ENTP/ESFJ: Ne/Fe or Fe/Ne--Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This type often behaves impulsively and manipulatively, needing constant approval and admiration from others, running around investing in new thing after new thing but never developing the self-confidence of a strong subjective perspective. Fe used negatively may use its awareness of the cultural standards of others to intentionally offend or upset them, in order to service Ne's curiosity about the patterns in their responses. If Ti/Si were working properly, it would give the user a balancing sense of personal, subjective importance and free him of his dependence upon the adulation and unconditional acceptance of others. (Horrible example: Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.)
For anyone that doesn't read the stickies on top:
Now geez, I know not everyone of a certain personality has a disorder, but if you look at the list of possible disorders people can suffer from, this one is ugly. As this article mentions, these people are not pleasant to be around and create a lot of fallout among those around them. I forgot who on this forum posted it, but someone mentioned living with a family member who suffered from this and also having spent three years of my career with one, I can verify that they do leave scars.
I can go through the rest of that list above and would much rather deal with any single one of those other disorders rather than risk crossing paths with this type of a person again. Call my gun shy. I do my best to avoid anyone that comes across like that and it's usually not until after the fact that I fit the pieces together and realize where on that MBTI scale they fall. Everyone has their quirks but this is such an in-your-face one to run across, it's hard to look the other way.
I know a few forum members are ENTP's but online forums rarely give a good representation of a person. I mean, Deathjam is our Tech yet his posts are usually short and brief. Hell, I even played Minecraft with the guy but couldn't tell you much about his personality
[MENTION=5104]Gecko[/MENTION] I wonder if that isn't referring to the Inverted Narcissist
What do I win?
I love the analytical side. I don't think I have had a more fulfilling and thought provoking conversations repeatedly with any other type. I admire the drive and almost obsessive quality over details related to something they are passionate about. I find them challenging, witty and fun to be around. Some can appear arrogant, disinterested or opinionated but I find that most of the time the arrogant quality comes from knowing something to the core, through and through. It's not meant to be arrogant. Disinterested is sometimes code for I can't relate to this and I am thinking and observing. And every opinion I have ever heard from an ENTP is so thoroughly researched it typically results in agreeing to disagree. I also like the debate quality. The idea of arguing a point for satisfaction, say about current events. Overall I think I love me some ENTP.
Of course it's way more logical to conclude that ENTP is simply another term for NPD. Kudos on pointing that out.
Glad to see you still love ENTPs.
Oh, God.The dissection took a route to meta?In summary: ENTPs dont have type specific tendancies and anyone who says so clearly has a personal problem. This is because what the ENTP says is right and what other people say is right is only right when they are in agreement with said ENTP.
Concise summary Narcissistic tendacies within.
What do I win?
If its a date with Shai'gar I pass.
deathjam = good ENTP
many others = bad ENTP
ENTP is a cognitive preference which implies a potential for NPD. Scratching the surface of overly avid ENTPs like yourself reveals the tendancy of 'my type is flawless because I said so' and it is narcissistic by definition.
Just as INTJ is a setup which implies potential for meglomania.
If you dislike these traits the take extra care when dealing with this types.
Ignoring the answer because you dislike it is not an appropriate way to advise people.
Makes logical sense. I will think about this in the future.Question: Why don't introverted types with the same functions as ENTPs (ISFJs, INTPs) don't have as much potential for narcissism? I don't think narcissism is exclusive to extraverted people, is it?
Aren't one big quality of narcissist is the ability and the want -- nay, impulsive need to, in short, brag?Makes logical sense. I will think about this in the future.
Question: Why don't introverted types with the same functions as ENTPs (ISFJs, INTPs) don't have as much potential for narcissism? I don't think narcissism is exclusive to extraverted people, is it?
ENTP/ESTP has Fi point of least resistance, therefore they are inclined to observe and 'game' the ethical situation based upon others responses to their behaviour without attempting self introspection. If others complain, shrink the sample group to ignore those people because they must be 'wrong'. Eventually the sample group diminishes to the point of silliness as any sort of guide regarding how to do anything
.i.e. that which can be got away with is 'fair game' e.g. excessive vanity coupled with excessive opportunism. Of course this is a judgement on a group, individuals are of course individuals and MBTI type does not preclude the condition of the individual similar to INTJ megalomania which is viewed as instantly rejecting all foreign opinions/positions as not having merit.
According to the source of all accumulated human knowledge (?wikipedia?) you can identify quite a few ENTPs who stray towards the destructive side other NT and ST and SF and ST types don't leap quite so readily into the other side of the box due to their cognitive arrangements.
[TABLE="class: wikitable, width: 1"]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Characteristic[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Healthy Narcissism[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Destructive Narcissism[/TH]
[TD]High outward self-confidence in line with reality[/TD]
[TD]An unrealistic sense of superiority ("Grandiose")[/TD]
[TD]Desire for power, wealth and admiration[/TD]
[TD]May enjoy power[/TD]
[TD]Pursues power at all costs, lacks normal inhibitions in its pursuit[/TD]
[TD]Real concern for others and their ideas; does not exploit or devalue others[/TD]
[TD]Concerns limited to expressing socially appropriate response when convenient; devalues and exploits others without remorse[/TD]
[TD]Ability to follow a consistent path[/TD]
[TD]Has values; follows through on plans[/TD]
[TD]Lacks values; easily bored; often changes course[/TD]
[TD]Healthy childhood with support for self-esteem and appropriate limits on behaviour towards others[/TD]
[TD]Traumatic childhood undercutting true sense of self-esteem and/or learning that he/she doesn't need to be considerate of others[/TD]
Aren't one big quality of narcissist is the ability and the want -- nay, impulsive need to, in short, brag?
There must have been introverted narcissist, but I'd say they are either a) silent enough not to get recognized, or b) overpowered by other, non-narcissist, but definitely LOUDER people.
It's one of the cause, one of the form, but not always. Yes, it's more than that.I thought narcissism was a huge amount of self-love, which can be something an introvert can have. But it's more than that, according to Jim's posts.