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- 9w1
Because despite the fact I'm an idealistic INFJ, I'm aware that just because things shouldn't be a way doesn't mean they won't.
If you are in a situation at work where it gets as severe as my case, and you can prove it and dosomething about it....by all means.
Every situation is different.
Mine happened in school, and I personally felt the shit it would cause to try and "sort" it wouldn't be worth it. I was right too. What can they say other than stop bullying?
I'm not afraid to be honest about my shit... I was sexually abused when I was a kid, and I grew up in a prett fucked up/severely abusive home enviornment. Life has taught me over and over that no one is gonna give a fuck about you, so you got to take care of yourself. And that's what I did.
I mentioned counseling because the OP said she was outo f hte situation (fired from her job). If the situation is still controlling her in some way, counseling might not be a bad option.
I agree with you that you have to take care of yourself, but people also have to be held accountable for their actions. Not holding people accountable perpetuates the behavior.
If management or HR doesn't take it seriously, then go above their heads. If they don't take it seriously, consider finding an attorney who will take your case on as one of workplace discrimination.. because there is no good reason why a manager or HR person should not take such a report seriously and try to investigate it.
I like how little time it took for this entire thread to go to shit.
Given your experience, it makes sense that you would find it idealistic.I mean no offense when I say this, but all of that comes off extremely idealistic.
If you have a clear cut case, and the harrassment is severe enough in which you could go to HR...by all means, sort it out! I'm not against it.
Life isn't fair. Yes, people ought to be held accountable for their actions, but that doesn't always work out. Justice is a lovely little notion, but that doesn't always work out.
Like I said, if there's something you can do about it, and you can actually handle everything that will come along with that, then go for it. But sometimes situations are complicated and things don't work out (Which happens quite a bit, you know). So what I'm saying is, what's even more important than runnin off to have someone fix it is to be able to stand up for yourself and even be capable to take care of a situation yourself.
Maybe it's not ideal to you, but sadly, life doesn't work that way. ~Plenty of people have mentioned reporting a person to HR and suing...I'm just giving another angle on it.
please don't hit me with objects
I've never minded cat calls and offensive flirting. If you see how men treat each other, and consider themselves all friends you just have to kinda go with the flow. Men are crude and most are still animals.Can't expect too much from them now can we?
Seriously, if someone crosses a boundary you have to tell them. Just say, "please don't say xzy to or about me anymore and please don't hit me with objects in play or touch me like that. I know you probably don't mean it in a bad way, but its making me uncomfortable. Please stop. I'm more sensitive than others and don't know how to grow thicker skin, unless you'd like to tell me HOW to go about growing thicker skin..." That has always worked for me. No one knows how to tell you to grow thicker skin. Lol.
Or you could take Billy's crazy approach. whatever. Lol.
See now the way I would handle this as a woman is I would go to the assholes house in the middle of the night and pop all his cars tires. Do it enough times he will eventually get fired form the job for chronic lateness.
So what I'm saying is, what's even more important than runnin off to have someone fix it is to be able to stand up for yourself and even be capable to take care of a situation yourself.
And if you kindly ask your "friend" to stop and they don't?
Back when I said that some women reinforce and perpetuate sexist treatment in our culture, well, this post is a good example of that.
Wars have been ended in this way.
Please U.S. solder, quit bringing me near to death by waterboarding me.
How can we say its sexist when a lot of men treat each other the same way? I just roll my eyes. I'm sorry. I mean, I have pretty thin skin, too. I get my feelings hurt easily but can manage myself around some silly behavior.
I've never run into anyone that wouldn't stop when I asked them to. If someone didn't respect my boundaries then that's a sign of a problem; I agree with you.
I had one guy make a sexual comment that did truly offend me. I said "Do not say that shit to me. The other girls might be okay with it, but I am not with that, that's too much." and he apologized and it never happened again. So, I'm just saying what worked for me. I wasn't around a group of guys that were...you know...I was never treated like an object by anyone in the workplace. Maybe I shouldn't have commented in here as I don't have any experience with anything I considered over the line at work.
I have a few friends who have ended up in the psych ward for this sort of behavior.
You get screwed either way.
I guess there's a point at which you find you can no longer deal with the situation on your own. I 'dealt with it' as long as I could by any means possible because I needed the job, but eventually I realized that they were never going to stop and were going to just keep carrying it on farther and farther no matter what I did or said. I knew that, reporting it, I would most likely get a severely hostile reaction, would be disbelieved, etc. Reporting changes nothing. But when you have no other options left, it's the best you can do.
A lot of men make unwanted sexual comments to one another? I think it's a stretch to say it's appropriate because other men do it to one another.
And I'm not even sure it's as common place as you think it is.
But it is interesting that you had to separate yourself from the other women there to your co-worker when telling him that what he was saying was inappropriate..
Do your female co-workers enjoy being treated that way? Do they talk about how much they like it when so and so objectifies them?
Why do you assume that?No, I have no idea. They don't say anything to me or them, so I just assume they are not bothered.
Why do you assume that?