Spiritual realm

So, I've written a couple of times that my birth-mother was mentally ill. She had lived in homes almost all of her life.

In Michigan, a bunch of my friends and I went into the 'tunnels' of this random insane asylum in the middle of nowhere. I loved exploring, and was excited to go. I was fine in the asylym, but I started 'picking up' really awful feelings. I knew they weren't mine, but they were strong. There was one room where I went into... I couldn't bear it. Everyone else was fine... but I sensed something truly, truly awful... some terrible and god-awful pain that happened in that room. We went to that room several times, and as much as I tried to avoid it, somehow I kept getting lost and ending up in that same room. My emotional pain (again, not mine, but it was still such extreme pain) was excruciating, and it's almost impossible to describe.

I found out about 3 years later, that that was one of the institutions my mother had been kept at....

I will never know more than that.
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So, I've written a couple of times that my birth-mother was mentally ill. She had lived in homes almost all of her life.

In Michigan, a bunch of my friends and I went into the 'tunnels' of this random insane asylum in the middle of nowhere. I loved exploring, and was excited to go. I was fine in the asylym, but I started 'picking up' really awful feelings. I knew they weren't mine, but they were strong. There was one room where I went into... I couldn't bear it. Everyone else was fine... but I sensed something truly, truly awful... some terrible and god-awful pain that happened in that room. We went to that room several times, and as much as I tried to avoid it, somehow I kept getting lost and ending up in that same room. My emotional pain (again, not mine, but it was still such extreme pain) was excruciating, and it's almost impossible to describe.

I found out about 3 years later, that that was one of the institutions my mother had been kept at....

I will never know more than that.

now I have chills
Do tell!

I have to go to bed very soon, but I can't wait to wake up and read more!

Ill post more tomorrow I really need to get my nano words done first! lol
Wow. Doesn't it make you wonder, "why me?" You got a helping hand but yet the girl who was raped didn't. It baffles me. Why are some people blind to it and others are not?
Wow. Doesn't it make you wonder, "why me?" You got a helping hand but yet the girl who was raped didn't. It baffles me. Why are some people blind to it and others are not?

I dont know...I cried that night that some one took my place...
The only ghostly sort of thing I've experienced was being a camp counsellor... in a haunted cabin. *shudder* I've never before felt a building hate me, and certainly not with the intensity this one did. I won't go into the whole backstory because I only got that info secondhand. But I know that this particular cabin REALLY made me uncomfortable. I believe in prayer, so I prayed a lot. And while that cabin hated me, everyone commented how calm that summer was, with very little of the usual craziness that cabin involves. (Interesting side note: the camp apparently has had priests come before to pray/sanctify/etc the place and it's STILL haunted! Yeesh.)
It is weird, but I also think it's a question that cannot be answered--at least until we die anyway.

But I do have a hypothesis. Just as a warning, this is going to sound really weird, even if the rest didn't. ;)

I honestly believe that some of us may be 'sacrifice' spirits. People who go through things like rape and other bad things, to help save someone who wouldn't be able to handle it as well. I also think my birth-mother was one. I wouldn't wish the life she lived on the evilest person in the world.

(Or maybe that's just how I have made sense out of really bad experiences.)
The only ghostly sort of thing I've experienced was being a camp counsellor... in a haunted cabin. *shudder* I've never before felt a building hate me, and certainly not with the intensity this one did. I won't go into the whole backstory because I only got that info secondhand. But I know that this particular cabin REALLY made me uncomfortable. I believe in prayer, so I prayed a lot. And while that cabin hated me, everyone commented how calm that summer was, with very little of the usual craziness that cabin involves. (Interesting side note: the camp apparently has had priests come before to pray/sanctify/etc the place and it's STILL haunted! Yeesh.)

yea, contrary to popular belief...the priest thing doesn't work...nothing does...It sounds like the cabin had something really horrible happen in it, and its holding on!
It is weird, but I also think it's a question that cannot be answered--at least until we die anyway.

But I do have a hypothesis. Just as a warning, this is going to sound really weird, even if the rest didn't. ;)

I honestly believe that some of us may be 'sacrifice' spirits. People who go through things like rape and other bad things, to help save someone who wouldn't be able to handle it as well. I also think my birth-mother was one. I wouldn't wish the life she lived on the evilest person in the world.

