The problem with posters and ideas like this is these ideas are somewhat nebulous and have differing opinions:
E.g. what is a "fair share," why should some have to pay more than others, etc.
But yes, I agree, his ideas for the most part are not, by definition radical, at least to younger generations.
Well…what’s really irritating are the generations that benefitted from these things in the 50’s, 60’s, and most of the 70’s like affordable college…affordable healthcare…corporations paying their fair share….are the one’s crying about giving to subsequent generations.
If they could see the monopolies we have in the country today Johnson and Ike would roll over in their graves.
It was never supposed to go too far below a certain percentage…that was one of those pesky regulations that the GOP and the Tea Baggers have always wanted to do away with and keep away. That was to insure true actual competition that is essential to a Capitalist system…we smashed the rule and look at what we have…the illusion of differences of opinion…Fox, CNN, MSNBC…they are all laughing to the banks. “Hey did you hear what so and so said over at Fox?” “I know and then so and so said that other thing at MSNBC back at them…hahahaha…look at the sheep scatter.”
And sorry people but the "Reagan tax cut experiment” where it’s supposed to trickle down and shit…doesn’t work.
You build your foundation first always…that means treating the working/middle class like they deserve to be treated…man and woman aren’t even paid fairly in this day and age…are you fucking kidding me? What year is this? Woman have been wearing their big girl pants for a long time and most can run circles around us men - they shouldn’t be paid a percentage of what I make because I have a dick.
Some people used to pay taxes in the 91% range…and no one is proposing going back to those numbers…not even close.
Most of Sander’s plans introduce single digit percentage changes and taxes on things like market speculation.
I’m sure all those investment bankers can wait the extra two weeks to finish their fucking wine cellar made from imported, endangered wood.
And we have an estimated $21 Trillion parked in offshore island tax havens…so who is paying for the social programs the middle class and poor need….the middle class and poor….then Fox demonizes them and blames them for the financial ruin of this country.