Reveal your INFJ-board crush! Also, your twin soul :P

I take it by "appreciate" you mean kidnap and force into having bumlove
"Appreciate" can mean whatever you want it to mean.
Am I the only one who thinks this isn't a nice or fair way to talk about someone? An appreciation of beauty doesn't need to be degrading.
Am I the only one who thinks this isn't a nice or fair way to talk about someone? An appreciation of beauty doesn't need to be degrading.

<3 i love you for saying that. really, hope indigo doesn't mind this, im assuming he has a sense of humor about it. if he doesnt ill be the first to apologize :|
I doubt he'll mind but if so I apologise in advance.

Edit: Besides this is actually flattering, not degrading. I genuinley like Indigo. I wouldn't joke like this if I didn't.
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Am I the only one who thinks this isn't a nice or fair way to talk about someone? An appreciation of beauty doesn't need to be degrading.

Okay to straighten it out, the way I've acted here is part of my strange, twisted, and overblown humour. I do however enjoy all of Indigo's posts and can't deny he's a good looking guy.

Maybe I've gone over the top, but the group still stands unless I get any more protest.

Carry on with the thread by all means. I'll just hang my head in shame...
Elf is right, it's not right to tease someone who isn't even here. Indigo, if you're reading this, I'm sorry. let's just get back to what this thread was original about, crushes.
I have a crush on Elf, for stopping the madness when it was going too far :)
Three girls. Two boys.
I'm joining the Appreciate Indy group, solely because I truly do appreciate him for the wonderful, beautiful, amazing individual he is. <3 Love you Indy.. :)

As for crushes.... I have a few, okay I take it back I have a whole ton! :D But they're not romantic crushes, they're more like wow, I'd love to sit and hold your hand and pick your brain crushes. Here are a few: Elf, BoredNow, QuestingPoet, Entyqua, NeveramI, Morgain, TDHT, Efromm, Dylan, Mooseman, Afrelen, ACD, Uberoggo, DimensionX, Indy, Flavus Aquila, AzureKnight, Billy, Alcyone, Arbygil, ENFPcanbeshy, Devildoll, Jester, Sithious, Lucifer, TLM, DJ, Silently Honest.. holy heck I could go on all day. If you're not on the list, it means nothing, I'm pretty sure I have some sort of crush on you.. *yes, even you shai*

Romantic crush.... eNeM. **blush**

Twin souls, Youhemmein and MF
Since seeing Chaz half naked I find myself strangely attracted to his man boobs.

One is stubborn with their morals.
One goes RAWR.
One is logical and always asking us to think.
One is looking for answers.
One is simply gorgeous, kind, and has a similar life to me.