[PAX] SpecialEdition Reads Tarot

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King of Cups, from my perspective, is about being able to navigate strong emotions and curveballs with a level head and an open heart. The King of Cups energy is able to hold firm boundaries while navigating relationships of all kinds while creating stronger bonds regardless of what circumstances arise in life. I don't think it would be outrageous to say there may be some fluctuations coming up over the next month with what we are all going through together globally. This tends to affect different people in different ways and it can make people react more strongly or even out of character about things they'd normally be collected about. I would say that if anything comes up with this person you have the ability to approach it with patience and understanding so you can come out the other side in a peaceful and measured way. I would say if there's any kind of turbulence you can stay the course. You have the emotional maturity to roll with the tide and not let it get in the way of what you want and see for yourself. It's something to keep in mind if something comes out of left field or is confusing. Whatever that thing is or may be is temporary and don't be surprised if it arises in you as well. As long as you can return back to center it will smooth out.
Thank you. :)
That read runs well with Mr. What and myself currently.
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Well, interesting that I have two cards here that have a similar vibe to them.

In regards to the project, we have the 9 of Wands. Is there a project that you started that got kind of fucked up and put to the side because it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere? Alternatively, is there a project that you've really wanted to be doing but you haven't been able to get to it because life has been coming at you like a battering ram? It's going to be one of those. 9 of Wands suggests that either one project got left behind but you were on the verge of figuring out how to make it work (but didn't know it at the time) OR you already know what you want to do but may not feel like you have things in your life in a place where you can take it on the way that you want to. Either option is fine. My suggestion would be to either finish what you already started or take on the one that speaks to you the most. 9 of Wands is pretty much saying listen, shit is hard and life is hard and it can fuck you up but if you're willing to take a last stand on this thing you can pull it off. We always need to know when it's time to give something up, but we also need to know when it's time to make our last stand and make it count.

In terms of timing and things settling down, I don't know. I can't predict the future. Some people suggest that in terms of timing Swords are pretty swift and things can start to happen in a matter of weeks. Some would even say a 5 of Swords would be 5 weeks but I don't know if that has any validity. What I can tell you about the 5 of Swords Reversed is that it's a resolution card. This is a card about being able to move on past conflict, to overcome difficult times, to ease tensions, to get grounded back in yourself and reacquainted with what you want for your life and it also reminds you to create winning situations for yourself. Depending on the circumstances the change may not be grand.... initially. But it starts with your general attitude and perception of what your current life is and the opportunities you can generate for yourself or seek out based on where you currently are so that you can take steps to where you want to be. This is a card of forgiveness and moving forward. Take from that what you will. I don't know anything about your circumstances to speculate on what this means for you so all I can say is soon, maybe and positive changes can happen sooner than you think based on your perspective and what you open your mind to.

1) Sounds about right. I have a lot of projects I can't move forward but a few I can. Maybe I should have been more specific but basically yes, I'll just keep doing what I've been doing. Keep working on whatever one takes my fancy at that moment.

2) 5 Weeks would be fantastic but we shall see. I'm waiting on something specific to start life getting back to normal. The virus and other things mean it'll take time but as soon as I have this first piece the rest of the puzzle can fall into place at my leisure, and I will have plenty of options to take advantage of. It is a key piece though so until that arrives nothing can move and I'm trapped in a limbo I have no control over. No expectations but I'd love it if within the next 5 weeks I get some good news. Would save a lot of headaches.
I'll have to come back to this to do 5 cards as it'll take me a while to type everything up but I will do it.
Thanks! Though I'll say I had little idea what I was asking for. I just googled different spread types. So you definitely do not need to go to all that trouble. I would be very happy with just a spread on what to expect for the rest of the year if you haven't started yet.
Thanks! Though I'll say I had little idea what I was asking for. I just googled different spread types. So you definitely do not need to go to all that trouble. I would be very happy with just a spread on what to expect for the rest of the year if you haven't started yet.
No worries. I actually never do spreads the way that they're laid out. Something about doing traditional spreads just doesn't work for me so I just pull cards until I think I have enough to say lol
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Generally speaking I hate telling people to be gentle with themselves because at the end of the day, what does that really mean anyway? Letting yourself off the hook? Patting yourself on the back? Burying your head in the sand? Being patient to the point of procrastination? I don't think that's ever clearly defined. Here I'll say that Justice Reversed is about being kind and compassion to yourself but in a way that produces results. On the surface this card doesn't seem to relate at all to Six of Pentacles, but when you consider that the Six of Pentacles is all about the scales of life (sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down) you can see that in the scales in the Justice card as well.

