[PAX] SpecialEdition Reads Tarot

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@Sidis Coruscatis You asked about destiny. View attachment 76448

Hum. Similar to what happened with Peppermint, The Moon popped out before I really shuffled so I put it back in and said that if the card was meant for you it would get drawn and it did.

So, are you feeling kind of off? Lonely, confused, disconnected, out of line with your values, exhausted, maybe overwhelmed? All of these cards are telling me that either it hasn't been easy, or you're going to find yourself in a bit of a rough patch that you need to work through. I mean, I don't think this is your destiny, but it may be a theme you have to work through in your life.

The Moon in Reverse hints towards some kind of transformational experience. Any anxiety or fear you've had or any lack of clarity or disconnection from your intuition will be coming to a close if that hasn't already started. This card has a really spiritual woo woo vibe to it but it's important to pay attention to information that's coming to you. Pay attention to your intuition. Also pay attention to any time you try to shove any uncomfortable emotions to the side so you can "deal with things" because they're going to come back at you like a tsunami if you don't watch it. Also, try to be aware of what beliefs you have that don't actually belong to you. If you don't journal or blog to try to write out what your intuition is telling you, you need to start.

Seven of Wands is basically beating back criticism and anyone that's coming for you and maybe feeling like you can't catch a break from other people trying to impose their will, their ideas and their beliefs on you. This card can feel like you're in a pressure cooker and you may feel like you're about ready to give up or snap but generally the battle is almost over so if you're having a hard time keeping your footing you have to keep going - you always have to keep going. You don't have to compromise for anyone. You don't have to get everyone to agree. But you have to trust yourself and what you're doing and fight for what you want because it's actually fighting for yourself. If you ever suffer from Imposter Syndrome try to also put that aside because you actually are capable of meeting your goals and getting through to the other side. You have what you need to get what you want and be who you want.

Ten of Cups reversed is an interesting one too because it suggests a disconnection in your relationships but also a disconnection in your relationship to yourself. Some of this can come about when the Seven of Wands energy starts to take over and you start to bend towards other people's expectations because you're sick of dealing with the conflict. This can show up as resentment in relationships with other people, it can show up with feeling uncomfortable with who you are or who you're showing up as because you know you're compromising way too much for your own comfort. it can show up as not getting along with someone important to you. It can show up as a battle within yourself and feeling like you're not happy with anything that you're doing because you know it's not the path you're supposed to be on. 10's are completion cards, so this is not always going to be the case.

So how does this relate to destiny? Basically you have to check in with yourself and make sure you're always staying true to who you are otherwise it is going to invite conflict into your life that you don't need. People always mean well but they usually want you to do what they feel comfortable with and not necessarily what's in your own best interest. If you don't want to get pulled way off track where you feel like you're having to fight through every day because you're trying to meet expectations that you never set for yourself, you have to always check in with you. You do not need anyone else's approval. It's your life and you have to live it by your own design. There's nothing wrong with getting help or listening to advice but this Moon card is basically telling you that it's YOUR intuition and YOUR desires that matter. It's YOUR inner voice that needs to lead you. Otherwise you're going to feel pretty fucked up and fed up and it's just going to lead to wasting time on a path that was never carved out for you.

I don't know if any of this resonates.

Thanks, that was fairly relevant. Some of it more relevant to the past, but never entirely irrelevant to the present. Maybe I need more spiritual woo woo.
Also keep in mind this isn't meant to be serious or anything so I hope no one is looking for a really in depth soul exploration. That would take too much time and energy to do for free.
You asked what questions you should be asking.
View attachment 76445

You've gotta figure out where you want to go. I'm not even sure how much to write here. The Fool is telling you to look to new beginnings and to have some spontaneity, the Two of Wands is tell you to plan for your future, set your sights on some goals, think about the life you want to be living into, start discovering who you want to be and where you want to go. Get in touch with your inner sense of adventure. Then we have this Four of Pentacles that's holding you back before you ever get moving forward because this is saying hold on, we have to conserve, we have to be frugal, we have to hold on tight to everything we have, we can't move too far or rock the boat or go out on a limb because we will lose EVERYTHING. It's control and it's a bit of fear, too.

