Seeing Auras

What comes to mind is an anecdote my psychology prof told us last week: He was once walking by the stand of someone providing psychic services on the street corner, when she asked him if he would like a psychic reading. He replied, "If you really had psychic powers, then you would've known I was going to say no and wouldn't have bothered asking!"

Bawahhha.... this reminds me of a time when I was doing a reading for a friend at the waterfront. We were sitting away from others and I had my cards set all nicely on a special ceremonial scarf. So I did the reading and an elderly couple stopped to watch me. Then somehow more people began to stop or linger around. I didn't ask anyone if they wanted a reading, I just let people watch. A couple of people asked me for a reading and I was happy to oblige but I didn't feel right asking others. It's other people's choice, not mine. I even do readings for $ sometimes if a relative's friends asks me to do a party but I feel like trying to coax others into a reading is disrespectful to their space. Plus, it's pretty obvious to pick out who is for it and who isn't, especially when they're staring in horror. lol
I wouldnt worry about this too much. If you are really curious, go see someone else that you feel comortable with and can trust. I once went to see a tarot reader because i wanted to learn more about tarot. She said she read the cards intuively and that she was clairvoyant. Everything she said to me was wrong, about me, my family, work etc. She was a terrible 'cold reader'. She thught i was athletic and sporty because i was wearing sneakers etc that type of thing. Eventually she started feeling really uncomfortable and i felt like i was just humoring her and wondering how i could politely tell her that the session wasnt working. In short i though she was full of shit, although nice and lovely in her own way. Then she told me she could not read me and that i had a dark veil over me. She also said that i was not ready to hear her information and that i was a closed off person. Completely blocked and not ready. Whatever, i went to see her so i could learn more about tarot and myself after years of experimenting with the cards myself. I maybe skeptical but hardly closed off. She ended up shoving some incensce in my hand and shooing me out of her house. I walked home feeling pretty confused and amused

My first thought was to check to see if you were a 9. Sure enough - you are.
Honestly I don't know a whole lot about the Enneagram details - but I do remember reading 9's can see truths out there for every one else - but themselves. I read that 9's have a hard time looking at themselves. Maybe there is a block to seeing us somehow.

One time I was involved in a large group healing process and part of the method was for one central person to gaze into our eyes - at a crucial juncture - and pronounce what our gifts were that they saw there. When she got to me - I was so wide open to receiving everything and giving love - that when I gazed into her eyes so she could look at mine - she was speechless for many seconds. I was the only one out of 70 people there she faltered on. I think when she looked at me then - she was swept away by my ability to see into her soul. :D

We have sometimes called the Nine the crown of the Enneagram because it is at the top of the symbol and because it seems to include the whole of it. Nines can have the strength of Eights, the sense of fun and adventure of Sevens, the dutifulness of Sixes, the intellectualism of Fives, the creativity of Fours, the attractiveness of Threes, the generosity of Twos, and the idealism of Ones. However, what they generally do not have is a sense of really inhabiting themselves–a strong sense of their own identity.

Ironically, therefore, the only type the Nine is not like is the Nine itself.

The woman who could not read you should have said so from the beginning. Her ego got in the way....
If mystics avoid words used in scientific vocabulary, their words would hold much more meaning.
This is why I was thinking of leaving this thread to the mystics. I realised my error too late.

It's not that the meaning is lost because I interpret the sciency sounding words as actual science. It's that scientific principals have been hijacked by the mystics. They use our words to say precisely nothing. If vibrations aren't heat then what are they? They can't answer. It's meaningless mysticism masquerading as science. And trying to borrow the 4d 5d thing is just ridiculous. Sorry

Ok, I see I'm not going to get what I wanted out of this thread so I will leave it to the mystics to do with what they will

Have fun
yeah, that happens a lot too, and it does really need to stop.
I was at work, and I tried to do something nice for someone, then...this person called me a "f***ing idiot" after I did it cause I wasn't suppose to DUH! I read his aura and it said, "He mad? O yeah, he mad."
Pi (Ni) has a huge significant information store, i perceive things, they are filtered through Pi for explanations, i see feelings as colourful 3d complex constructuons and i feel the constructuion first, albeit the complexity is too high for my limited human brains. Ahh thank intuition for the image reference! =)

human comprehension is far lesser than that of our unconscious, aka why i used to thought i have telepathy and am an actual wizard with mana.. For a few days, for intuition is hard if not impossible to explain due its higher than human comprehension complexity.

