[PAX] SpecialEdition Reads Tarot

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@Chickensoup You asked about what was ahead in general.
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I am not sure if you have something going on in your emotional space right now but as I was trying to shuffle the cards they were flying all over the place. Not sure exactly what's happening with you or if this is just a coincidence, but I usually don't have that issue.

Anyway, it looks like a good year for you actually. Success, being in touch with your intuition, emotionally stable and in touch with what you want to achieve, etc. My concern would be the Chariot. The Chariot is where this begins. This card is telling you that you need to be DISCIPLINED in staying on track. You're going to have people pulling you in different directions, you'll have competing priorities, you may even have emotions of your own that try to pull you off track and away from achieving your own success. You have to keep a tight grip on that and make sure you keep your eye on the prize. You also have to be aware if people around you are naysayers and if they're trying to subtly or not so subtly pull you off course. Sometimes people are sneaky, jealous little fucks that will try to convince you that your goals aren't really worthwhile. An obvious example would be if you decided you wanted to lose weight and all of your friends told you that you shouldn't bother because you look great. Sure, maybe you DO look great, but you want to FEEL better, and if they're encouraging you not to take any action at all, you're not going to feel better. It's easy to get complacent when someone close to us tells us we don't really need to work so hard, or we don't really need to achieve our goals because we're great "as we are." All that says is they don't want you to move on.

The Queen of Cups says that you have enough fulfillment, enough emotional regulation and enough intuition to see what other people are trying to do so that you can stay on track for yourself. The Queen of Cups doesn't really need anything from other people after a while - in fact, people just come to HER. If you're finding that you're the person that everyone comes to for things, make sure you don't let yourself get overwhelmed by other people's emotions. Notice there's a lid on that chalice - your emotions stay contained within you, and the emotions of other people cannot get in. You need to practice BOUNDARIES.

So, provided you hold it together like a Queen of Cups and you also keep ahold on your own discipline you get to celebrate like the Six of Wands. When you do achieve something, share it. Let people in on your success. Don't be shy about what you've achieved. Allow yourself to receive recognition and don't shy away from it. If you're getting it, you deserve it.
@GreenTea you asked about the rest of the year but that was in 2020, so I'll do a little overview of 2021.
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I don't exactly know what you've got going on, but it doesn't seem like a very good time.

Basically we've got some issues here with power, control, domination and rigidity and we also have some issues going on with trying to do it all, carrying a huge burden, not delegating and the need to release. We've also got Death which means something has to give and you're not going to have a choice in the matter.

I can't really decide if the Emperor in reverse is you, or if it's someone else. I'm getting the sense that it could be a situation that's translating that way and it's putting a burden on you to do it all on your own without much help and basically, you either have to put an end to it voluntarily or you'll be forced to because something breaks down completely.

Let's put it this way, whoever the individual is that's represented by the Emperor is intolerable. This is a really overbearing, controlling, demeaning, demanding type of energy. There is a leader here who needs to examine their relationship with power very closely. Some people lead by example and with good intentions and some people lead with fear. This is something we all have to recognize in ourselves when it comes up, and I think almost all of us have had to deal with someone like this as well and it's miserable. Either way, you have to examine your relationship to this energy. If it's you, how you can you lead better? Can you inspire people without fear? Do you leave people feeling powerful or powerless? There's a call here for the power dynamic to be broken, so that's either going to be you standing up to authority or to some establishment or hierarchy or you're going to be put in a position where you're going to have to change how you're doing things. Either way, whatever is going on is going to break down because the Death card is here and it says that this thing is over and you don't have much of a choice about it. I'll get to that.

The Ten of Wands is showing me that there's a really uneven distribution of work - whether that's tasks that need to be done, emotional labour that's being used, etc. Something is really unbalanced and a burden. This is why I'm not really sure what the Emperor is about, because sometimes when we bite off more than we can chew we can resent other people around us that are doing less and it can bring out power dynamics in our personality and it can lead to a certain amount of toxicity. Alternatively, if you're dealing with someone else who is forcing a lot of work on you and it's not your choice but you're being made to feel you HAVE to shoulder all this work, it's just not sustainable. Whatever the situation is here, it's just not working. It can't work. It's not designed to work and it was never going to work so in that sense, it's temporary by nature and it makes sense that we have the Death card (change, transformation) because it HAS to change because the situation is unstable. Ten cards are also a completion of a cycle, so whatever you've got going on, it is going to end and you are going to be way better off for it.