So I think the questions to start asking are, how much do you really need to hold onto? Do you trust yourself to move forward in your life without losing everything? Do you feel you have to stick to one place and one thing and one way of being because it is safe, manageable and you can control it? Are you willing to let go of that a bit so that you can step into a life by your own design? What do you actually want for yourself and if you could envision a perfect life (I know this is cheesy but do it anyway) what would that actually look like for you? And when you do picture it, don't try to prop it up by imagining all the other things you'd have to have in place for it to work. You don't need to build an imaginary scaffold to imagine a life where you would get in touch with the part of yourself that's meant to be more of a free spirit.

If you want me to dig a little deeper into what each of these cards mean let me know but I think looking at them it's pretty clear you have to decide what you're willing to let go of so you can move on.

Ok, so the requested expansion.

The Fool and The Two of Wands compete with teach other. The Fool is basically asking you to take a leap of face and reassures you that you don't have to have all the answers now. You don't have to have your plan mapped out. You don't even necessarily need to know where you're going and how things will turn out. The Fool is a 0 card - it can be the beginning of a journey or even the end of one (that will just turn into a new one anyway). The Fool sort of trusts that things are going to work out, it doesn't hold itself back with anxiety and fear. It encourages you to have some fun, to get back in touch with some of your innocence and to try to take some pleasure in life. If you're feeling closed off, held back, fearful in any way, then you have to put some of that beside so you don't hold yourself back from living. I really cringe at inner child kind of things but this card is inviting you to get in touch with that and put to the side anything else that has piled onto you over the years that has worn you down and made you feel any kind of dread or anxiety.

The Two of Wands is more about having a sense of where you want to go - looking out into the distance and thinking about all that could be waiting for you, but for some reason being afraid to get started. This card has a lot of potential but it's also very apprehensive. This card builds off the potential of the Ace of Wands and it suggests that there is a planning phase either under way now or soon to begin. It's a call to get out of your comfort zone, expand your horizons and giving yourself some room to breathe and experience life more fully. The card has you looking out into the distance while holding the world in your hands suggesting that anything out there is available to you but you have to walk towards it. It's not always easy to take action. It can be easier to stay in that phase of getting ready to get ready, or planning to plan, or feeling like you need more information, more courses, more resources, more qualifications, more experience, more of anything and by focusing on all the things you don't have that you THINK you need you cut yourself off from the most important thing which is to move forward anyway. If you need more, you can get it but you can't stop living your life and making progress while you stack up on stuff that's probably not going to do you much good anyway. So now you have a choice, do you stick to what you know, or do you decide to take a risk? The Fool says to take a risk.

The Four of Pentacles is sort of on the opposite side of The Fool. The Four of Pentacles clings out of fear. It feels scarce, it feels like there aren't enough resources, it feels like working really hard for something any any deviation from the path will result in all that hard work going to waste. The Four of Pentacles is weighed down by the sense of lack in either financial resources, health or home and it's really good at convincing people that if they don't hold onto to everything now they'll have nothing. This kind of fear can come up if a great loss has already been experience - if there's been some kind of serious financial loss or a health crisis. It can be anxiety inducing because the person under the energy of the Four of Pentacles may feel like they need to hoard things so they never have to start from scratch again. This energy can come up as really controlling - micromanaging at work, being possessive in a relationship, envy and jealousy, feeling that something you've worked towards may be threatened by someone else, etc. It can be really defensive and prevent you from making progress because you have to protect yourself.

So basically, the Two of Wands is offering you a choice between letting go and taking a leap of faith, or staying where you are because of some fear that if you let go you'll be left with nothing. I don't know if this is a work thing, a relationship thing or a personal development thing. That would be up to you. It could even be nothing and the whole reading could be wrong! But hopefully this made a bit more sense.
Thank you again @SpecialEdition
It's right in some ways and wrong in others. This reading would've been perfect about two years ago (most readings seem to be like that for me).

The things you cringe at are funny ^_^ woowoo allergies.
I think of readings as just something to take into consideration. An opportunity to reflect. Sometimes seeing what doesn't fit anymore is just as valuable as seeing what does.

Yeah, I don't like anything that gets too new agey anymore but I won't get into that particular rant here lol.
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