(Or maybe that's just how I have made sense out of really bad experiences.)
no its not weird...I completely understand and have the same theory
yea, contrary to popular belief...the priest thing doesn't work...nothing does...It sounds like the cabin had something really horrible happen in it, and its holding on!

I find it somewhat ironic that a whole gang of priests didn't (seem to) help, yet one person's heartfelt prayers stopped the cabin from going nuts. A more typical summer has the cabin getting really hot (unbearably so) on a cold night, or getting really cold on a warm night. Worse things include the noise (and shell) of a shotgun and other loud, creepy, menacing noises. If the folklore is true, the creepiness came in a with a really creepy kid. The feeling I kept getting in there was a powerful loathing that was powerless to actually do anything. I think someone was looking out for us. ;)
I find it somewhat ironic that a whole gang of priests didn't (seem to) help, yet one person's heartfelt prayers stopped the cabin from going nuts. A more typical summer has the cabin getting really hot (unbearably so) on a cold night, or getting really cold on a warm night. Worse things include the noise (and shell) of a shotgun and other loud, creepy, menacing noises. If the folklore is true, the creepiness came in a with a really creepy kid. The feeling I kept getting in there was a powerful loathing that was powerless to actually do anything. I think someone was looking out for us. ;)

Interesting, Sounds like it!
I don't really have anything spine chilling to share, but I have had some experiences. I do have moments when a place just gives those really bad feelings, and I can hardly bear to be in the place.

However, I do have a fairly silly thing to share. Once, with a spell gone wrong, I accidentally created a poltergeist, which still haunts my house, though is not bound there. The poltergeist was formed in my image, with my personality, so it is pretty much the quietest poltergeist you'll ever meet. all he really ever does is warn me when the parents are coming home (I hear someone walking up the stairs, no one's there, but I still clean up everything that needs cleaning. 10-15 minutes later a parent arrives). also, he entertains the cats while no one's home or we're all in bed (I've heard noises, like our little whistles that we use with our cats, that our cats can't make).
That's actually kind of ..unnerving

since I am starting to get interested in spells too
That's actually kind of ..unnerving

since I am starting to get interested in spells too
if you ever create a "fetch" (image of yourself to be on someone's mind), make sure to give it an expiration date (make sure it's to dissipate at said time). also, make sure that its NOT sentient, so that if it becomes a problem, you don't feel guilty banishing/destroying it. those were my problems, I never told it to GTFO, and not I now feel to guilty and attached to it to do anything. a fetch is naturally in your image, so if you mess up, the consequences won't be that bad, and it is much more difficult to summon any other kind of spirit.
that's good to know :-) Thanks. In the dictionary "sentient" means conscious. I'm not sure how that connects to the fetch...

I've been spending my days reading about Wicca lately, it's gradually coming to me. I don't have a full grasp of things yet, but soon... and it's mixing in with my other beliefs and ideas

I guess it's a good question for this thread
You wrote spirit and summon... Is it a soul? A ghost? A real person? Like what a lot of the people seem to be encountering in this thread..
Or is it just an energy, and has no soul (and not sentient/awake/conscious.. not able to have its own thoughts etc I'm guessing)

user InTheWombLikeCocoon seems to speak often of those in her threads if I understand correctly...

I'll also write my own story. To go with "energies" rather than ghosts, etc
Last year I was being harassed while I was on the bus.. Two people came on, sat down and were saying bad things about me. When they sat down, right away I thought "Oh they're speaking another language (maybe Swedish)." I didn't know at first they were talking about me.. it was in a different language and for most of the trip, I couldn't even hear it, even though they sat just opposite of me, to the side a bit. Very close. And everybody around me could hear them ..Later on everyone around were frowning at me, laughing etc --that's when I realized it was about me because several of them looked at me and also sat further away from me. So strange...
I was just telling my sister the other day that for some reason I can hear my parents in the other side of the house. And then this happens and I can't hear a thing. So someone must have "shut my ears off"
Anyway I always feel like I have things to learn when things happen, so the message it seemed was that it was not important that I hear anything they said about me, it was just the reaction of the other people who were not involved..and somehow they got to believe whatever the two people were saying without even thinking or witnessing anything I might have done.
when I wrote sentient, I meant conscious and self aware, as in it would regret no longer existing. Also, there is a very fine line between those things that you mentioned. A soul is the essence of WHO a person is. A spirit is a non-physical component of someone. A ghost is like a reflection of the person's spirit, as guided by their soul (but neither their spirit nor soul is present [however, I wouldn't be surprised if a soul could come from the other side and reclaim control of their ghost for whatever reason]). What one would bring about when summoning a spirit would be similar to a ghost, except it would be controlled by an actual spirit, instead of the memory of one. The energies that ITWLC is talking about are more like souls (but not exactly) that simply exist on there own, instead of originally residing in a body.