The Death card is basically like, yeah, this has gotta stop and it's going to stop now so you may as well let go already. This is the end of a major phase in your life and it's a GOOD thing. This is a significant transformation and it will bring on big change. The transformation is with you and your relationship to yourself. If you have any kind of unhealthy attachments or relationships you're in, it's time to let them go. You're going to outgrow where you are.

So basically, if you've got someone in your space abusing power it's time to tell them to fuck off and take on some of the work themselves because you're not doing it anymore. OR, if you're finding yourself having a negative relationship with power within your own being, it's time to cast that aside too. Either way, you can't carry everything on your own shoulders, you CAN delegate, you don't have to live by the phrase "if you want something done right do it yourself," and you can have a healthier relationship with your goals and ambitions and whatever you're working on in life.

If any of this makes sense to you that's great. I really don't know anything about you so I don't have anything to pull from except a general theme of what to look out for. If you need clarification let me know I can pull another card if none of this is resonating.
@Professor Snep You didn't really tell me what you wanted to know so I just pulled a couple cards. Actually I don't even know if you wanted a reading but here we go anyway.

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Knight of Wands reversed has some chaotic energy and the Queen of Pentacles reversed basically says learn to prioritize so you're not scattered all over the place and accomplishing nothing.

Knight of Wands is a pretty passionate card - it's creative, it is energetic, it is impulsive, it is also impatient. If you have a considerable build up of energy and nowhere to send it, it can show up pretty chaotic in your life and even be a little ADHD like - where you have a lot of interests, projects, things you're passionate about and goals you want to achieve but you can't stay on task to finish one thing or another so none of it gets done. At the same time, you could WANT everything to be done NOW, but without the discipline and focus of the Queen of Pentacles in reverse everything remains scattered. There's huge potential with the Knight of Wands and it has that sort of "I am meant for something" energy, but you have to learn how to zero in on it so that you can actually move it forward. You also have to realize that there may be obstacles or things that come up that are unfavourable. That doesn't mean abandon ship to the next great idea lol. It means finding a way to work through it and stay the course so you can actually bring things to fruition.

The Queen of Pentacles is about taking care of yourself - it's about taking care of your mind and your body and your TIME. It's about finding the appropriate balance between your goals and your work but also your interpersonal relationships and your relationship to yourself. If you're the type that can get sucked into a hobby or project or some other endeavour and forget to do the basics like drink water once in a while and eat some solid meals, this card is telling you that you have to start doing that. You'll be your best Knight of Wands if you can also be your best Queen of Pentacles. Basically, it's OK to slow down a minute, take care of yourself and then get back to work on the things that interest you the most. There's no rush even if it always feels like a rush. You have time and you'll do your best when you are your best. The two energies have to balance and work with each other so that you can keep your head on straight and actually look back on your life and see that you've made some real progress without burning yourself out.
@Krypton you asked about what's generally ahead.
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Allllright, so it looks like we have a little inner conflict going on about social isolation and trying to find the balance between connecting with others and having enough alone time to yourself. Sometimes this inner conflict can look a lot like trying to decide how much of yourself to share, how much to keep to yourself, what you want to reveal about who you are and what you're up to, figuring out what is and isn't appropriate with others and deciding to let people in.

The Hermit in reverse can be a signal that maybe you're a little bit too isolated and have maybe taken the inner reflection thing as far as it can to. This card encourages you to share a bit more, be a bit more open and let yourself get into a more social flow. I'm not saying this has to be in person, either. There are plenty of ways to connect with people online that can be rewarding as well. You've probably done enough reflecting on yourself to last you the rest of your life so it's time to get in touch with your purpose outside of your own inner world and to see how you can translate that into something outside of yourself.

King of Swords in reverse can be a bit tricky and this is where some of that battle about what to share and what not to share can come in. Or rather, how you choose to share it. I don't get a manipulative vibe off you which is something that can come up with this card. I also don't get an abuse of power with you either. So I think this may be a bit more about how you're representing yourself to other people. Sometimes the King of Swords can get caught up in bragging about themselves, trying to come off as super intelligent, trying to engage in topics that they know a lot about where others don't as a sign of superiority but not necessarily because they think they're superior but more because they're trying to figure out where they fit in with someone and a group so a King of Swords in reverse will over compensate almost with bragging. It's not malicious, it just needs less of a heavy hand because there's usually value in people outside of their intellect. This card can also translate into some indecisiveness about which direction to go, what opportunities to chase, what to do right NOW. Swords are intellectual and communicative but sometimes they can become clouded and when that's the case it can bring up some negative traits. Something to be mindful of. It's not "bad." It's just something to watch for in yourself. The underlying message here is that you can take action without knowing everything. Doing something is better than nothing.

