Yeah Reagan tried it on a smaller scale in the 80’s (which wasn’t small, this new bill is like the old on steroids)...”trickle down economics” or “Reaganomics” it’s sometimes called.
They don’t benefit the middle class at made life worse for them in fact, just as this bill will do.
They are not going to raise fact, the wages here in the US have stagnated ever since Reagan blew up the Air Traffic Controller’s Union which was against the law but also gave corporations the signal that they can supersede the union’s laws and power that the people once had...and they have faltered and vanished ever since for most.
They CEOs and corporations kept the money in the 80’s and they are planning to keep it again.
Which is why the push for a $15 minimum wage is the very least it should be increased.
If it had kept pace with inflation it should right now be - $21.72
If you put money into the pockets of consumers they will spend it and consume, thus growing the economy...the rich have no reason to spend it, they have no incentive to invest it in benefits for their employees either, they have every incentive to keep it.
Especially when you consider most already get huge tax breaks previously and many keep huge portions of their wealth out of reach of taxes besides.
So who are the real welfare queens?
Those working at Walmart on minimum wage, not enough time or money to go back to school and improve their situation - hell Walmart even puts barrels in it’s own break rooms for employees to donate food to other employees who are food insecure instead of paying them a living wage where they don’t need government assistance....but guess who also is the biggest receiver of Snap benefits (food stamps)...yep, Walmart...they get billions of dollars of government money paid to them through food stamps by their own underpaid employees.
This new tax bill scam will give the Walton family billions of dollars in tax breaks....if their employees get raises and shit I’ll eat my words, but I would be willing to put money down that never takes place.
I don’t think there was that big of the population that just wanted a women for the sheer sake of having a woman as President.
HRC lost because she is out of touch with the average person and comes of as cold and robotic.
I don’t know her mental state but I would venture to say she is much more sane than Trump’s cocaine fueled NPD.
HRC was a very unlikable candidate imho.