Russia raids gay bars and sauna across Moscow

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  • It was coming

  • Total control

  • Not fair

  • Tired of it myself

  • Don't stir the pot

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“Don’t stir the pot” lol
Sounds like police want to dip their ladles into some borscht and top it all off with sour cream
Iʼve never understood why I, or anyone else, should care about how, or who, other people are consensually fucking.

Itʼs none of my business.

Also, Iʼd appreciate being given the same disregard, as it is no one elseʼs business.

I bet youʼd like to be offered the same. Sure thing, enjoy yourself.

It never fails...if someone is up in othersʼ business as it regards what they do, or not, with their genitals, you can be sure that the stink of authoritarians, social theists, and judgmental moralists will be not just rank, but absolutely stultifying.

The Best to You and Yours,
Iʼve never understood why I, or anyone else, should care about how, or who, other people are consensually fucking.

Itʼs none of my business.

Also, Iʼd appreciate being given the same disregard, as it is no one elseʼs business.

I bet youʼd like to be offered the same. Sure thing, enjoy yourself.

It never fails...if someone is up in othersʼ business as it regards what they do, or not, with their genitals, you can be sure that the stink of authoritarians, social theists, and judgmental moralists will be not just rank, but absolutely stultifying.

The Best to You and Yours,
I never noticed LGBT people much until the last few years. That isn't to say there weren't any around, but they just blended in with everyone else, so that very few people's sexuality really stood out; be it heterosexual or homosexual.

The rare exceptions of public displays of affection, which were really the sexualisation of public areas was relatively rare, and almost universally criticised. No one thought couples making out in public was a good thing.

However, it seems like public displays of gayness and to a lesser extent, public displays of straightness are trending in big cities. I can't say that I'm a fan of it.

Like you, I prefer people's sexuality be none of my business, so I concomitantly prefer that people keep their sexuality out of my business and to themselves. To that end, if there's the societal question of whether we opt in or opt out of having titty bars, gay bars, porn bars, BDSM clubs, happy ending clubs, etc, I opt out.

Anticipating an objection in terms of "freedom of business", or the freedom of making commercial venues to cater for absolutely any market and to market any product/service, I'm not sure anarchocaptialism is a good paradigm for society.
It's ironic to claim to be preserving family values while stuffing any remotely eligible fathers and sons you can find into a Ukrainian meat grinder. Maybe it's a pretext for intimidating potential threats (such as political rivals or their families) who may be homosexual. Perhaps it's also a broad attempt to step on populations that may be more routinely outspoken against the war and his authoritarianism.
However, it seems like public displays of gayness and to a lesser extent, public displays of straightness are trending in big cities. I can't say that I'm a fan of it.
Nor am I, Matty. I am sick of seeing it on TV. I am sick of people advertising it. It is not just this, though. Heck, I'm sick of a lot of things on the media and in the papers being broadcasted every time I try to look at something.

Like you said in your own way, keep it to yourself. Don't show it in front of our children. That is really taking this to an extreme. Do it with who you want, but not in my front yard. Not on my TV. Go buy a porn movie and watch it at home, if you want to see this.

We used to call it making love, and people who got extreme with their streaking and other forms of nakedness in public were jailed.

Changing the subject, there were a few things going on back when I was a young man that people grew tired of seeing. I must be cryptic, so sorry. I told men of influence to just keep it out of my face. I was tired of reading about it. I was tired of seeing it in newspapers every week. Keep it out of my face!!
Which they did. Years passed, and I found myself surrounded by it. Sooner or later, certain things become obvious to certain people. It must become less obvious again, or get out of the way. Let me show you how it is done.

It reminds me of "Black Lives Matter". Well, White Lives Matter. Latin Lives Matter. Lives Matter. Yeah. Lives Matter. And who is racist?

I never could understand why people doing things considered unorthodox want to brag about it. Why do they want to bring more attention to themselves? So they can blame someone when they say something against it?
It seems they want to fight over it. Sue over it. I used to like rainbows, especially those with two rainbows with a deep purple background. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a rainbow now. It is a movement, the movement is extreme, and good for Putin.
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Extremists, he says.

Putin has always instilled basic family values. What think ye?
I think that Putin is probably following the Despot Manual here. This says that any freedom of thought, or independence of culture, opinion or way of life, results in a population that cannot be controlled from the centre. All the better if the means of exerting such control are aligned with traditional ethical beliefs. I'm not saying that these ethics are valid or not - that's a separate issue - but that a despot can use them for ulterior purposes. Even the Devil is quite happy to quote The Bible for his own ends.
Funny. I never would have looked at it that way.

Used to love watching Maxwell Smart, Secret Agent. He worked for Control, and the bad guys worked for Chaos.
It's a tender balance, isn't it? When do the values of societal life have the right to interfere with our right to a private life and right to conduct businesses based on our interests?
It's a tender balance, isn't it? When do the values of societal life have the right to interfere with our right to a private life and right to conduct businesses based on our interests?
If our business, whether personal or commercial, is consensual between or among those involved, there is no right to interfere.

If liberty, and recognition of autonomy and agency are valued, with associated valuation of consent, that is.

In systems of authoritarianism, where might makes right, the system can interfere with anything it likes. In such situations, nonconsent by force is the way. Actions in this way are on a gradient spectrum which includes rape and extrajudicial execution.

And yes, I am very necessarily biased. :)
