I'm going to attempt in this thread to give some background context to some of the changes we are seeing in our society; these ideas will not be taught in 'womens studies' because this post is an expose of the people behind things like 'womens studies' (where are the 'mens studies'?!!!)
In marxist theory the aim is to transition a capitalist society to a marxist society
Now there have been various moves in this direction but no country actually achieved a communist state; they never got past the transitional stage which was called ''the dictatorship of the proletariat''
What this means is that the workers never got to that glorious stage where they would own and control the means of production....and lets be clear 'workers' means men and women
What always ruined things was that the powerful interests would not allow the full transition....they would always cease control at the dictatorship of the proletariat stage
This stage was as it says a dictatorship which is to say when power is all centralised
What this means is that the vast majority of men and women are frozen out of the decision making and a very small group of people get to call the shots; this dissenfranchises the majority of men and women (the 'workers')
Capitalism is basically dead in the US and UK now as there is no such thing as 'too big to fail' in capitalism and the bank bail outs represent what some call a 'socialism of the loses' (ie the mistakes of the banks was then paid for by everyone)
What is taking its place is a rise in the STATE. The state is growing and one method through which it is gaining new powers is through so called 'terror' laws where the state takes away your civil liberties in the name of fighting 'terrorism'
The STATE is also increasing the powers of social workers to take children off their parents
The marxists basically did what they called the 'long march through the institutions' (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudi_Dutschke) which was a plan for the marxists to infiltrate all areas of US and UK life in order to take over and sabotage the capitalist society
The marxists talk about creating a 'revolutionary consciousness' in the public which basically means that they want the public to become so sick of capitalist society that they willingly accept a new marxist society
In the UK we even have a marxist political party ('labour') calling for a 'reset' of the british constitution!!!!!!!!!
I think many of us would welcome a change at this point but we need to be careful that we don't change to a system that is worse
The marxists want a centralised state that has total control over every aspect of our lives; if the recent paedophilia scandals within the US and UK establishment prove anything it is that the state is dangerous. States have also killed more people through war then anyone else. States can incarcerate you, kill you, take your children from you, take your house from you, take your wealth from you and pretty much anything else it wants to do
One way the marxists conceived of sabotaging capitalist society was through turning women against men. To achieve this they created a militant brand of 'feminism' called 'marxist feminism' and this has received massive financial funding from wealthy backers like george soros making it one fo the most visible and influencial strands within feminism (arguably feminism has been totally hijaked by it)
The marxists have been supported by the bankers and other powerful people who are the very 1% that the occupy movement was complaining about because they have stolen all the money
So why would the richest people be supporting marxism?
They do not want to create a socialist system where the workers own and control the means of production; they want to create a 'state-socialist' system where the state controls the means of production...and guess who would control the state?
You guessed it....the 1% would control the state
This centralised state would have total spying powers (the NSA spy programmes are just the beginning of this) and they would raise the children so that the parents cannot pass on their values to the children. The marxists want the state to pass on marxist values to the children (think of those clips on youtube of rows of chinese children in uniforms all repeating marxist slogans like programmed robots)
The marxists see the nuclear family as the cornerstone of capitalism and one of the aims of the marxists has been to replace the family with the state
The parents are to become mere tax paying workers for the state, whilst the state raises the children and indoctrinates them into marxist state thinking
marxist feminism is part of cultural marxism and it is not about creating equality for the sexes, it is about turning women against men
We are now seeing this process materialising in various laws and cultural shifts
For example we are seeing men being destroyed in the divorce courts; this then provides women with a strong incentive to leave men which in turn helps break up the nuclear family
The state takes the taxes of the workers and it gives them to single mums to subsidise them whilst the state is creating more state funded childcare; this incentivises the women to leave her partner knowing that the state will pay to support her financially and will look after (and indoctrinate) her children whilst she herself goes to work; this also disincentivises people from trying to work through problems or receive relationship counselling
We are seeing new domestic abuse laws that will throw men in prison for 'coercing' their partners; this will discourage men from standing up for themselves within relationships for fear of legal reprisals if the woman decides she is offended by anything he says
Then there is cultural pressures on women now to succeed in their 'careers' so that women have begun to see careers as the end in itself rather than the means to the end whereas before that the end was having rewarding relationships and raising a family
In pop culture like movies and TV programmes and even adverts men are increasingly portrayed as idiots or as the less capable sex whilst women are being portrayed as stronger and stronger. In movies women are increasingly portrayed as violent, often punching out men