So, what does this mean? I don't know. It will be up for your interpretation as I have no context to work with. If you are in a situation where you're feeling like something is burning in the back of your mind that needs to be dealt with, it's time to deal with it. That could be anything from making a social misstep and hurting someone's feelings, a mistake at work that you COULD let slide but that you need to take responsibility for, a big decision that could impact other people that you might have your own personal biased feelings towards, etc. Justice is saying be honest with yourself about where you're at and what you need to do and then do something about it. This could also show up a little bit as Imposter Syndrome where logically you know you're doing your best to do what you need to do but you had an off day or something stupid came up and it creates that worry that someone is going to "find you out." This is where the self compassion comes in. We are all fuck ups and it's not a bit deal unless it is. If it is, then you know it and you probably know exactly what to do to remedy the situation. Who knows if this applies to your life right now.

On top of this, the Six of Pentacles also says don't be hard on yourself if you have to ask for help, if you have to be vulnerable, if you feel like you can't or shouldn't do something alone. Basically, don't be a martyr because it doesn't mean anything to burn your own self into the ground when you could simply ask for some guidance, assistance or whatever and actually get through things a little easier. Conversely you might find yourself in a position where someone is coming to you for assistance. It's not bad to lend a helping hand where you can but also have some boundaries about that as well. No one needs to be a martyr and they also don't need to be a doormat getting mud wiped all over them all the time.

Basically, this is all about being honest with yourself, what you're doing, what you have done, what your motivations are and what you CAN do. Fairly general but I think it's a lesson most of us need to learn.

Thanks so much for that .. I really appreciate it :)
No problem at all. If I had context it could completely change everything as well. Court cards to me tend to be personality cards so it's hard to say what's going on. I could type up all the different scenarios but I think that would be a bit much lol. No rush. Even if you want to come back later and ask for something specific or a new reading altogether. This is good practice for me!

I'm having a pretty tumultuous time in my life right now, lots of uncertainty, stress and worry. I don't feel myself or in my element. I'm not as rational or as balanced as the Queen of Swords archetype would suggest right now. Curiously, I have a similar archetype come up in astrology and eneagram and such. I tend to feel it's too flattering for me lol, although I don't not relate to it. I strive to have an approach to things that's as unbiased and as fair as possible, to the point of where I even find myself painted in a corner.

I think knight of swords is always apt/relevant for me in some fashion, in the way you described it. I struggle with getting motivated and having that momentum going (too detached in my thinking and a bit divorced from action). I sometimes go from extremes of passivity to going all out, like you said "burning shit down". Sometimes I can behave like a tyrant when I get into a manic state of wanting to get things done and pushing others to get things done. Idk, this probably sounds really contradictory, but I am kind of a contradictory person.

I didn't have any specific questions for tarot. I'm just maintaining a vague hope things will get into place, that *I* will fall into place and will be able to pursue my academic goals for this summer.
I'm having a pretty tumultuous time in my life right now, lots of uncertainty, stress and worry. I don't feel myself or in my element. I'm not as rational or as balanced as the Queen of Swords archetype would suggest right now. Curiously, I have a similar archetype come up in astrology and eneagram and such. I tend to feel it's too flattering for me lol, although I don't not relate to it. I strive to have an approach to things that's as unbiased and as fair as possible, to the point of where I even find myself painted in a corner.

