Should we go to war with Russia to save the economy?

Black market nukes and really does make me think of those rumors from the 90s where some had made their way to places like Iran. By the way if any were to be used the warhead would be traceable due to the isotope ratios left in the fallout which would direct a lot of attention towards Russia.

I think it's working pretty well. Europe's economy is going to tank, and we bombed the pipeline to prevent Germany from double crossing the west out of desperation.

What I loved most about when the war in Ukraine started was that after that, Covid magically vanished from the news. It had been 24-7 prior and now Ukraine is. China has absolutely tanked their economy with the zero covid policy. Pair that with bidens October semiconductor restrictions on China and the ones the UK passed in November, I'm not worried about China for the moment. I had thought they might benefit from the famine that's going to be caused by the war but I think they're going to have to focus on saving themselves first.

Tech layoffs have started, disguised as Elon musk being a dick but really this is the recession we started by shutting down the economy during COVID-19 and coupled with a lot of the immigration restrictions put in place by trump. That's taken years to catch up but that's a huge part of the labor shortage. Fed is doing the right thing by tanking the economy. I just wish Americans would stop taking on credit to pay for inflation -- how much do we have to increase the prices of everything for you to just stop spending???

Anyway. Ultimately I do think this war will give America's economy a decent boost, we'll be able to lend fuel freely to Europe and keep our own supply for ourselves since China is already having such issues I don't think they'll be able to swoop in and save anybody .

I wonder how many years this war will last. Maybe 5? Or could it be a longer one like 10? Will be interesting to see how it plays out. Really ruined the alternative energy push, Germany's economy is ruined and many of these countries are going back to coal due to the sheer pain they're in.
I think it's working pretty well. Europe's economy is going to tank, and we bombed the pipeline to prevent Germany from double crossing the west out of desperation.

What I loved most about when the war in Ukraine started was that after that, Covid magically vanished from the news. It had been 24-7 prior and now Ukraine is. China has absolutely tanked their economy with the zero covid policy. Pair that with bidens October semiconductor restrictions on China and the ones the UK passed in November, I'm not worried about China for the moment. I had thought they might benefit from the famine that's going to be caused by the war but I think they're going to have to focus on saving themselves first.

Tech layoffs have started, disguised as Elon musk being a dick but really this is the recession we started by shutting down the economy during COVID-19 and coupled with a lot of the immigration restrictions put in place by trump. That's taken years to catch up but that's a huge part of the labor shortage. Fed is doing the right thing by tanking the economy. I just wish Americans would stop taking on credit to pay for inflation -- how much do we have to increase the prices of everything for you to just stop spending???

Anyway. Ultimately I do think this war will give America's economy a decent boost, we'll be able to lend fuel freely to Europe and keep our own supply for ourselves since China is already having such issues I don't think they'll be able to swoop in and save anybody .

I wonder how many years this war will last. Maybe 5? Or could it be a longer one like 10? Will be interesting to see how it plays out. Really ruined the alternative energy push, Germany's economy is ruined and many of these countries are going back to coal due to the sheer pain they're in.

US does not live in isolation. It's not self sufficient, it relies on China for consumption needs and it structurally under-invested into real world manufacturing/engineering etc. It will be a long and costly process to re-shore back to the US and train people in something else than just finance and MBA.

I agree that US intentionally weaponized the US dollar but this can be a double edged sword too. If you export too much inflation into the rest of the world via US dollar appreciation, you will force countries to search for different allies/options.

Ultimately, US is a declining superpower but there's no one better out there. China has big problems too. So, as usual, war is bad for everyone.
US does not live in isolation. It's not self sufficient, it relies on China for consumption needs and it structurally under-invested into real world manufacturing/engineering etc. It will be a long and costly process to re-shore back to the US and train people in something else than just finance and MBA.

I agree that US intentionally weaponized the US dollar but this can be a double edged sword too. If you export too much inflation into the rest of the world via US dollar appreciation, you will force countries to search for different allies/options.

Ultimately, US is a declining superpower but there's no one better out there. China has big problems too. So, as usual, war is bad for everyone.
It's a good investment. We can be a superpower for quite a bit longer with the proper military intimidation and economic domination
The world is scrambling to adjust to this new "decoy" war in Ukraine. While everyone is watching the "war", people are being ripped off. Some of us have seen these events repeated. Covid distracted us long enough to stay at home, lose jobs, and even lose homes. Now, it's happening all over again with money: factories are closing, stores are closing, How can one vote Democratic?

A nation divided against itself will fall. We are watching the world as it is being destroyed. As long as we entertain ourselves with electronics, all is good. I guess one would have to take away phones and computers to get your attention.
The world is scrambling to adjust to this new "decoy" war in Ukraine. While everyone is watching the "war", people are being ripped off. Some of us have seen these events repeated. Covid distracted us long enough to stay at home, lose jobs, and even lose homes. Now, it's happening all over again with money: factories are closing, stores are closing, How can one vote Democratic?

