Right or Left Brain exercise

I've seen this before... maybe somewhere on this forum even. It's easy for me to see it both ways. I use to have trouble seeing it counter clockwise but it only takes a second for me to see it switch now. I always initially see it spin clockwise though.
what does it mean if you notice the dancer has nipples?
Thoes are all right brain activities. To get her to spin CCW, you need to do things like math in your head.

Uh, did you read what I wrote, I did try math. And analyzing and looking at specific bodyparts is left brain actions, as it is logic thinking, and you're not looking at the "whole picture"
USE Any FINGER!!!!turn your finger clockwise or anti-clockwise!it always works for me..and look at her foot...

Thanks for the tip. I see counter-clockwise by default. I've seen it go clockwise before, but just couldn't make that happen today. So, I scrolled down until only her "middle" foot was visible. THAT was much easier to perceive as clockwise. Then just gradually scroll up. Voi la!

IndigoSensor, try it this way! :)

EDIT: Whoa. I watched her go clockwise for about a minute, and couldn't go back to counter-clockwise! Even when I scrolled down and just looked at the foot! It took about 5 minutes to get her to go the other way again... Weird.
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I was told clasping your two hands together with fingers locked is a sign of right or left brain dominance - if your right thumbs is over the top then your right dominated and vice versa, apparently.
uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images


I think I'm more 50/50 though..
It usually appears clockwise(right brain) to me. Only once did it I see it go counter-clockwise - and that was after I was reading some heavy intellectual stuff.
For for all of a second, I saw it go counter clockwise which is unusual for me but, like I said, for only a second and then the dancer started going clockwise which is the way I usually see it. I can make it spin the other way if I really want to by closing my left eye and doing math.
I didn't even think to try performing brain side-specific functions. I just made it go clockwise and counter-clockwise. It's always been pretty natural for me to switch illusion perceptions around though out of curiosity. This one's not too different and it can change pretty easily. :m190:

What's really odd though is that for a number of years I was heavily left brained, and it's only bee the past few that I've been actively allowing right brain dominance in most things.
Every time I look I have looked at this in the past, I see it going counter clockwise. This time is no different. People say you can "force" it to shift, but I have tried all the methods and for the life of me I can not see it the other way.

It's odd too because I am a near 50/50 split between left and right brain.

Same here. I always test almost exactly 50/50, and yet I can only see it moving counter-clockwise.

It's actually kind of frustrating me.
Nevermind. I see it going clockwise now and can't get it going the other way.

I was in debate mode last night. Perhaps that's why.

My weakness lies in trying to switch between the two.
Right Brained.

I see it going clockwise by default. However I can make it switch. You have to focus on the legs and tell yourself that the elevated leg is in front of the other when normally it would be behind, after a couple rotations you may get it.
Counter clockwise for me initially, but if I focus, I can make her go clockwise.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies
i honestly became confused. Are judging movement based on the body's position or which leg tilts?
i honestly became confused. Are judging movement based on the body's position or which leg tilts?

Which way is her body rotating; if its easier, focus on her point foot and follow with your eyes. Which way is she turning? Clockwise or counter-clockwise?
If she were standing on a clock...

When I first look at her, she's always going counterclockwise, but it seems wrong somehow, and if I look away and stop thinking about it, when I look back she's going clockwise.

However, I have tried and tried to get her to spin the other direction (regardless of which way she is going) while looking at her, and I cannot... and I tried for a long while.
I see her moving clockwise.

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking
50/50. She keeps changing! Well, a little more right than left...

I wish though, that this concept wasn't so categorized considering the popularity. It's definitely more complex.
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