I think knight of swords is always apt/relevant for me in some fashion, in the way you described it. I struggle with getting motivated and having that momentum going (too detached in my thinking and a bit divorced from action). I sometimes go from extremes of passivity to going all out, like you said "burning shit down". Sometimes I can behave like a tyrant when I get into a manic state of wanting to get things done and pushing others to get things done. Idk, this probably sounds really contradictory, but I am kind of a contradictory person.

I didn't have any specific questions for tarot. I'm just maintaining a vague hope things will get into place, that *I* will fall into place and will be able to pursue my academic goals for this summer.

I think a lot of us go through phases of volatility. Just look at anything I've posted here and my Knight of Swords energy is all over the place. It's the card that I relate to the most. The nice thing about Knights is that they're always in momentum and always moving forward so even if you're passing through somewhere (metaphorically or otherwise) that feels foreign, messy, out of body, out of character, etc, it is temporary and is just a stepping stone to the next phase of whatever it is that's in you and for you.

I don't think Queen of Swords is too flattering for you. Obviously I don't personally know you but I think I've seen enough of what you write here to say that I think you definitely have that energy, but I can only compare it really against myself and I feel like I am volatile and chaotic and insane. So... lol. I'm a Gemini with a Leo Sun and Virgo Moon (I don't follow astrology closely but when learning about this it made a lot of sense) so I'm naturally always in conflict with myself and sometimes fucking batshit but also sometimes very cold, calm, collected, focused, etc. Maybe you're not in yourself or in your element, I think that's ok.

So with that said I pulled a follow up which was the Queen of Wands Reversed which, funnily enough, is all about self respect, self confidence and reestablishing your sense of self. If you currently don't feel yourself or in your element then you at least have a sense of who you know yourself to be and how you operate when you are in your element. I think it's helpful to remember that most people are not made of steel and when shit starts hitting the fan or things are out of our control it's find to experience that kind of discomfort where we're kind of pushing up against the edge of who we usually know ourselves to be. I wouldn't get caught up in any kind of judgement about what your experience of yourself is right now because the whole world is fucked at the moment and if I had to guess you're probably just trying to find a way to recalibrate to what's going on. But with no end in sight and a lot of uncertainty it's hard to know how far to bend into what's going on and we all have to find a way to be at ease with that, whatever that means.

All this to say, I get it. So putting the three cards together I would say first, know who you are and what your strengths are and know that those don't disappear. Second, if you light a few things on fire it's okay because there's always ways to move forward even if you have to do some mental gymnastics to get reoriented and figure out how you're going to achieve what you want to achieve even if the circumstances and timing aren't what you originally anticipated. Third, be confiTwo dent in who you know yourself to be and be confident that you have the ability to get through whatever hurdles are coming up. Two Queens and a Knight are pretty solid cards to pull. Let yourself off the hook a bit. It makes it easier to snap back into shape.
Thanks! Though I'll say I had little idea what I was asking for. I just googled different spread types. So you definitely do not need to go to all that trouble. I would be very happy with just a spread on what to expect for the rest of the year if you haven't started yet.

Okay so the rest of the year.... It's not going to be easy lol. If I can sum this up it's "Ok, but did you die?" Keeping in mind we all have free will depending on what you believe so take this more as something to think about moving forward instead of something set in stone.

I think you have a King of Cups energy and I think that's going to be put to the test. The Kind of Cups is pretty chill, able to keep calm in difficult circumstances, can work through any storm and has an ability to keep his/her feet on the ground. Usually people with this energy have put a lot of work in to be emotionally solid not only for themselves but for the people in their lives. People with this energy have a good balance between their intellect and their emotions and they tend to be so certain of who they are and how they feel that they're not really swayed by any chaos that happens around them. It's a really great and admirable way to be. I don't know you personally, but I do get this vibe off of you so I am assuming that this card will represent you.

You'll see that you have two 10 cards - the Wands and the Swords. 10's are completion carts and they generally happen after some hard fought battles that will really test your will. This is why I'm saying that you may be in for a wild ride this year.

