Right or Left Brain exercise

First off, I don't know what's wrong with you all. I can see her go counter clockwise, clockwise and then she does a back flip whilst holding a tray of hors d'oeuvres and mixing a martini...

For the record I only see her go counter clockwise, but what I find particularly interesting about this thread is that the desirable outcome is to see her moving in both directions. The psychology behind that is really something we should talk about. Is that an INFJ trait to want to be so appealing to the masses or to master both sides of an equation...or is that a human trait? Does it tie into enneagrams? Does the fact that I'm a feeler, yet use my left brain tie into the INFJ feeling of conflict between who I present to people and who I truly am? Thoughts?
I wasn't trying to be appealing to anyone in any way, but I definitely like figuring things out. If I couldn't figure out how to see it both ways I would be really annoyed by it and probably keep trying forever until I could. Is that stubbornness to "get" something an INFJ trait?
She starts clockwise, but I can switch her back and forth at will. Odd, since I have always been told I am right brained. It seems I have use of both.
I wasn't trying to be appealing to anyone in any way, but I definitely like figuring things out. If I couldn't figure out how to see it both ways I would be really annoyed by it and probably keep trying forever until I could. Is that stubbornness to "get" something an INFJ trait?

For the super undeveloped infj's (like you) it is. Super developed infj's (like me) pick their battles more. Once WW3 comes around, and I'm enlisted into the military, I'll be stubborn. I'm definitely pushing for an advanced bazooka cannon over a standard weapon.
She starts clockwise, but I can switch her back and forth at will. Odd, since I have always been told I am right brained. It seems I have use of both.

Maybe women have an easier time of this?


"The corpus callosum and its relation to gender has been a subject of debate in the scientific and lay communities for over a century. Initial research in the early 20th century claimed the corpus to be different in size between men and women. That research was in turn questioned, and ultimately gave way to more advanced imaging techniques that appeared to refute earlier correlations. The new advent of physiologic based imaging has altered the paradigm dramatically, with the relationship between gender and the corpus callosum becoming a subject of increasing numbers of studies in recent years. Both neurologist Roger Gorski of the University of California at Los Angeles and author/brain surgeon Leonard Schlain, M.D. have stated that women have 30% more connections to the left and right hemispheres than men."


Or maybe it is entirely inconsequential if this exercise turns out to actually have nothing to do with left or right brain usage.
For the super undeveloped infj's (like you) it is. Super developed infj's (like me) pick their battles more. Once WW3 comes around, and I'm enlisted into the military, I'll be stubborn. I'm definitely pushing for an advanced bazooka cannon over a standard weapon.

Instead of being "super undeveloped," "lying" or exhibiting whatever other undesirable behaviors or traits you have in mind, perhaps some people just see the world differently
I wasn't trying to be appealing to anyone in any way, but I definitely like figuring things out. If I couldn't figure out how to see it both ways I would be really annoyed by it and probably keep trying forever until I could. Is that stubbornness to "get" something an INFJ trait?

I was just curious. :) Thank you for indulging me. I had left her open in another tab on my browser, went and made something to eat and when I came back she was spinning the other way. I liked that it just happened. I wonder what I was thinking about that made me switch...hrm. :)
Everytime I've seen this, I can pretty much only see the dancer spinning clockwise (indicating right brain use), so I was almost stunned to see it spinning anti-clockwise today. I've looked up again after a while and seen it go back the other way.

I found reading the article and taking in the details seemed to help turn her spinning clockwise, where as looking down at her feet and imagining what she might say if she were to speak, helped me see her change direction back to anti-clockwise.

I guess it shows something about perceptions as much as left or right brain usage. We believe what we see (mostly) and our brains try to 'make sense' of whatever image/sound we receive. Like thsoe setnences weher teh wrods aer mesesd up btu we cna sitll raed tehm.
First I saw it this way:

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

But then I tried to see it clockwise...and now that's the only way I can see it. What does that mean?

Also...does anyone know what it means if I can't see those 3D pictures?? I've never been able to see the scene in those...
whoa what a neat test!

I saw the figure going clockwise.

I worked for a few mins and made it go counter...

Played with going back and forth...

so interesting!
I think this thing has a loop or else my computer just glitches for a millisecond every once and a while... she often changes direction for me when it does this... aka every couple seconds. :p I don't know which one it started on or it that even matters.
It changes for me. When it was going clockwise I started to think something logical, try to find something out by logic and it changed, then I tried to feel something and when I caught with the corner of my eye my brother moving his arm a bit, she changed directions. So...