...crushes feels kinda...*shrug* adolescent to me...and Romantically no one really gets my goose...BUT I have some very DEEP admiration for a few of you...
QP, MF, NAI- (look all letter abbreviations...weird) ANYWAY you guys get me on a level most people fail to achieve, I respect, and admire each of you deeply...You have gone far beyond the call of friendship. I dont think i can ever tell you guys how much you have helped me...*huggles* Im pretty sure I love you guys...just sayin...
BoredNow...I think you are the closest to an actual crush crush I come to! You are savvy, sexy and sophisticated. I love your style, your pizazz and your flare! If I weren't married, I would be fighting for a place as your lesbian lover babe!
NV, you are a kindred soul, and I find myself just wanting to know more...but you have been very sparse lately.
Dneecey, You are beautiful. Your smile is warm and it always makes me feel good inside to see it. Despite your hardships, you are always giving us that beautiful smile. you are a strong woman. I admire you deeply.
youhemmein...I have always loved and admired you, your strength, and your beauty. You are also one tough cookie. (and your funny when your drunk hehe)
Indy...obvious...read thread...
Arby You are probably one of my favorite people on here...You lift everyone up when they are down, you know the right thing to say every time, AND you are hot! I would love to sit and talk about writing with you over coffee sometime!
Im sure there are more...I know there is more...but this post is getting long and mushy...dont step in it!