Little things like antibiotics, vaccines, libraries, sewers, education, irrigation, liberation of women, increased life span, telecommunications, radio, the internet, and, by the way, the computer you just used to communicate the above (not to mention a million other things you'd hate to live without).
Like I said I am not anti technology I phrased it that way cause I was pissed.
People tend to WORSHIP technology and yes it makes life more comfortable and convenient but does it really make life BETTER, does it make people happier. Cause if were not here to be happy what the hell are we doing?
I am opposed to the Techno=god attitude, not technology in of itself.
The faster technology advances the more we "progress" the more trouble we get into.
...(not to mention a million other things you'd hate to live without)
Would I hate to live with out most of the things you listed? Really? I'd probably miss women's lib but prehistoric (ala non technological) societies were typically egalitarian so I am not worried.
Other then that there is not much to miss, people can live a happy life with out most of the "million other things" technology provides.
What is the "high environmental cost" of novacaine?
Just one example I gave, plus the manufacture of anything has a high environmental cost because it requires a lot of electricity manufacturing is the one of the biggest causes of green house emmisions.
In the U.S., companies not adhering to the laws and standards of "good manufacturing practice" (GMP) administered by the FDA and EPA, can be fined and, ultimately, shut down and put out of business.
They are violated anyway and the cost of technology aren't limited to production.
If you've ever tried to set up a commercial research laboratory in the U.S., you would know the incredible rules and regulations governing safe, environmentally appropriate laboratory design and practice
In the US sure there are plenty of regulations involving manufacturing, but what about other countries?
Second corruption abounds and laziness abound perhaps not so much in commercial labs, but in plenty of other areas of commerce.
I repeat I am not opposed to technology I just want materialists to dismount there high horse. I want them to realize that technology is not that imperative were as thinking about the spiritual and environmental consequences of our progress over thousands of years is.