Slow movements = seductive or calming?


Community Member
I've slowed down a lot recently. I've always been a highly strung person and since giving up caffeine, I find that I do things slower, speak slower, and have less anxiety

This slowness actually feels good to me. What do I mean by slow? Picking up a napkin slowly, putting food in your mouth slowly and tasting every bit, turning your head slowly, etc.
I find that not only do I enjoy myself more and manifest things more easily, but people are looking at me especially, but lots of women too. Do you think this is because it makes them feel calm watching someone else do things slowly, or are slow movements hypnotizing?

Before someone tries to argue against this, try it for yourself. You have to feel each move and just slow down.
I have mixed feelings on this. I had a roommate who was very slow in everything she did. Eating, walking, talking, reading, etc. She was too slow IMO. I watched her at first and envied her patience but after a few weeks, I just found it exhausting because she took so long to do everything!
I don't think it is attractive for someone to rush everywhere or to eat too quickly but there is such a thing as too slow. I think showing control is sexy - if it is obvious that you could move faster but you harness it, however, at some point you have to speed up to get to the finish if you know what I mean.
A "stop and smell the roses" approach to life does sound more enjoyable than the typical modern 1000mph break-neck standard of living.

That actually sounds more akin to how people live in Europe (correct me if I'm wrong). At least on the work front, people don't rush to get as much done but take their time and enjoy life more.

Some people probably admire the fact you're taking your time, but there are those who are very impatient too. Ever stand in a long line in a grocery store? People start getting all twitchy if the cashier/bagger aren't moving fast enough.
There certainly is something exciting about watching slow motion fanvids of sexy men. Oh yes.....the slowed down movements of their retinas and their lips while they're talking....and.....oh well....when you see them walking, the walk slowed down in videos.....I better stop thinking about it now. :mf:
It's more seductive, because it shows self confidence.
If you hurry everything you seem nervous and insecure. I like to walk slowly, straight up and shoulders back (this works better being little over 6'1"). Just taking my time and smiling at people who pass by.
It shows a vibe of not worrying. Your life is going great and you know what you want.
Hurrying means you are late, you are behind. Something needs to be done. Calm people have everything taken care of.

In giving presentations it's established that talking slowly gives you more credibility. I assume it's for some of the same reasons.

I don't know if Europeans are 'slower/calmer' in this regard, but I certainly am both (European and calm). But definitely more calm than other Europeans around me.
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As far as the attractive/seductive stuff goes, I wouldn't know. However, according to my friends and a few other people, I move slowly with everything I do in general, and one of them has said that it's very calming. He's said many times before that watching me do stuff slowly makes him want to go to sleep and that it's very relaxing, and stuff like that.

On the other hand, my other friend just makes fun of me about it. The point is that yeah, people who might be staring more probably do notice the slow movement.
As far as the attractive/seductive stuff goes, I wouldn't know. However, according to my friends and a few other people, I move slowly with everything I do in general, and one of them has said that it's very calming. He's said many times before that watching me do stuff slowly makes him want to go to sleep and that it's very relaxing, and stuff like that.

On the other hand, my other friend just makes fun of me about it. The point is that yeah, people who might be staring more probably do notice the slow movement.

well, that's probably before you've had your coffee and tea. And we all know how much you like your coffee and tea.

Just like how I like my Monsters...

I haven't given up caffeine and I'm still like this.


But uuuhm my mind is always much faster than my body movements. I appear a bit derp physically at times because I'm lost in my head, and the thoughts are always much more faster than my movements.


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well, that's probably before you've had your coffee and tea. And we all know how much you like your coffee and tea.

Just like how I like my Monsters...

Lol! I'm actually not too much of a tea person, but I do love my coffee... (Unfortunately bought coffee 7 times this past week, though.)

I think I'm still slow even with caffeine, but it might be more of a reaction time or physical issue. It's reflected in the way I talk sometimes, too. But it's hard to tell that I move slowly unless others point it out, since I'm used to my own pace and have been the same way since I really young.
I have heard that moving slowly is associated with depression in peoples minds and moving quickly the opposite.
Another interesting point is that slowing down has also opened up my intuition. I see more and hear more so it helps in understanding people better. I pick up micro-expressions in people's faces better now than before.
I notice that saying half of what is expected encourages the other person to get to the point much quicker.
I think it's not so much doing things slowly that gives the impression of confidence (or seductiveness, I suppose?), it's doing things deliberately and with purpose. Doing things slowly only underscores the emotion behind the action.

Think about it. Without that element of deliberateness, doing things slow might look like you're a little slow... or possibly geriatric. Or baked out of your bean.
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There's nothing sexier than a man scratching his balls slowly
I am on the slower side of things. It can either make you seem too slow and inept, or quite thoughtful in your actions or movement. Culturally speaking in the west, it's not appreciated but maybe elsewhere it's more accepted. For example, I take time to drink tea, coffee, soda or alcoholic beverages. People almost always comment on it as if it's a flaw or fault that I don't finish fairly quickly. I have never understood why. Another example is talking. If you speak slowly or take too much time to explain your thoughts, people become very impatient. They want you to get to the point quicker and spit it out. In a fast paced culture, it's seen as disorder not to move quickly. Being in a rush is assumed to be more natural and "normal" so if you don't follow this, people think something is wrong with you, if you're not constantly in a race to cross the finish line. Sad.
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I think it's not so much doing things slowly that gives the impression of confidence (or seductiveness, I suppose?), it's doing things deliberately and with purpose. Doing things slowly only underscores the emotion behind the action.

Think about it. Without that element of deliberateness, doing things slow might look like you're a little slow... or possibly geriatric. Or baked out of your bean.

I do things pretty slowly and people do usually think I'm high. It doesn't help that I have a raspy voice and say 'dude' often >.>

*stoners mentality*

I also do stop and smell the roses in more of a literal sense when I'm walking with friends. Depending on how much their talking I'll let them know my train of thought which is usually 'it's so nice outside' *dreamy* However if they are talking too much or I am not safe in expressing such an opinion I'll just stop and pick a flower and twirl it -half way listening to them, half way memorized by this twirling flower *o* it's so pretty x3

Lol 'bean' xP
In my late teens, early twenties I loved over the counter speed. Used to pop mini thins like they were tic tacs. Stopped about the time I noticed I was consuming a bottle and a half a night. Kinda miss the head itchies sometimes. Mentally and physically I can process and move at breakneck speeds, rather gracefully as long as my concentration is steadfast....though if I feel rushed I'll slow down, rushed by someone I'll be agonizingly slow.

Experimenting with music I tend to get the best reactions from listeners when I am gentle and slow, caressing notes....I also love the bloom and decay of sound which can become muddy if I play fast. I agree with what you mean regarding the perceptions of things when you force yourself to slow down. When I was a teenager and I had to chop wood for the wood burning heater I liked to very slowly pick up and place the wood, ready the axe overhead before chopping down as fast and hard as I could. It formed a very nice rhythm, inhale on the setup and exhale on the strike.

Slow movements generally cause a longer glance when I catch them out of my periphery. There is a methodical nature I mentally associate with someone doing something slowly, and I like observing methodical people. Kinda sucks when said person notices...that pretty well ruins the whole people watching experience. And no, yelling at them to ignore me doesn't work....they refuse to act like they are in their natural habitat from that point on. Meh.