Note: this is all from my own perspective/musing on the subject. I would not be surprised if someone else knowledgeable on the subject completely disagreed with me. Also, if you have questions on wicca, may I direct you to my Ask a Wiccan/Pagan thread.
i have been following that thread ^^ I just came from the library and will read a bit first before asking anymore

I do want to point out my post there is on topic (in case it gets moved)
I am wondering how the people in this thread would consider what their experiences are
Some people mention angels... ghosts, energies

I agree with your definitions for soul, ghost and spirit
I always thought ghost was the same as spirit, so that is interesting. Maybe ghost is when it is an actual form.. Spirit can be experienced through just smells or cold air, vibes than something visual...
And I am supposing a spirit can exist without a soul (since the three are usually connected)... like milon's take on the cabin hating him. It might be a combo of all the different people's experiences/histories that have been in that cabin and it sort of formed itself into a spirit...

It is just interesting because it seems like there are so many dimensions to life
There are living beings everywhere.. not just what we see or the Living that is now passed on, but even more than that
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NaeturVaeder - that is the best poltergeist I have ever heard of. A helpful poltergeist? I've never heard of that before, awesome!

There do seem to be many different dimensions to life, and not even just when we're awake and when we're asleep, which seems like another dimension too.
Awsome stuff everyone! OOOOH I love this stuff! OK Ill share another i suppose!

OK So a couple of years ago, I was part of this moms group, we would do silly moms nights out and things like that...well one time we decided to go ghost hunting, and naturally I was called on to lead it...another member had some neato equipment, and another was a photographer. My bff was there too...remember what I have said about when were together.

First we went to the grave yard...nothing there guys...they are for the living not the dead...I tried to tell them that but you know, every old cemetary has their ghost stories...We did get weird heat signatures on the equipment...but there was nothing there it was just fun...and I played along...Next we went to the park I talked about earlier...Remember i mentioned an old 19th century foundation there...This was once the house of an old witch. The road going through this park used to be the only way into SLC, and she had a son who would play on the road, well one day a carriage ran over her boy, and she cursed the road. After she died, carriages would get rocks flying at them from the valley area of this canyon road. In the thirties the road was closed because car windows, (not windshieds, but the side ones) would be smashed out and the drivers would find rocks in their cars. It has always been a creey thing to me, this skeleton of what once was a house...There are old wives tales about witches houses and trees growing where her fire, and her cauldron was...This house has just that. When you walk up the stairs and into the house, you can feel the presence of the old woman, but she wont show herself.

OK so this was our next stop on our ghost hunt. As soon as we stepped into the threshold beyond the landscaped part of the park, and into the woodsy area, the little gadgets started to go crazy, and the photographers camera started freeking out...My friend and I knew instantly that something was pissed off tonight, we should have turned around...we kept saying we should go...but they wouldnt listen, the had to know what would happen if they kept going.

My bff and I go into the house first, because we really didnt want anyone to get hurt, and we knew something was amassing energy. Several things happened at that moment...
* A malicous growl - everyone heard
*the camera started taking pictures on its own and battery drained
*the equipments batteries drained
*all cell phone batteries drained
*my bff and I were scratched on the back (our backs were facing the main room of the house.)

we didnt say anything to anyone, we didnt want to scare them. They burned, and when we got home, we both had 4 burning raised scratch marks on our backs. We had on heavy coats, there was no way a branch could have done this.

That night the camera caught something...its hard to see, its very light, but in the center of this house is a swirling energy standing right behind my bff...I was out of the frame, but very close to her.