Yet the world population keeps going up!
Here’s my take on Jordan Peterson. He’s a great psychologist no doubt and pretty intelligent, and probably dispenses a lot of common sense to people he helps. His weakness is that he goes way beyond his specialist subject area. He’s politically naive, favouring the sort of political rhetoric of typical technocratic managers in the overclass. He uses classic oversimplification in his arguments and takes things to extremes as in the above clip. He goes from arguing that some think there are too many people to saying we should view humans as toxic to the Earth. It’s just silly polarising of arguments. Having too many of too few children is of course problematic, but he only talks about having none, and how silly that is.
Another silly one I’ve seen him do is when challenged with the issue of inequality, he just changes the frame of reference to say that the poor are way better off than they were 100 years ago and have things those people could only dream of (conflating 2 things). He’s all over the right wing playbook of individualism and capitalism are the only answers. He needs to read more politics books, or the right ones imo. He’s better than Ben Shapiro though