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@Ginny when we were studying limits, my math professor gave us great analogy about [1/inf]: imagine one (1) bottle of vodka and population of human beings on Earth. and now imagine that you're trying to give vodka equally to all these people. what will they receive? an infinitesimal drop of vodka, or just zero drops, ha. because these drops will be so, so small.
and now imagine your soulmate as one (1) person, and you're the one of infinite quantity of people all around the world. chanses to find each other? sadly, zero
that's why these sweet sweet romanticized fantasies can destroy your sense of reality very easily. but I still think that we should believe in best! there's obviously not just one person who was made for you, but there are still lots of people with whom you can be yourself! people with whom you can understand each other as good as if these people were you!
and now imagine your soulmate as one (1) person, and you're the one of infinite quantity of people all around the world. chanses to find each other? sadly, zero