I'm joining the Appreciate Indy group, solely because I truly do appreciate him for the wonderful, beautiful, amazing individual he is. <3 Love you Indy..
As for crushes.... I have a few, okay I take it back I have a whole ton!

But they're not romantic crushes, they're more like wow, I'd love to sit and hold your hand and pick your brain crushes. Here are a few: Elf, BoredNow, QuestingPoet, Entyqua, NeveramI, Morgain, TDHT, Efromm, Dylan, Mooseman, Afrelen, ACD, Uberoggo, DimensionX, Indy, Flavus Aquila, AzureKnight, Billy, Alcyone, Arbygil, ENFPcanbeshy, Devildoll, Jester, Sithious, Lucifer, TLM, DJ, Silently Honest.. holy heck I could go on all day. If you're not on the list, it means nothing, I'm pretty sure I have some sort of crush on you.. *yes, even you shai*
Romantic crush.... eNeM. **blush**
Twin souls, Youhemmein and MF