Truth comes easy if you dare, and then.. If truth is too much over your current understanding, you will have it only partially due the insufficient explanations.

Its the psycholgy equivalent of "space ship to a caveman" phenomena.

This is why I was thinking of leaving this thread to the mystics. I realised my error too late.

It's not that the meaning is lost because I interpret the sciency sounding words as actual science. It's that scientific principals have been hijacked by the mystics. They use our words to say precisely nothing. If vibrations aren't heat then what are they? They can't answer. It's meaningless mysticism masquerading as science. And trying to borrow the 4d 5d thing is just ridiculous. Sorry

Ok, I see I'm not going to get what I wanted out of this thread so I will leave it to the mystics to do with what they will

Have fun

You can come back, theres nothing mystical on the subject.
Just remember, the quickest path to intuition is tolerating insufficient explanations. Before, in my intolerance i were blind and stupid. Now i understand both intuition and science, finding material correlations with psychology.

Aka why i suspect ennea 5 as my possible thoguht motivator.

I do find it scary how all knowing my intuition is, undermining a lifetime of internet research.. While the bridge is essential for communication purposes. Im intrigued by both. Less by science currently.
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I use to inflict pain on people by creating a terribly dark vibe on purpose. They use to scold me.

If sensing auras are impossible, I clearly can do no wrong in this matter. Why accuse me of the impossible?

Let the suffering begin anew.

(Of course I'm not going to do that again... it is just an argument.)
The first time, no. Not at all. I was like "WTF? dark dark?" She told me..."Think of Jesus. He has light around him. You are very dark." Lol! Okay!
Haha, I had a similar experience when the former pastor of a church I used to go to unexpectedly came to my house. He said I have a demonic aura because I listen to Satanic music (as in not music that people think is Satanic because it's extreme, but music made by theistic Satanists) and that I should get rid of it all, he was pretty out of control and practically yelling at me and ignoring everything I said including scriptural basis as to why it is not a sin for me, and I was kicked out of the house without notice because I refused to get rid of it. I lost all respect for him after that and stopped going to that church. Thinking back on it, it was pretty hilarious. :lol: Nobody in their right mind would ever say such a thing about me.
Haha, I had a similar experience when the former pastor of a church I used to go to unexpectedly came to my house. He said I have a demonic aura because I listen to Satanic music (as in not music that people think is Satanic because it's extreme, but music made by theistic Satanists) and that I should get rid of it all, he was pretty out of control and practically yelling at me and ignoring everything I said including scriptural basis as to why it is not a sin for me, and I was kicked out of the house without notice because I refused to get rid of it. I lost all respect for him after that and stopped going to that church. Thinking back on it, it was pretty hilarious. :lol: Nobody in their right mind would ever say such a thing about me.

You were kicked out of the house? Your parents kicked you out of the house because you didn't do what your pastor told you to do? Damn. What was that, some kind of a cult? How did you feel about that?
You were kicked out of the house? Your parents kicked you out of the house because you didn't do what your pastor told you to do? Damn. What was that, some kind of a cult? How did you feel about that?
Well it was mostly my mom, my step-dad was there during all that but he didn't say anything. It was several years ago. It's a non-denominational church with sound doctrine overall (though I didn't much care for being there personally for anything other than the sermons), but after that, as well as hearing things from my family about him over time (the last one being leaving to be a pastor for a bigger church in a different state without helping to get another pastor in place or even telling anyone, he just randomly left), I saw that he really should not be a pastor at all, and I wasn't the only one with misgivings about him. I was mad about being kicked out for such a petty and illegitimate reason (especially because I had no time to prepare to move out), though I kept calm, dealt with it without hating them, and moved in with a friend and his parents for a week or so until I could get my own place. I'm living with my family currently (due to some personal problems over the years); all my cds are at my friend's house (didn't care to sort through my huge collection), but I still listen to all of the stuff I was kicked out for and then some on my phone using headphones since I just download it all now. I don't say anything about it and they don't spy on my computer or phone, so it works for me haha.
From the little I know about synesthesia, it's definitely nothing to do with it.

