So how many peoples relationships with INTJ's have lasted?
if you have not had a successful ongoing relationship with an INTJ then i think it is reckless to advise any younger INFJ's reading this that INTJ's are compatible romantically (if you have no lasting track record)
Just be honest with people
Unless you see relationships as something to hats
''oh yes i liked that hat for a while, it made my head look good, but after a while it became uncomfortable so i stopped wearing it and got myself another hat that i liked for a while until i got bored of it and discarded that too...but both those hats will be fun for a bit, so you too should try them on''
To make a decision based on someone else's relationship experience is a shallow way to approach a relationship. No one is advising anyone to do anything. We are just discussing our experience.
There's nothing wrong with getting to know someone and deciding that it didnt work. Not everyone is going to find a fulfilling relationship with the first person they try with, nor do they have to
This forum is full of accounts of relationships going wrong with INTJ's
INTJ's and ENTJ's can be heard on this forum constantly arguing a more cynical line of argument
Also before replying to this post...go to the INTJ forum and hang out there for a while and see what you see
Please don't bother replying to this post until you have done that
i have lurked the intj forum in the past and decided not to join it for a number of reasons. I value my offline time far more than my online time.
i do not judge people based on my online experience. I dont assume i know the depth and complexity of any one i've met online. In my experience people behave differently online than they do in person. In my opinion, everyone is better in person, one on one. I do have Intj and Entj friends and they mean a lot to me.
Intjs, like intps and infps, take more time to get to know and connect with than extraverts like entp, enfp, or enfj and entj. There is slower period in establishing a friendship. They can be aloof and standoffish with people they arent familiar or comfortable with. I respect this, and with some paitence and time...this dynamic changes and they become in my opinion, absolutely brilliant friends, and there is quite a lot of depth, acceptance, personal growth, helpfulness, and respect in these friendships
I dare say that you are probably much more personable, polite, reasonable, empathetic, and overall kinder than you are online. if i honestly thought that you were the way you appear on this forum, i would ignore you. However, without knowing you in person....i give you the benefit of the doubt and i understand that you are more complex than any arbitary and pointless online persona, and i think of you as a person beyond the way you post.
Also, i would not judge other infjs based on your behaviour. As an infj, there is as much difference between us as similarities, as there is with all the infjs on this forum, and that i have known personally in real life.
i would also find it shallow and uncritical if someone read your posts and observed the way you interact online, and use it to make a judgement about me