Reveal your INFJ-board crush! Also, your twin soul :P

[MENTION=1519]The Jester[/MENTION] and i were separated at birf. whilst in the womb we played Super Mario Bros. 3 and saved the princess 4700 times.
I believe @mochi is guessing who has a crush on whom. Translation: " @sandra_b and @This sitting in a tree..."

hahahahaha if that's the case then it's more like "Sandra_b has a crush on @This but he does not feel the same." Unrequited love hurts. Thanks for rubbing it in @mochi . Thanks a LOT.

Just kidding. I actually do have a forum crush but I have mostly kept that to myself. But I suppose I can't hold it in any longer. I am really in love with @TheDaringHatTrick .
hahahahaha if that's the case then it's more like "Sandra_b has a crush on @This but he does not feel the same." Unrequited love hurts. Thanks for rubbing it in @mochi . Thanks a LOT.

Just kidding. I actually do have a forum crush but I have mostly kept that to myself. But I suppose I can't hold it in any longer. I am really in love with @TheDaringHatTrick .

This has bad taste.
hahahahaha if that's the case then it's more like "Sandra_b has a crush on @This but he does not feel the same." Unrequited love hurts. Thanks for rubbing it in @mochi . Thanks a LOT.

Just kidding. I actually do have a forum crush but I have mostly kept that to myself. But I suppose I can't hold it in any longer. I am really in love with @TheDaringHatTrick .

I'd be a good boyfriend to you, Sandra. But if you're still dealing with rejection from This, it would appear that I'm the rebound... *pout*
Actually I thought the post [MENTION=1834]sandra_b[/MENTION] made in her blog about being a good wife actually didn't sound too bad in a husband. I think that she would make an excellent husband for you [MENTION=1360]TheDaringHatTrick[/MENTION]

BTW, [MENTION=3876]mochi[/MENTION] your arrow is going the wrong way. I have collected Huggybun's forum love like the tribute that Tiffany feels is owed to her. :m096:
I don't know if I could have a twin soul on this forum. Sometimes I feel like [MENTION=4598]hush[/MENTION] could be my twin soul in a parallel universe. Or maybe [MENTION=3876]mochi[/MENTION] or [MENTION=4742]eloquent_leo[/MENTION] .

There are a lot of members I drool over (pls, not a pun), but some recent additions to the list are:
[MENTION=4956]Asarya[/MENTION] of course!
[MENTION=4798]Endersgone[/MENTION] ;)
[MENTION=5145]AKM[/MENTION] nub power!!

And [MENTION=4822]Matt3737[/MENTION] ... when will you learn that monkey can't buy you love?

<wipes drool off of head><wonders what in the world she did to deserve this???><blushes> Aw shucks.
Actually I thought the post @sandra_b made in her blog about being a good wife actually didn't sound too bad in a husband. I think that she would make an excellent husband for you @TheDaringHatTrick

Oh I have no doubt she would! [MENTION=1834]sandra_b[/MENTION] is a keeper. But I changed my mind. I have decided I rather like the thrill of the chase. The excitement. The whole 'will-they-or-won't-they?' tension. To combine equal parts torrid love-affair and playfulness. And you, @Stormy1 , can be the sassy best friend, the chagrined, ever slick slinger of quips that we both eventually fall in love with and seriously start considering polyandry.

I might have thought this through a bit too much.
[MENTION=1360]TheDaringHatTrick[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1834]sandra_b[/MENTION]

The only way it could work is if you both adored me the most and constantly fought each other for my affection. Oh and presents, lots of presents. Tiffany loves presents....

There is never such a thing as overthinking something is there? That sounds like Feeler Twaddle.
I do still totally crush on [MENTION=2890]Lerxst[/MENTION] :)
As for twin souls...I wouldn't wish that on anyone!
@TheDaringHatTrick and @sandra_b

The only way it could work is if you both adored me the most and constantly fought each other for my affection. Oh and presents, lots of presents. Tiffany loves presents....

There is never such a thing as overthinking something is there? That sounds like Feeler Twaddle.

My nails are sharpened and ready, though due to my feelings for TDHT I don't know if I could bring myself to harm her.
@The Jester and i were separated at birf. whilst in the womb we played Super Mario Bros. 3 and saved the princess 4700 times.

That would be so awesome.
I loved that game when I was a kid.

God, I haven't gamed for such a long time. I've been thinking about picking a game up again one of these days, but I never get to it.

I wouldn't mind visiting you guys Chrissie, even though I'd have to stop myself from cracking Stephen Hawking-jokes out of fear for retaliation by dat_boi.
My nails are sharpened and ready, though due to my feelings for TDHT I don't know if I could bring myself to harm her.

No harm needed. Just a few, key rips and tears in a couple articles of clothing and we'll all be good. :m131:
I swear I'm just a tailor trying to drum up more business. ;) :m122:
@TheDaringHatTrick and @sandra_b

The only way it could work is if you both adored me the most and constantly fought each other for my affection. Oh and presents, lots of presents. Tiffany loves presents....

Like Twilight!


There is never such a thing as overthinking something is there? That sounds like Feeler Twaddle.

Everything but your own thinking is Feeler Twaddle to you, Stormy dear. You know it :P

My nails are sharpened and ready, though due to my feelings for TDHT I don't know if I could bring myself to harm her.

Damn, what gave me away?!

My super mad detective skills. lololol :P

hahahahaha if that's the case then it's more like "Sandra_b has a crush on @This but he does not feel the same." Unrequited love hurts. Thanks for rubbing it in @mochi . Thanks a LOT.

You're welcome ;3 lol

Seriously speaking, @Sali --> [MENTION=1834]sandra_b[/MENTION] was more questionmark/maybe.