Page of Cups reversed I think is where some of the indecisiveness of the King of Swords comes in. This is about creative projects, inspirations you have, things you want to get into and participate in and create but you're not sure you really want to bring anyone into that. I don't know if you have something like this going on that maybe you're worried about sharing because it's really important to you or what it is. You may feel that you don't want to tell anyone what you're up to until you have something to show for it. If you have the indecisiveness of the King of Swords then you're going to find yourself cut off from sharing for a while because you don't get anywhere. Also, this card says to tell your inner critic to shut the fuck up. Tell your self doubt to fuck off. Any insecurities you have can fuck off too. If you're self conscious in any way it can feed into the King of Swords, it can come out as overcompensation in one area and inaction in another and it can create an imbalance within you where you're just not representing yourself well and it may cause you to want to turn into a literal hermit. You don't have time in your life for that shit. You don't want these things to override your progress and you don't want the analysis paralysis to keep you stagnant and keep you from growing and expanding your life. It's OK to feel stuck. You can make a choice about where to go. It isn't set in stone. Even if you move in one direction you can still move back and try another one.
You asked what questions you should be asking.
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You've gotta figure out where you want to go. I'm not even sure how much to write here. The Fool is telling you to look to new beginnings and to have some spontaneity, the Two of Wands is tell you to plan for your future, set your sights on some goals, think about the life you want to be living into, start discovering who you want to be and where you want to go. Get in touch with your inner sense of adventure. Then we have this Four of Pentacles that's holding you back before you ever get moving forward because this is saying hold on, we have to conserve, we have to be frugal, we have to hold on tight to everything we have, we can't move too far or rock the boat or go out on a limb because we will lose EVERYTHING. It's control and it's a bit of fear, too.

So I think the questions to start asking are, how much do you really need to hold onto? Do you trust yourself to move forward in your life without losing everything? Do you feel you have to stick to one place and one thing and one way of being because it is safe, manageable and you can control it? Are you willing to let go of that a bit so that you can step into a life by your own design? What do you actually want for yourself and if you could envision a perfect life (I know this is cheesy but do it anyway) what would that actually look like for you? And when you do picture it, don't try to prop it up by imagining all the other things you'd have to have in place for it to work. You don't need to build an imaginary scaffold to imagine a life where you would get in touch with the part of yourself that's meant to be more of a free spirit.

If you want me to dig a little deeper into what each of these cards mean let me know but I think looking at them it's pretty clear you have to decide what you're willing to let go of so you can move on.
Professional and academic aspects. But anything in general works too.
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Funny, I picked up the deck to shuffle and the Ace of Pentacles popped out. I put it back in because I had barely shuffled at all and said that if you were meant to have that card it would come out again. And it did. So that's fun.

Ace of Pentacles is great in the context of career and academics actually. This is all about new opportunities, manifestation and abundance. I really don't like those words in the woo woo sense, but the theme applies. Basically the work you put in is the reward you'll get out of it. However, the Ace is ONLY the opportunity, it is not the guarantee. Pentacles are all hard work but they generally pay off. You may find that you're basically handed an opportunity at some point and you have to choose whether or not you're going to take it.

What I'm seeing here is some inner conflict. So we have the Ace which is an amazing opportunity, we have Two of Wands which is setting your sights on the world and your goals but being afraid you're not ready to pursue them yet and we have a four of pentacles which is usually some kind of fear mindset around money and controlling resources.

You have to follow your instincts here, but if something comes your way that will help you advance to your goals in the Two of Wands but you've got Four of Pentacles in your space telling you that you're not ready, you don't have the money or resources, you haven't planned enough, you don't have the stability to make it work, etc, you have to trust yourself. You have to remember that sometimes opportunities don't land in our laps for us to throw them away until we're "ready" or it's the "right time." It seems like you're already laying the ground work for where you want to go and probably have some ideas about where your academics are going to take you career wise, which is great. Don't let any kind of anxiety get in the way of you stepping outside of your comfort zone when something comes your way that can actually advance your career in a real and meaningful way. There may be up front costs, but the Ace of Pentacles is basically saying, all this gold is yours, I'm handing it to you, you just have to reach out and take it.

