Sex and the City 2


Anyone planning to see this? Looks fun.
I wouldn't go to see this film if they paid me.

Even if I was kidnapped, tortured, tied to a chair and drugged, I'd still elect to watch the entire performance with my eyes shut while humming the theme from Doctor Who.
a blonde, a brunette, a redhead and a horse walk into a bar.

I think that's what the movies about...
I wouldn't go to see this film if they paid me.

Even if I was kidnapped, tortured, tied to a chair and drugged, I'd still elect to watch the entire performance with my eyes shut while humming the theme from Doctor Who.


a blonde, a brunette, a redhead and a horse walk into a bar.

I think that's what the movies about...


And whatever any other vaguely witty reply that neatly mirrors my own reluctance to see so much as the opening credits of this utterly abysmal tripe of a series.
I see sex in the city all the time. IN REAL LIFE.

With all honesty everything about it makes my blood boil.
But don't let that put you off Res. Take some mates with you and enjoy the show. :mhula:
Oh dear Chaz... Copy and pasting?

-7 wit-points
-4 charisma

+5 cheeky cackle

(I coulda swore Shai was in this movie!)
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Oh dear Chaz... Copy and pasting?

-7 wit-points
-4 charisma

+5 cheeky cackle

(I coulda swore Shai was in this movie!)

Dude I automatically claim any new insults towards this abomination. Clearly that's an:

+3 intelligence
+9 cunning (wait no :sly: emoticon? grrrr gonna have to settle for an :evil:)
Dude I automatically claim any new insults towards this abomination. Clearly that's an:

+3 intelligence
+9 cunning (wait no :sly: emoticon? grrrr gonna have to settle for an :evil:)



Using Melkor's hastily plotted tactic against him, -754

Using an out of place emoticon to illustrate a point-6

Saying 'Dude' at the beginning of a sentence -Will to live.



Using Melkor's hastily plotted tactic against him, -754

Using an out of place emoticon to illustrate a point-6

Saying 'Dude' at the beginning of a sentence -Will to live.



Giving up +∞
Sorry 'Dood', but you're alreayd dead, so mwahahah, in yo' face.
Sorry 'Dood', but you're alreayd dead, so mwahahah, in yo' face.

Quite alive actually, it's hard to type with rigor mortis.

And 'dude' is an awesome word.
Yeah about as awesome as your face.

OOOOOHHHHHHH, I went there.


Just to verify, neither your face, nor the word 'dude' are awesome.


Unfortunately for you, IQ hasn't been know to drop save for in cases which involve brain damage and/or amnesia.

I'm 'fraid this makes your claims utterly meaningless sir.

(Seriously, are we ever going to not lock horns?)
Oh, I plan to see it, my IQ is already through the roof high, I think I could spare some points on watching it. :P

Actually among other tv shows this one wasn't nearly as IQ dropping as some others that I won't name. But other than that, to those of you who are against it so much that you feel the need to bash on this show, or for that matter any other, be aware that your bashing is also a good commercial for that show.
You mean there are women that would watch such a program just to spite us for having intellectually negative opinions about it!?

Did I really need to ask that question?
You mean there are women that would watch such a program just to spite us for having intellectually negative opinions about it!?

Did I really need to ask that question?

Oh, not everything revolves around you silly men. :D It's just that the negative critique is also a good advertisement just as the good critique is.

And I wouldn't call what is presented here a really intellectual opinion of anything. No offense.
Well, when it comes to the woman orientated programs similar to this one, it's rather hard to be anyway intellectual my dear.

*Smokes a pipe accordingly and occassionaly taps it in the Siamesey's direction*

Honestly, didn't you read the bit about the Who theme?