want to share something that might give an idea or a picture that "might or might not" happen or what will be the "after effects" in Europe of mass migration especially with a different culture/religion. I'm not an expert to anything just merely stating some information from what I know and from where I am that may help us analyze the situation hopefully. Since I want us to evolve for the better.. not for the worse.
So my country are dominantly Catholic like almost 88 percent with Muslims as the largest minority in our whole population. (We are originally an Islamic country though other ancestors are pagans/tribes then colonization came..) We now have 3 major regions: two regions are dominantly Catholic while the bottom region are where the majority of Muslims live for centuries. We have two largest rebel groups that wants to overthrow our government for decades; they are the major source of bombings in few of our cities. These rebel groups we have are all Muslims. They keep battling our government because they want to govern the country or they are highly against it. Keep in mind we are of the same ethnicity. So for decades.. we have civil wars on our bottom region in which the majority of us don't go there since its war-stricken places or deemed as not safe. In our national media, you always hear them taking hostages usually even targeting the foreigners especially Americans or recently Canadians in exchange of ransom which in return they use to buy bombs or guns. Also, the saddest part is.. their trademark punishment if you don't give into their demands. That is "beheading" of their hostages which I find too disturbing and that young kids are already taught how to kill at a very young age and that a few of them (esp. the intellectual ones/top university graduates) are now ISIS recruits.
Also, this is my observation.. in my city: we have Muslims too but they are in
small group. We have our own crimes but they never contributed to it. They are peacefully the ones who sell retail clothing, jewelries like bracelets made of fresh water pearls. I also have few Muslim friends, one said.. she doesn't want to be a Muslim anymore because it's like the rest of the world sees them as terrorists. The other one, he has applied in NASA and basing on his educational attainment and his skils.. etc. he is more than qualified but was denied because he has a father who has a Pakistani background and he may be a terrorist although he grew up in the West his whole life.
Since I've read some of the threads relating to this issue. With regards to rape cases, it's true there's higher risk basing on what I heard from my fellow Nurses who have worked in different Middle Eastern countries esp. Saudi and even from my Muslim friend who have been there for years. He even told me to stay away from Saudi and maybe just work in Dubai since it presents lesser risk than other Middle Eastern countries. They even said something like if they have seen the hair of the girl exposed; it's like you're already somewhat naked into their eyes or that you're tempting them. (That's why its important to cover up even you're not a Muslim when you work to their places.) Plus, my innermost fear is their kind of punishments if ever I work there like public executions since if you have committed an evil act; you should be persecuted in front of the public to make you an example of what will be the punishment for evil or that you're even seen as evil. My Muslim friends however aren't strict like they recognize and respect other faiths and highly aware. Majority of Muslims in my country though stick to their own so that they can maintain their ways and most if not all don't like to assimilate since they are thousands group together in a community.
So with Syrian refugees that comes in with huge number in Europe.. that worries me. Since Europe won't be the same.. with foreigners comes new "foreign" challenges and problems will be presented. I also think, we need to help them but it won't be easy at all. In fact it really takes a slow sure and healing process. Healing their traumas and educating them are important. Giving them higher awareness to what truly matters and that violence isn't normal way or part of life. That punishments doesn't include beheading or kneeling in public and your number of hits depends on how great is your sin. There must be an effective community integration.. they should adapt to their new environment and preserving their faith yet not try to change their environment and make it a place they are used to be. Oh how about fairness? if you welcome them to live on your land, how about equal privileges? like equal job opportunities? But then.. its easier said than done, so expect reality...
If ever you ask me if I want my country to accept Syrian refugees, I will still say yes but wishing they are only in good number of people. A number that both the people and the government can handle. My heart goes out to all of them and when we close our doors to those who need its never a solution but only adds spark to the fire. But you can't help if you don't have the capacity to help since both of you will just drown each other. Plus, with the threats of ISIS.. we can always fight them through our way of thinking and influencing the minds of the young people like the young Syrian refugees and that showing kindness will be an example of why there's always hope in the future.
This post is really long.. sorry; it's partly a rant too in my part lol.

I really wish we can find this happy middle in which we don't compromise the security and protection of the people in the country, the ideals of a free nation and most of all the future of our children and all generations to come. Also, we don't compromise our kindness and compassion.. which makes us human beings in the first place. Yes, we recognize our evil but it shouldn't win us. We recognize all of this negativity in this world but it can't change our smiles. We are stronger than this. All of these things happening in the world right now gives me an idea that it's like
it has always been a good vs evil no matter what religion or race we are. So know which side you are and then stand by it.