But wait, you’re calling this out but not saying a thing about all the forgiven PPP loans?

The world is scrambling to adjust to this new "decoy" war in Ukraine. While everyone is watching the "war", people are being ripped off. Some of us have seen these events repeated. Covid distracted us long enough to stay at home, lose jobs, and even lose homes. Now, it's happening all over again with money: factories are closing, stores are closing, How can one vote Democratic?



That doesn't sound like Utah.

Our obesity rate is 27.8%, making us the 40th most obese state with only 10 other states having a lesser obesity rate.

Utah actually has one of the highest percentages of people who have a high school diploma or higher at 93.17% which is actually higher than California's which is 84.45%. AND the national average overall which is 89%. 36.81% of our population has bachelor's or higher which is again higher than California's which is 36.29% and the national average which is 34%. California does beat us with advanced degree which they have at 14% and we have at 12%.

California is the highest recipient of SNAP benefits with 3,789,000 vs Utah which was 165,374, equalling less than 5% of the states total population.

We have the lowest unemployment rate in the country with 2.1% ; and according to this website our state actually has the biggest positive gap between cost of living and average income earned A $9,000. Vs our neighbor California which is the 3rd most expensive state to live in.

I get that this is a meme and it also isn't actually related to this thread at all, but it's very frustrating to see this type of misinformation. It's ok if you don't like conservative economic policies, but Utah is a great example of the benefits of those systems. Our biggest issue is people coming in from California and ruining it.
I get that this is a meme and it also isn't actually related to this thread at all, but it's very frustrating to see this type of misinformation.

It isn’t misinformation if taken as stated.

It becomes so if you consider it with a purposefully-narrowed focus, as you did with Utah.

And good on Utah for beating the curve, and soundly at that.

That said, Utah’s excellence isn’t enough to offset the drag of the other states in the cohort.

Nor should it be expected to.

I cannot answer the meme without narrow-minded-ness, as there are too many things to take into consideration. By the time I finished, it would be 2024 with a full study.

I am talking about balance. I'm not talking about Democrats at all. We should have balance in our Senate and Congress. Maybe people could get along easier. I lean Republican, though John Kennedy was one of my favorite presidents in my lifetime. There are always exceptions.

In Georgia, I hear there is a crook running against a liar. I may not wish to vote for either. What it comes down to is what has one of them done for, and done to, our state? I refuse to vote for him. Spending Georgia taxes building in Florida is not
my Senator. They might claim him to be, but he will never be mine.
I cannot answer the meme without narrow-minded-ness, as there are too many things to take into consideration. By the time I finished, it would be 2024 with a full study.

I am talking about balance. I'm not talking about Democrats at all. We should have balance in our Senate and Congress. Maybe people could get along easier. I lean Republican, though John Kennedy was one of my favorite presidents in my lifetime. There are always exceptions.

In Georgia, I hear there is a crook running against a liar. I may not wish to vote for either. What it comes down to is what has one of them done for, and done to, our state? I refuse to vote for him. Spending Georgia taxes building in Florida is not
my Senator. They might claim him to be, but he will never be mine.


I listened to this whole interview and I call bullshit on this guy. He is factually accurate in a lot of ways but the way in which he is interpreting that data is sensationalist and intellectually dishonest. In the interview the way in which he addresses other legitimate scholars with differing opinions is dismissing them as not knowing anything which to me is a major red flag that you can't respectfully disagree with an opinion but rather have to character attack. It's really sad because he has accurate information but is spinning it in this conclusive scare tactic story that people eat up because they love the doom and gloom. The reality of what will happen to globalism is totally unclear.
I listened to this whole interview and I call bullshit on this guy. He is factually accurate in a lot of ways but the way in which he is interpreting that data is sensationalist and intellectually dishonest. In the interview the way in which he addresses other legitimate scholars with differing opinions is dismissing them as not knowing anything which to me is a major red flag that you can't respectfully disagree with an opinion but rather have to character attack. It's really sad because he has accurate information but is spinning it in this conclusive scare tactic story that people eat up because they love the doom and gloom. The reality of what will happen to globalism is totally unclear.

I think he is so so with some good points but over all kinda ok but to call sensationalist is a bit much unless one is living like a few thousands miles in a hole somewhere and not with the times with media talking heads with their climate alarmism frightening the children that it all will end by 2030 or something ridiculous like that.
I think he is so so with some good points but over all kinda ok but to call sensationalist is a bit much unless one is living like a few thousands miles in a hole somewhere and not with the times with media talking heads with their climate alarmism frightening the children that it all will end by 2030 or something ridiculous like that.
That's a fair point, I usually don't consume that media so you're probably spot on about that. I would consider a lot of news sensationlist for sure.