Ridiculous arguments in relationships

I think his taste in music sucks (: and of course you absolutely do not criticize a man's playlist. lol
my boyfriend called me dumb in a serious tone because I said something wrong.
so what did I do?
Went for his weak spot. And tickled him till he pee'd himself. hehe :D
I've had all kinds of ridiculous arguments. They seem to come about like rare astronomical events where a bunch of planetary transits and alignments coincide in such a way that something unusual but spectacular happens. Like, nobody slept well last night, it's 105 degrees out, she's on the heaviest day of her period, the cats defecated all over the carpet and I'm stressed to the max with work. Everything is a powder keg at that point. Then someone can't find the chunky peanut butter and everything just erupts.

They're also the easiest arguments to laugh off once things settle a bit.
I literally argued with my boyfriend for an entire day because he wanted to get a cat and asked me if I would take allergy meds regularly since I am allergic. Though it was probably stupid of me to go the animal shelter and hold cats with him in the first place in the hope that I would miraculously find a cat that didn't make me wheeze.. I shouldn't have even entertained the thought with him in the first place...But i wanted a cat, too :-/

He also always thinks I steal his socks.
today i am such a bitch.
it doesn't take much to set me off when i'm in this mode and mike should have known better than to try his control freak shit on me.
to start out i woke up sick as a dog and still had things i had to do. he tells me to stop by his office for a ride home after the doctor's and my shopping, so i did
i walk in the door, start to say something to my daughter (who works for him in the office) and he comes out walks right in between us and interrupts with some stupid question to her. it seems he does this whenever i show up there, even though he insists i go there when i'm downtown. then he treats me like i'm in the way and disrupting everyone's time and work.
i freaked on him. told him i was not coming back to his office until he could be civil and treat me with some respect. i also told him he was a control freak and a jerk and i don't know how anyone would want to work for a micromanager in the first place....blah blah blah
i was on a roll.
so now he will have a shit day, i will have a shit day, and nothing will get resolved. we've been to this place before several times.
the problem is that he has no idea how to manage an office, so the atmosphere is very slack there at times, then he gets pissed off because his gals are chatting. so yeah wait until i get there and then dump your angst on me.