Seeker at heart
- Enneagram
- 146
You can't observe attributes in something that does not exist.
Well I can, because I'm a fictionalist.
You're on the right track though. The fallacy in the proof has to do with existence.
You can't observe attributes in something that does not exist.
Another problem too is that Satan is not actually the opposite of god in the way you defined him - at least in the biblical idea of him. He’s just a very very naughty boy.Well I can, because I'm a fictionalist.
You're on the right track though. The fallacy in the proof has to do with existence.
Well I can, because I'm a fictionalist.
You're on the right track though. The fallacy in the proof has to do with existence.
Another problem too is that Satan is not actually the opposite of god in the way you defined him - at least in the biblical idea of him. He’s just a very very naughty boy.
These are some Wittgensteinian shenanigans.
If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
My lair my rules.
One of my recent visitors annoyed me with one of his remarks, therefore I waterboarded him
The chief problem is that they continue to be annoying when you have to listen to the screams and pleas coming from the basement.
You have just described Satanism.Actually I think I have a proof for the non-existence of Satan.
1. Perfection is the possession of all attributes (no lack)
2. Existence is an attribute
3. By 1) and 2), a being would be less than perfect if it didn't exist
4. God is a perfect being
5. By 3) and 4), God must exist
6. Satan is the opposite of God
7. The opposite of a being possesses the opposite attributes
8. By 5) and 7), Satan possesses the opposite of existence
9. By 8), Satan must not exist.
Take that, Satanists!
You have just described Satanism.
Well done, you lose.
Info needed is contained in the Satanic Bible. If you are interested I have it on pdf.That was in jest. So, any reliable sources to read on it?
All symbols are to be antagonistic to theologians
As far as I know Satanism is the only non theologian religion, so all religions, yes.To theologians only or to religious people in general?
Info needed is contained in the Satanic Bible. If you are interested I have it on pdf.
there are a few basic concepts below
The nine satanic statements:
The eleven Satanic rules of earth:
The nine Satanic sins: