I can vouch for the estp wanting to destroy the part of the INFJ which is different to them, that is my personal experience. He wanted to 'fix' me because he believed that he knew me better than I knew myself and that he could teach me to be a better person. It was infuriating.
Im really glad you posted this. That is how i felt too. But reading this now...i can see that i was doing that to him too, in my own way.
i think it was the most challenging, difficult, unhealthy, chaotic, confusing, misunderstood, explosive, hurtful, destructive, unhealthy...yet...fascinating, passionate, stripped, honest, powerful and transformative relationship ive ever had. It was like everything tuned to 'extreme', constantly colliding with someone yet not truly connecting. In hindsight, ive spent a lot of time analysing this relationship....it gave me a lot of material to work through lol...but i'll admit that ive enjoyed analysing it....like a bad trip almost....it is still good for learning and growth.
It forced me to work on my weaknesses and strengthen them, but also deligitimised and disregarded my strengths. Which is exaclty what i must have done to him advertantly. I guess it really is having a relationhip with your 'shadow'. Definately not a comfort zone relationship...i didnt imagine a relationship could be so uncomfortable. That someone could be that difficult to work with, that unreasonable, irresponsible, reckless, unsupportive, uncompassionate, aggresive, violent, emotional, erratic, irrational, cold, cruel. Or that 'fast', confident, logical, social, warm, friendly, thoughtful, intelligent, bright, fun ...so much powerful 'doing' energy, and ridiulously extraverted. It was good and enlightening to live that closely to the shadow, see myself when unhealthy acting like the worst of him, seeing him when unhealthy acting like the worst of me. absolutely fascinating. We pushed/forced eachother to behave in ways that felt unnatural and weakening, but were ultimately strengthening....although draining.
I cant explain or understand the closeness and kinship though. That was always there in its own way...just no true understanding.
in hindsight...i am very grateful for the experience....and am so happy with what it taught me and where it brought me....but i dont think i could live through it again...i could not survive that twice
i still remember the overwhelming peace when it was finally over...i had trouble leaving...i felt guilty...but enough was enough i moved on but wanted to remain friends.
And he prolonged it in the most painful way imaginable to me...called, sent me 10 page letters, emails, gifts, as well as showing up randomly, and a lot of abusive and hateful contact for 7 years after...very unfriendlike. He used me as his scapegoat for every problem that occured in his life...constantly told me that i had brought him low, had hurt him irreperably by breaking it off and moving on and not listening to him now. It was irrational and ridiculous....but it still really got to me at times. I hated thinking i had such a horrible effect on someone. But i know he was just using this as an excuse to not move on in his life and take responsibility for himself. He said 'love' and 'integrity' a lot, but thats not how love or integrity acts. I had to change my phone number and have spent a few sleepless nights literally in fear that he might burn my house down or make good on some of his threats. Thank fuck that its done now....it is such a relief...and i have forgiven him. Hope he has forgiven me and moved on
estps are great friends though. We get along so well in smaller doses
I don't know if this will lead to anything serious although it could but I met an ESFP, a very mature and a very smart one, who is the first person that I was ever able to open up with and share deep feelings and thoughts that I have never been able to share with anybody else. I was lucky to get to meet him one on one because if I had met him in a group of people then there is no way that I would have given him a second thought because he is so extroverted and loud and overly friendly that he would have totally scared me away. However, in a one on one situation, he is a totally different person, very caring and attentive, very wise and completely non-judgemental. The combination of the warmth and obvious caring and the non-judgement to me is comforting. Because my mother was an ESFP and her death 10 years ago has left a deep yearning for the warmth and love that she had for me I wonder sometimes if that is what drew me to this person.
Thats wonderful to hear. Yes people are so different one on one than in a group.
I have a couple of esfp friends, and a former business partner. There is much to like, especaily when they are healthy and mature. I find esfps are good people to work with, surprisingly practical, good natured, warm, kind, fun, easy going, understanding.
When immature...there is an aversion and fear of conflict that creates a crazy amount of conflict as a result, and an inability to deal with negativity which results in lots of stored up repression that manifests as other symptoms later. I find that some esfps can be remarkably un-self aware, despite having Fi...although...i had an esfp friend i studied psychology with, and she had honed her self awareness to a point that i was often in awe of her insight and wisdom.
I sometimes have trouble communicating with esfps...i have to watch my language and interaction style...but this may not be a bad thing at all
Also, it seems to me that we both respect and like each other....yet find each others ways inefficient and confusing sometimes
It is great to hear about this experience, and all the best with everything to you