For one, synesthesia isn't always colour association. If seeing auras really was a synesthetic phenomenom "auras" would be shapes, sounds, times, smells, and a whole bunch of other weirdness. Instead it's always "oh you look blue"...

Secondly, people who have their aura described multiple times usually find a common theme. Such as CindyLou saying her's was always described as dark. Synesthetics rarely agree on what colour (if they do associate with colour) they associate something with.

No. What's likely is that people commonly associate things with others naturally, but not in the way synesthetics do. It's sort of a "hey you look like a Dave" sort of thing.
Self-proclaimed "spiritual guide" types could #1. Anyone else could be #2 and very strong sensing or excellent body language reader.

This is true. To be actually see auras you have to have a exceptional developed extrasensory abilities. I think very few people in the world have it.
This is true. To be actually see auras you have to have a exceptional developed extrasensory abilities. I think very few people in the world have it.

But of course you've met/known of someone who has it...

From the little I know about synesthesia, it's definitely nothing to do with it.

For one, synesthesia isn't always colour association. If seeing auras really was a synesthetic phenomenom "auras" would be shapes, sounds, times, smells, and a whole bunch of other weirdness. Instead it's always "oh you look blue"...

Secondly, people who have their aura described multiple times usually find a common theme. Such as CindyLou saying her's was always described as dark. Synesthetics rarely agree on what colour (if they do associate with colour) they associate something with.

No. What's likely is that people commonly associate things with others naturally, but not in the way synesthetics do. It's sort of a "hey you look like a Dave" sort of thing.

my aura (imagination plus unconsciousness) perception very much is like that, deeply individualistic. However, i, as the people im empathising in the form of auras shapes bolts etc, always agree on the feeling being represented by my imaginative mind.

This is true. To be actually see auras you have to have a exceptional developed extrasensory abilities. I think very few people in the world have it.

This is one thing im annoyed on other infjs, novellizing basic Ni intuitive abilities along the lines of "ItasH has MaEgiCkERQ!!! =O.."

so yes, disappointment in my fellow brethren, but, its also a sign of I _care_.

Its already difficult enough to understand as it is, without adding a bunch of nonsense into my path.

No, theres nothing rare on those abilities, rather, the rarity comes from not being overwhelmed by this nonsencial world so as to discover your abilities and keep them.
No, theres nothing rare on those abilities, rather, the rarity comes from not being overwhelmed by this nonsencial world so as to discover your abilities and keep them.

Love this line! So true.

I've gone from being indoctrinated with the Catholic church - to quitting - to being an atheist - to something else.

There is "Other" out there for I have seen it - to my complete surprise. And it was due to meditations and being willing to shut down my Thinking mind.
I saw mine but my eyes were closed. I would go with theory 2. Links, dream, symbols
But of course you've met/known of someone who has it...


The ones i met claimed they saw auras but i don't think they did. There is a huge industry of pseudopsychics that claim to have psychic or extrasensory abilities but most of them just have a higher Intuition working.
I love that this thread is still open. I do so miss conversations such as these. Is it possible for ones aura to suddenly vanish?
Nice. Finally some sense is being spoken on this thread. Thanks @88chaz88

You make a good point about it not being synesthesia due to people only seeing colours. However I don't think it's a "you look like a dave" thing either. This probably comes from memory. You meet a dave who has a big nose and beady eyes, then meet another dave who has a big nose and beady eyes and your brain generalises this due to the repeated pattern. From that point on everyone you meet who has a big nose and beady eyes would look like a Dave to you.

How would you generalise the colour of someone's aura in the first instance? We are told people's names on a regular basis so have that first step. With auras that first step is missing.
I love that this thread is still open. I do so miss conversations such as these. Is it possible for ones aura to suddenly vanish?
Hmm, I haven't come across that yet, so I am not sure.

However, if one has has some sort of physical trauma/surgery, holes can appear in those areas of the aura.