Sex and the City 2

I think you are all decrying Sex and the City just as much as you've all been secretly enthralled reading "Twilight" in the closet with the camping flashlight and Edward pajamas.

I think merely picturing that scene is enough to kill a full grown man.

Thanks Hatty, you arm your enemies well ;D

Oh, and I'm afraid vampire tales do nothing for me, and I am out of touch with my inner twelve year old girl.

still, camping torch wooooo-hooo!
Oh, and I'm afraid vampire tales do nothing for me, and I am out of touch with my inner twelve year old girl.

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure... Sponge-Bob-Sparkly-Pants! ;)
Who gets off watching three snarky women demean everyone and play out some sort of archetype of the slutty-haughty-bitchy demi-godess of intellectual doom?