So, you've got to TRUST YOURSELF that if you really, REALLY want something it is within you to be resourceful and creative in getting there and you can make it work. Chances are you're going to have a lot of things coming your way that you may feel you're not ready for but the opportunity doesn't come to you because you're the wrong person for it. Something to keep in mind as you're moving forward. I think you probably have some good things coming your way as long as you don't roadblock yourself.
@Sidis Coruscatis You asked about destiny. View attachment 76448

Hum. Similar to what happened with Peppermint, The Moon popped out before I really shuffled so I put it back in and said that if the card was meant for you it would get drawn and it did.

So, are you feeling kind of off? Lonely, confused, disconnected, out of line with your values, exhausted, maybe overwhelmed? All of these cards are telling me that either it hasn't been easy, or you're going to find yourself in a bit of a rough patch that you need to work through. I mean, I don't think this is your destiny, but it may be a theme you have to work through in your life.

The Moon in Reverse hints towards some kind of transformational experience. Any anxiety or fear you've had or any lack of clarity or disconnection from your intuition will be coming to a close if that hasn't already started. This card has a really spiritual woo woo vibe to it but it's important to pay attention to information that's coming to you. Pay attention to your intuition. Also pay attention to any time you try to shove any uncomfortable emotions to the side so you can "deal with things" because they're going to come back at you like a tsunami if you don't watch it. Also, try to be aware of what beliefs you have that don't actually belong to you. If you don't journal or blog to try to write out what your intuition is telling you, you need to start.

Seven of Wands is basically beating back criticism and anyone that's coming for you and maybe feeling like you can't catch a break from other people trying to impose their will, their ideas and their beliefs on you. This card can feel like you're in a pressure cooker and you may feel like you're about ready to give up or snap but generally the battle is almost over so if you're having a hard time keeping your footing you have to keep going - you always have to keep going. You don't have to compromise for anyone. You don't have to get everyone to agree. But you have to trust yourself and what you're doing and fight for what you want because it's actually fighting for yourself. If you ever suffer from Imposter Syndrome try to also put that aside because you actually are capable of meeting your goals and getting through to the other side. You have what you need to get what you want and be who you want.

Ten of Cups reversed is an interesting one too because it suggests a disconnection in your relationships but also a disconnection in your relationship to yourself. Some of this can come about when the Seven of Wands energy starts to take over and you start to bend towards other people's expectations because you're sick of dealing with the conflict. This can show up as resentment in relationships with other people, it can show up with feeling uncomfortable with who you are or who you're showing up as because you know you're compromising way too much for your own comfort. it can show up as not getting along with someone important to you. It can show up as a battle within yourself and feeling like you're not happy with anything that you're doing because you know it's not the path you're supposed to be on. 10's are completion cards, so this is not always going to be the case.

So how does this relate to destiny? Basically you have to check in with yourself and make sure you're always staying true to who you are otherwise it is going to invite conflict into your life that you don't need. People always mean well but they usually want you to do what they feel comfortable with and not necessarily what's in your own best interest. If you don't want to get pulled way off track where you feel like you're having to fight through every day because you're trying to meet expectations that you never set for yourself, you have to always check in with you. You do not need anyone else's approval. It's your life and you have to live it by your own design. There's nothing wrong with getting help or listening to advice but this Moon card is basically telling you that it's YOUR intuition and YOUR desires that matter. It's YOUR inner voice that needs to lead you. Otherwise you're going to feel pretty fucked up and fed up and it's just going to lead to wasting time on a path that was never carved out for you.

I don't know if any of this resonates.
@Deleted member 16771
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Wheel of Fortune Reversed: Your luck took a turn for the worst. You can choose whether or not you want to take any action to rectify it. You have to take personal responsibility for any part that you played that may have created the situation that you’re in now. It’s the only way forward. You can take control – not everything is out of your hands. If you’re feeling a resistance to change, like moving on in any way, this can be the Wheel of Fortune at play. A sudden change in how things were may have caused significant stress and you may be consciously or even subconsciously holding on to stop things from running their course. Because of the nature of the Wheel of Fortune it can also be signaling to you that you’re at the end of a cycle and that things are going to be on the upswing. This is a time to think about any patterns that you have that create strife in your life and try to be self aware moving forward so you don’t repeat the same kind of pain.

