[INFJ] Seeing An Argument From All Angles

How do you other INFJs manage to stand your ground when you have a case/point and the other party is manipulative? How do you stop yourself forgetting where you stand and just start feeling bad about everything?

Back up your side with lots and lots of facts (from credible sources), for starters. Since we can see things from all sides, we should be able to see the big picture and the effects of a decision. I guess whistle blowing if "the other side" is trying to be manipulative helps but you have to prove to outsiders that they're being manipulative because accusations can be claimed as false. Which goes back to using facts.
So, there's this INFJ ability to see an argument from all angles. Sometimes it's great, sometimes not so much.

How do you other INFJs manage to stand your ground when you have a case/point and the other party is manipulative? How do you stop yourself forgetting where you stand and just start feeling bad about everything?

I usually see situations from all sides (my own, the external people, the situation like in a movie), so I don't usually get into many arguments with people to begin with. When I do, I usually stay calm, state what I want to state, and subtly manipulate the other people into agreeing with me. I do that by convincing them that my proposal benefits them the best. That usually does it.

When the other side is filled with hard-ons, I usually just either go with their plan and try to steer their plans into my own plan in factual work, or just give up and go with what they're saying. But that's if the plan is acceptable as it is ;) ..

I've never had an issue forgetting where I stood in the matter, though. When I believe something, it's full-on. Not that I commit to stuff, though. I tend to keep everything at an arms length. Confused? Why wouldn't you be - I am :D