This thread makes me smile. We confess our love on the internet! How INFJ-ish of us. lol
I havn't been around as much as I'd wanted to recently, otherwise i would've gotten to know some pretty amazing people. However, when i was around, i did connect with a few people and I appreciated/still appreciate their kindeness.
One that I really miss is Last Dawn. I don't know where he went, or what happened to him, but it seems he's no longer around here. If I'd have to choose a soul twin, it'd be him. I beleive we had lots of things in common, and we understood how the other thinks very well, mainly because we think and feel about things the same way. I wish he'd left me a way to contact him, an email or something. (If you're reading this, I hope you are well and happy )
Dragon. He's very caring, supportive and kind. I loved writing him and telling him my everyday random encounters, and knowing about his. I always looked forward to hearing from him. I don't wanna label him under crush, or friend or anything. He's just special and he has his own category. I don't think i've ever trusted anyone on the internet like I trust him. =)
The times when i was online constantly, I've come to make a few friends here that i felt comfortable with. I'm sorry, I didn't keep in touch, RL have been very demanding the past few months, but i say thank you for being amazing anyways. Neela and TDHT, I'd love to hear your news and know how you're doing (that's if you still remember who I am lol)
and I've come to admire others from afar, mainly because of how much older, wiser and kinder they are than I am, and I look up to them with respect: Arbygail, Nobleheart, Deneecy, Entyqua, Indigo.
I also find that there are some good looking memebers, like uberrogo, yeild and Shai (yes! Shai) but i don't think i'm crushing on any of them, coz one's too old for me, the other is taken and...just not my type but still good looking, and the last, we'd be fighting ,arguing and aimlessly debating about silly things all the time! (prior experience with ENTP)
I'm pretty sure that there are other people that i've havn't gotten to know yet and who are also amazing. OH! Morgain, i almsot forgot. I love how she's enthusiastic about this forum and about every topic that other members share. She's kind and lively and also one of the people I admire.