Eight of Cups reversed is a decision card. You have to decide what you’re going to do. Do you stay or do you go? Do you hold on or do you finally let go? If your intuition tells you that the situation you’re in is a lost cause, it’s time to listen to it and move forward. If it tells you that there still may be hope, you may need to try to give things one last shot before completely moving forward without looking back. This card can mean you’re drifting or will be drifting as well – you may try different relationships but until you’ve resolved within yourself what needs to be resolved, nothing will ever be satisfying. The grass is greener on the other side… but not always.

Queen of Swords reversed is how you’re showing up now. You may actually be responding to things emotionally more than rationally and by doing so you may actually be isolating yourself from other people. Queen of Swords reversed can signify that you’re being too cold hearted, resentful and maybe even bitchy lol. Yes, you need to be assertive and you have to make sure that your emotions aren’t getting in the way of your life but you do have to take care with how you come across because you could be causing yourself more harm than good. If you’ve got unresolved emotional issues going on with your relationships then it has the potential to translate into something ugly.

I had to pull another card to see where you could be in the future. In the picture Knight of Cups is in reverse but it should be upright.

Knight of Cups: This card is all about creativity, romance, charm, imagination and beauty. This is a romantic card. This is future you provided the rest of the stuff in your emotional space is resolved. The Knight of Cups wears his heart on his sleeve, is open and loving, warm, compassionate, charming, in love with love. It sounds gross but hey, this is happiness. This is all about taking action towards the life you’ve dreamed about. Knights are action cards and it’s an invitation to move forward into the life that you want. There’s no rush to get there but you have to start taking steps to move forward. But the work of the above three cards has to be done and put away. After that, you’re on your way to getting everything you want.
@Deleted member 16771
View attachment 76449

Wheel of Fortune Reversed: Your luck took a turn for the worst. You can choose whether or not you want to take any action to rectify it. You have to take personal responsibility for any part that you played that may have created the situation that you’re in now. It’s the only way forward. You can take control – not everything is out of your hands. If you’re feeling a resistance to change, like moving on in any way, this can be the Wheel of Fortune at play. A sudden change in how things were may have caused significant stress and you may be consciously or even subconsciously holding on to stop things from running their course. Because of the nature of the Wheel of Fortune it can also be signaling to you that you’re at the end of a cycle and that things are going to be on the upswing. This is a time to think about any patterns that you have that create strife in your life and try to be self aware moving forward so you don’t repeat the same kind of pain.

Eight of Cups reversed is a decision card. You have to decide what you’re going to do. Do you stay or do you go? Do you hold on or do you finally let go? If your intuition tells you that the situation you’re in is a lost cause, it’s time to listen to it and move forward. If it tells you that there still may be hope, you may need to try to give things one last shot before completely moving forward without looking back. This card can mean you’re drifting or will be drifting as well – you may try different relationships but until you’ve resolved within yourself what needs to be resolved, nothing will ever be satisfying. The grass is greener on the other side… but not always.

Queen of Swords reversed is how you’re showing up now. You may actually be responding to things emotionally more than rationally and by doing so you may actually be isolating yourself from other people. Queen of Swords reversed can signify that you’re being too cold hearted, resentful and maybe even bitchy lol. Yes, you need to be assertive and you have to make sure that your emotions aren’t getting in the way of your life but you do have to take care with how you come across because you could be causing yourself more harm than good. If you’ve got unresolved emotional issues going on with your relationships then it has the potential to translate into something ugly.

I had to pull another card to see where you could be in the future. In the picture Knight of Cups is in reverse but it should be upright.

Knight of Cups: This card is all about creativity, romance, charm, imagination and beauty. This is a romantic card. This is future you provided the rest of the stuff in your emotional space is resolved. The Knight of Cups wears his heart on his sleeve, is open and loving, warm, compassionate, charming, in love with love. It sounds gross but hey, this is happiness. This is all about taking action towards the life you’ve dreamed about. Knights are action cards and it’s an invitation to move forward into the life that you want. There’s no rush to get there but you have to start taking steps to move forward. But the work of the above three cards has to be done and put away. After that, you’re on your way to getting everything you want.
Thanks, SE.

This reading fucked me up.

We've spoken about it, you know where I'm coming from.

I think it's awesome how you do these; generally it 'hits'; for me it does anyway.
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