Sex and the City 2

I love Sex and the City, I used to watch it with my mom!

Although it seems very brainless and fake, there is depth in it revealing the every day problems of woman all over the world in a funny way

There's comedy?

it is about emotional intellegence, which is as important as mental intellegence

I don't know, judging by most SitC fans, neither seems that important. :P
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Actually among other tv shows this one wasn't nearly as IQ dropping as some others that I won't name. But other than that, to those of you who are against it so much that you feel the need to bash on this show, or for that matter any other, be aware that your bashing is also a good commercial for that show.

Right.... so me expressing my opinion on why I dislike it, is invalid, because it will actually give it more press? That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. If people still want to see it, I don't care, but for people to hold their opinions because it will make more retarded people want to see it seems highly backwards.

I doubt this film will make significantly more money, even if every review in a magazine or website gives it 1 star.
Well, when it comes to the woman orientated programs similar to this one, it's rather hard to be anyway intellectual my dear.

*Smokes a pipe accordingly and occassionaly taps it in the Siamesey's direction*

Honestly, didn't you read the bit about the Who theme?

Actually a really intellectual debate about this type of a show, or this one in particular could exist and there are some pretty strong arguments for both sides, and I could imagine how hard could it be for someone who is so hell bent on his own detest and is scared to see past it. :P Although I think of your first comment of somewhat witty, trolling behavior I don't find particularly witty or intellectual.
What on earth are you on about dear?

I think you've had too much coffee, or too little sleep.

Maybe you should stop watching this nasty program.

*Leads Sia to a nearby chair, sits her down, covers her with a blanket, and then runs off to make her a sandwich*

Also, emotional intelligence.


That’s ridiculous my dear.

Intelligence is mental, emotions are mental.

Don't differentiate between the two or you'll look silly.
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Right.... so me expressing my opinion on why I dislike it, is invalid, because it will actually give it more press? That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. If people still want to see it, I don't care, but for people to hold their opinions because it will make more retarded people want to see it seems highly backwards.

I doubt this film will make significantly more money, even if every review in a magazine or website gives it 1 star.

Expressing your opinion is really different than bashing. No, one said that you should hold your opinion to yourself, and really my comment wasn't meant for you in any way, I'm still a bit baffled why you felt the need to comment on it, since it wasn't about an opinion that you had about it.
Expressing your opinion is really different than bashing. No, one said that you should hold your opinion to yourself, and really my comment wasn't meant for you in any way, I'm still a bit baffled why you felt the need to comment on it, since it wasn't about an opinion that you had about it.

You were suggesting that one should hold their negative opinion on the film, for fear that it will accelerate and aid in it's advertisement. That is simply stupid. On multiple levels.
I hate Sex and the City so much that the very fact the knowledge of its existence is in my head makes me want to commit suicide, just to purge the physical material of my body from any impression the said knowledge may have made.

Excuse the rant.... No, I wasn't planning on seeing it.

Have fun at the movies though.
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Wow . . . just wow :mcute:
I hate the blatant consumerism and seeming idolization of things that I view as trivial from what I have seen in the show, but I haven't exactly been an avid watcher.
I'm with Skoff!

What wretched person is responsible!?

Let's face it, there are very few movies out there that cater to the intellectual. It's all glitz and glam and predictable storylines. But it's entertainment nonetheless. How many have seen Sherlock Holmes , Avatar or Ironman and can honestly say that they were the thinking man or woman's blockbuster movie? And yet, how many of you would say they were at least entertained by some aspect of the film?

Bloody snobs. :P
Let's face it, there are very few movies out there that cater to the intellectual. It's all glitz and glam and predictable storylines. But it's entertainment nonetheless. How many have seen Sherlock Holmes , Avatar or Ironman and can honestly say that they were the thinking man or woman's blockbuster movie? And yet, how many of you would say they were at least entertained by some aspect of the film?

Bloody snobs. :P

Yeah, it's just a film. I mean really.
We're not saying we require absolute perfection in a film.

We're merely saying that if NOBODY DIES, all the major characters are MIDDLE AGED WOMEN, and it all takes place in SOMEPLACE AMERICAN,with not a single VIOLENT OR EXCITING MOMENT, that we damn well expect it to make us think, if nothing else!

You know, with the cute glasses, large book collection and weary eyes<3

Naw, just the slutty extravert type:(
We're not saying we require absolute perfection in a film.

We're merely saying that if NOBODY DIES, all the major characters are MIDDLE AGED WOMEN, and it all takes place in SOMEPLACE AMERICAN,with not a single VIOLENT OR EXCITING MOMENT, that we damn well expect it to make us think, if nothing else!

The majority of the film actually takes place in Abu Dhabi. And the women have hot flashes.
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We're not saying we require absolute perfection in a film.

We're merely saying that if NOBODY DIES, all the major characters are MIDDLE AGED WOMEN, and it all takes place in SOMEPLACE AMERICAN,with not a single VIOLENT OR EXCITING MOMENT, that we damn well expect it to make us think, if nothing else!

In other words, you're all just saying that it's a genre that doesn't appeal to you. In which case, why should it pander to your interests? Normally, if people know that they don't like aspects of a genre, they don't see that movie nor do they waste their breath complaining about it.

I think you are all decrying Sex and the City just as much as you've all been secretly enthralled reading "Twilight" in the closet with the camping flashlight and Edward pajamas.

In fact, Melkor, I can juuuuust about picture you in a Team Edward t-shirt. ;)
it is about emotional intellegence, which is as important as mental intellegence
and if you can't see that than I guess your emotional intellegence is not very much present ;-)

I agree, both type of intelligence are very important. They simply compliment each other.

Regarding Sex and the City, From one side, It has a certain depth of emotion when it comes to searching for relationships with oneself and with other people, it can be something some people can relate to. (Especially the relationship with oneself).