First, with the 10 of Wands we have to ask, who wants to carry 10 fucking sticks around all the time? Who wants the burden of trying to keep them all off the ground? Why keep picking up more and more sticks? Why put in all this extra work and take everything on alone? No one does but so many of us do and a lot of the times it's something we unconsciously do. Someone has to do the work, right? You might find yourself over time taking more and more on. More workload, more responsibility, more burdens on your shoulders. It doesn't just have to be work related either, this could be in your personal life as well. Generally people who get into this 10 of Wands energy find themselves running around like a chicken with their head cut off and forget to take a breath once in a while. People who do this usually end up running the risk of burning themselves out and burning themselves out hard. So if you're finding that over the last little bit you've had more piled on you it's time to start re-prioritizing that so you don't weigh yourself down to the point you can barely move. This kind of re-evaluation ties into the 4 of Pentacles which asks you to think about what's actually important in life. You're going to find yourself circling around to the idea that your time and your health are EVERYTHING and that all of the shit you've been carrying around and trying to do and accomplish is a huge drag on your life and something you might have to consider letting go of.

Usually the 4 of Pentacles is materially focused but I don't really see greed or financial hoarding in you. This can also be money slipping through the cracks. I see this happen with people who work themselves to the bone and then don't have time to do the most basic things for themselves. This can turn into overspending on food or alcohol or entertainment or other vices to try to take the edge off of working so hard (I mean do you see that cheesecake in the Devil's hand? lol). It ends up putting people in a cycle of lacking in self care and it ends up driving them further into the ground which leads to further habits that continue to deteriorate the situation and before you know it you don't know how in the fuck you got where you are and you don't know how to get out again. So be very aware if you're starting to feel burned out in any way and also be aware of you're heading down a slippery slope that you may not know how to get back out of it.

So the Devil Reversed speaks to thing we indulge in that aren't really for our greatest good. This can be the way we treat ourselves, the way we think, how we act under stress, corners we want to cut to try to make things easier but that actually make things harder in the end, etc. The fact that it's in Reverse tells me that you're not actually headed for a full break down but have a chance at a big breakthrough. I hate that word but I don't know what else to call it. It all sounds cheesy to me. Anyway. I think you might be in for an opportunity to face down some fears and to work through some of what might lead you to taking on more than you need to in your life. It might lead to firmer boundaries. It might lead to shifting gears. It might lead to heading in a completely different direction and I think it will but I'll get into that with 10 of Swords. I think this is something a lot of us are going to go through with this pandemic. We are all having to understand that the way we were living before isn't necessarily sustainable and all of the hard work we put in and the blood sweat and tears have amounted to... what? Everything is starting to come to a standstill and we all have to confront the ideas that we have about how we're living and what's important and we all have to draw a line with what we want our life to look like when things open up again. What will we stand for?

So, 10 of Swords - something is getting cut off and it's going to be cut off abruptly. For some people this will be getting laid off. For others it's the end of relationships. It could be a project could end. A contract could be broken. I don't know exactly what it is, but something will end. If something like this happens it's important to remember to go with the flow. Do what you need to do of course, but don't get attached to what you think things should have been because it just prolongs the discomfort. Whatever it is, it's actually of benefit to you and once it's done, it's done. The picture on this card is perfect. I don't know if you're familiar with Golden Girls, but Dorothy's husband walked out on her after decades of marriage and she was devastated. They had a chance to get back together but when it came down to it she realized that she was so much better off alone and that it had opened up so many new doors for her in her life and she knew she could never go back and it would never be the same. It's that kind of vibe. It may be shitty but it will be one of the best things to ever happen to you.

Anyway - I am not a psychic so I can't really say this is how it will all play out but given what we're going through globally it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people would get a similar reading for how their year will go. I would say in the end it will all be to your benefit even if it feels shitty along the way sometimes. But it's really all up to how you choose to approach things as they arise. I think that's the way it is for most things anyway.
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