Feminism meanwhile pushes women to compete with men by constantly talking about things like the failure to achieve 'equal pay' and the 'glass ceiling' and so on; through this process and the much media hyped 'battle of the sexes' women are now being conditioned to not seek equality but rather the domination of men through the domination of the workplace and corridors of power (i want to be clear i have no problem with EQUALITY but i do have a problen with one sex being preferentially helped to enable them control over the other)
The economy meanwhile has been changed to a 'service economy' where soft skills are valued more which favours women. The problem with a service economy is that it doesn't produce anything tangible (whereas a manufacturing economy does) all it does is print money which is why our economy is failing
All these moves and more besides are basically aimed at removing the powers of men whilst giving all the powers to women (in order to break down the fabric of capitalist society); what this then does is creates a more combatative and aggressive modern woman who has a chip on her shoulder about 'male oppression' so she sets out to trample over men both at work and at home
Another attack on men has come in the form of gender bending chemicals in plastics such as 'PCB's' which can even be found in babies milk bottles!!!! These chemicals are lowering male sperm counts causing an increasing drop in male fertility with each generation. It is also feminising men making them less likely to resist authority (ie the state)
Men have responded to this new environment in a number of ways. Some have closed down completely and entered a fantasy land of computer games so that they don't need to face the real world. Some have committed suicide to escape altogther from a world in which they feel despondant and not at all valued by society. Some have turned to porn instead of real relationships and porn if used often can rewire the brain (as can computer games). Some men have turned to prostitution to meet their physical needs with recent studies finding that 1 in 10 british men have paid for sex. However prostitution laws have been changed so that the men seeking sex are punished rather than the women providing the sex thereby dissincentivising men from turning to prostitution to meet their physcial needs
Recent news articles have covered advances in robotics with some companies working on sex robots. It very much looks like in the very near future mass produced sex robots will become available.
Considering that of the two genders men are the ones who are sexually aroused through visual stimuli i think the market will mostly be men.
It doesn't take a genius to realise that what will happen with the various changes in law is that men will become increasingly wary of women and will increasingly refuse to get involved in relationships (marriage is dying out rapidly); instead many men will turn to other outlets such as porn, prostitution and sex robots
The laws will become tougher on men turning to prostitution so men will then fall back on sex robots. The corporations churning these out will make large profits and at some point they will merge with the virtual reality computer simulation market
Men will become hooked on sex with technology as it involves no hastles and no dangers of legal punishment for arguing with their partner or of having their wealth removed in divorce courts
In turn this will leave women increasingly without partners and over the next decade they will begin to re-evaluate whether 'careers' really are the best thing in life and if men really had such a good deal by having to go to work all the time.
However we are at the moment at the transitional phase so men are becoming more despondant and relationships are becoming more and more temporary and found through russian roulette style serial online dating
There is also an increase in casual sex apps like tinder where men and women will meet up for casual no-strings attached sex
The result of all of this is the breakdown of relationships and families with the state being the net winner as they tie men and women into tax paying wage slavery whilst increasingly raising and indoctrinating their children
The state will become increasingly intrusive and will reach into peoples homes and bodies through various invasive surveillance technology and microchip implants
Personally i'd like to see men and women take power back off the state for example through debt cancellation, direct democracy (people voting on all issues instead of gravy train riding politicians) and also a flat payment of for example 20,000 paid to every citizen every year
For this to happen men and women will need to realise that they are being turned against each other (divide and rule) and they should instead unite and stand together against the state
The other issue that needs addressed in society in a mature and responsible way is the biological differences between men and women. So for example women are the gender who give birth so we need to value their role in that whilst men are sexually stimulated visually more than women which means that the sex impulse is a greater driving force for men; the current approach to that due to marxist feminist influence is to demonise men as being no better than animals for having a sexual impulse. However the sexual impulse is one reason why our species has been so successful so it seems a little late in the day to criticise it!
One way in which this issue can be lessened is through a lessening of the sexualisation of society that has come through 'consumerism' which sells goods through the number one rule of marketting: ''sex sells''
Because of consumerism men are bombarded with sexualised images in movies, pop music videos, fashion, billboards, magazines, TV and so on and because men are more visually stimulated than women the sexualisation of culture has an unequal effect on men. As i have predicted above men will increasingly turn away from women and towards technology as an outlet for the energies created through the sexualisation of society while the state gains greater and greater powers over both women and men