OMG I also had a relationship with an ENTP/ Narcissist. IT was terrible, traumatic. I wont date an ENTP now. It's hard to tell the difference.
BTW CLou - i quoted you, but this answer is just as well directed at the OP, or any other who shares such a sentiment as yourself.
I don't believe it's any harder to tell the difference between an ENTP and a narcissist, than it is to tell the difference from an ENTJ and a sociopath, or probably for that matter an enneagram 3 and a psychopath...etc.
When dealing with pathology, particularly pathology that tends toward exploitation of others or has some overtones of sociopathy, you must bear in mind that these types of people are very adept at appearing at first to be something much more benign... however, one can become equally adept at "detecting" such traits very quickly upon initially meeting such a person, if one chooses to do so.
And while such a social "skill" may not pass muster in a clinical situation, it will pass muster where it matters most - to your own emotional/physical/mental health and well being.
I generally test out as an ENTP (i'm 51% P, or 51% J, depending on the day), though I relate slightly more to the extroverted intuition than i do the extroverted thinking.
I could get into some fairly detailed "paint by numbers" BS on how one can "screen" for versions of sociopathy in their casual conversations, but that would be more complicated and likely miss the point i'm going to make.
It's actually much more simple that that.
If you meet someone who identifies as an ENTP, simply watch how well they take criticism. They take it well? or at least not badly? good. then this is a decent person you may consider getting to know better.
Then, open up your feelings (very very carefully), and see if they ever "use this" against you. Now, if they DO, it is possible they are joking. if it hurts you however, let them know this. if they are considerate and apologetic or otherwise let you
know that they did not understand such, and would not have done so if they did... CONGRATULATIONS! You are probably not dealing with nut case.
All ENTP's will argue for sport at some point in time. (actually, most NT's will) When this occurs, simply convey to them your point. if they say something like "well, I disagree, and I don't think your looking at this correctly" Fine.
If they say something like "wow... really? I mean, you haven't thought this through at all... or... do you just not do that much... u know, think?" well, this person is probably a douchebag/nutjob/suffering from some sort of pathology/etc.
Now, if this is said at the end of an arguement, after tears/outbursts/highly emotionally charged conversation - take it with a grain of salt, as all people say things they don't mean when they are furious or otherwise overly emotional.
I mean... really... it's not that hard to tell an ENTP from a psychopath of some sort!
one will seem more human, more genuine, will be considerate when it really matters, and will also (if you get to know them well) show themselves during certain moments to be vulnerable or insecure in some way or "less than perfect"....etc.
if they don't show any of these traits... does it matter what their MEYERSBRIGG-JUNG-ENNEATYPE-OLOGY is? I suppose in a purely academic sense....maybe... sorta. maybe.
but in a "actually matters to me in real life" sense... it's much more simple: while some personality "types" will have specific traits that express themselves in particular ways that can ellicit some sort of negative response from others... they still will be just as sensitive, empathic, have just as many feelings, concerns, insecurities, etc... as any other given person, and therefore, are no different than any other given person (so to speak)
if they DO NOT exhibit these traits... they are either pathological or dysfunctional. And either way.... why bother with such nonsense?
As if ENTP's have a monopoly on various forms of pathology, or even NPD for that matter.