Also, to give the flip side of the coin...
I was also in a situation when I was younger where the sexual harrassment was severe, even crossed over to being flat out molestation. I did not report that incident either. I didn't see anything good coming out of it, and the event in question occured right in front of a security they either saw it and didnt care or else it was just out of view.
I just learned how to take care of myself and be smart. I had to return to the situation for 2 more years, continually getting more shit, so I ended up developing personas, which still cone out today when I need them too. Protective layering, shall we say.
I still think it worked better than reporting the incident. I personally felt like reporting the situation would just make the situation worse, cause a lot of drama, make everything public (which could result in more backlash) and make me feel like the poor little woman victim, which I did not want to be.
Something like that does not make you feel good about yourself, I know. One of the guys in my situation showed up at my house a couple of months ago to drop off weed to a friend of mine and I flipped my shit when she told me who was coming over. I told her under no circumstances was he to know that itwas mt house he was at, and she was to meet him around the corner and not let him near my front door.
If it affected you so negatively, as it did me, I would advise counseling. I'm not being bitchy or confrontational with you (as i know I have been) when I say I've noticed a pattern of male/female isses with you. If you think sexual harrassment has seriously affected you, counseling can help.
No, these things shouldn't happen, but in reality they do and they will. The best thing you can do is know how to look after yourself.