So, I heard you wanted to get typed?

Ok, I say you're esnp. I say this because you have a women in your avatar, this is important to you. YOu are about women. You love women. However, she is dark, cold, probably in menopause, thus you are afraid of her. She is white, like the snow, also like cum. She represents the duality of you, you wish to be with her romantically (snow) and sexually (cum) you're not sure how to approach her though. You're an E because you have a person in your avatar, instead like, a mathematical problem.

I say sensor because you frequently post about stuff I don't see as important. You have a username acd, which imlpies that youre "Actually Circularly Deficient," in other words, when you try to draw circles you can't. Its a fear. You're a sensor so you don't realize that letting everyone know you can't draw a fucking circle, is probably a bad thing. You also feel kinship to Squidward, as he could never draw a circle as well as spongebob. YOu keep on trying, but each time its wrong, and now you don't know where to go anymore. Its ok, breathe deep and eat a big mac. Please your senses.

I say you're an intuitive because you have the capability to show a woman in your signature as a symbol of all your non self worth, and you attempt to connect the dots. Unfortunately, you realize that connect the dots is a game 4th graders play, and so even though you think you're an N, you're just a dumb S. I'm only giving you N because I don't want to hurt your feelings.

I say you're a P, by mere fact that your description ESNX lacks a T or F. You can't, and never will make a fucking decision on anything. THis may be because I made a flawed model, but I'll blame you and your fetish with old caucasian females. When asked do you like chocolate or vanilla candy strippers, you simply went "uhhh" for a few hours until declared comatose. Results are not back in yet as of how we are going to wake you, as you have no T or F, you can't make a decision to even wake up. We might just drop you into a garbage truck and hope you wake up before you get compressed into the trash you sensors have coming for ya.

but don't trust me, I'm not a dr.
guys, seriously, if you talk to him in private the infjness is pretty obvious. and im not a good typist, yet i see it. the adhd makes him seem like a flaming enfp to the untrained eye though.
omfg. I CRACKED UP at all of it.. but esp. at this random part:
YOu are about women. You love women. However, she is dark, cold, probably in menopause, thus you are afraid of her.

You also feel kinship to Squidward, as he could never draw a circle as well as spongebob. YOu keep on trying, but each time its wrong, and now you don't know where to go anymore. Its ok, breathe deep and eat a big mac. Please your senses.
Spot on! How do you do it!?
Non-seriously type me?
i cant either
Just cause you're so funny, type me :3

Wow. I should really do my research paper atm. I have 917 words and I need 2500 words. however, here four out of that 2500 you can have


Known in shorter terms by the Multinational Bizarrely Talkative Introverts Convention of Longing for Undying Beauty incorporation (M.B.T.I. C.L.U.B. inc.), as SRPD.

NOw, when some people think of SRPD, they may think of OCD, acd, rpd, or even GTL (gym, tan, laundry), which leads them to think people with SRPD "syndrome" actually think they are pandas. They know they are not though.

SRPD actually stands for





I can tell you're SRPD by the simple fact that by the time you read this line you'll think this is just some kind of a joke, in order to procrastinate from me having to write about the Tea Party for 1400 more freaking words. SRPDs are not very self aware in that regard, and tend to think they are either ENTP, ENFP, or simply the "you can't label me" type. I can tell you have S, by the way you are Self, or Sensing. You are self absorbed, some would even say narcisstic. You take pleasure in mocking dogs for not knowing what species they are in. You make jokes and EXPECT people to laugh. Its all about you. you. you. ITS NEVER ABOUT WHAT I WANT. WHAT ABOUT ME, ROYAL. ME!!!

ahem. sorry.

You have S because I once saw a post where you said you saw something cool, this implies you SENSED via your own (self) eyes. We'd know if you were an INFJ if you used someone else's eyes, and or telepathy. But no, you used your own. Kind of selfish, when you think about it. See where the S is coming from? No? GO back to the pride lands then Simba, this shit is too heavy for you.

R. You're intRoveRted, but with Two R's capitalized because unlike people who only capitalize one N in inuition, where there are two, you are reliant onyour self for not only once, but twice the amount of stuff to be reliant on. Thus the two capital letters versus one. More is more, its why I shop at walmart versus leading stores. Now as you can see how this all fits together, as the R works with the S, to make you SR, self reliant, or in other known circles: super retarded. But the way your R works is by saying "if it dont begin with R, i dont know what it R" in other words, if you don't know something about something you have to learn, you tend to brush it off. But when your senses catch on to what it is, you overcome past obstacles in leaps and bounds. Truly, when you have such a special function, I will rate your R very highly.*

Now, P. Short for Puppy, Percieving, Pheeling, pernicious, or pterodactyl. But the this now works, as your third-iary function, as your Pheeling function. (Prounced feeeee-lingggg). This says "hi, i dont know what to do with my senses, and I'm so intRoveRted that im too scared to ask for help, so I will decide what I will decide with my pheeling. (Or you may use your Puppy instead, but this is not officially advised). When you use this function, you can be kind of a bitch. May experience slight nausea or headaches, diahhrea, bloating, lockjaw, or ebola, and or complimentary amoebic dysentery. (to be fair, that might just be from the Taco Bell). If these do continue, please consult your D, and stop using this function immediately.

Now then, we have reached your final function, the D bomb. Known by most as juDging, others by douchebagging. (Its like teabagging but using an enema instead. kinda gay. and gross. don't do it unless you're sufficiently high and unware of what you're actually doing.) When you use this function, you are deciding. You took in your information through your senses, disregarded it through your intRoveRsion, cried about it though your pheeling, and now you're going to decide about it. like, right now. Most people call this the douchebag function, because all you do is decide, and you stop taking in other people's opinions. But I know SRPDs who are actually quite good at this function. very good. scary good. they can kill you by deciding that you aren't going to breath anymore. Only happens in Malaysia on wednesdays though. Theres something about those malaysians that turn on D so much, whether its their poverty, miserable living enviroment, outdated social caste system, or the fact that i actually forgot where malaysia is in the world, that makes it go so crazy. who knows. Although this force is a force to be reckoned with if you don't fine tune it, it might go "rat bastard" on you and start juDging everyone around you. If this is the case, use your Senses to grap a gun, your intRoveRsion to aim it at yourself, and your tears from crying due to being a pheeling baby to have your hands slip and set the trigger off.The Douchebags will be by later to clean you up.

But I may be wrong, but I don't think I am. If SRPD doesn't fit you, you may have RLS, or OCMP. Look for yourself, at a google near you.

*This function has not yet been rated by the MPAA or MBTI

omfg. I CRACKED UP at all of it.. but esp. at this random part:

Spot on! How do you do it!?

cannabis and a little bit of mr and or mrs r-e-s-p-e-c-t

now i guess you know how much type means to me

take care,

guys, seriously, if you talk to him in private the infjness is pretty obvious. and im not a good typist, yet i see it. the adhd makes him seem like a flaming enfp to the untrained eye though.

If you admit that you arent a good typist, why would someone take your word on that?
Anyways, Aerosol was saying it was so obvious, that you don't have to be a good typer to see that.
Anyways, Aerosol was saying it was so obvious, that you don't have to be a good typer to see that.

typer... typist?
i didn't know which one to use.
stupid foreigner me. =/
This is such a wonderful description of myself.
There is such a connection with those words... it's amazing <3

Thank you, Ne-man aka saru