I have no idea what this was all about but one Halloween I spontaneously started speaking in an Irish accent and I had no control over it. I had complete control over my words but the accent took on a life of its own! When I joke around and fake an Irish accent it's really bad and there would be no sustaining it. On Halloween though I spoke with a PERFECT and fluid Irish accent!
My kids thought it was hilarious and at first my husband did too but then it started freaking him out because the accent wasn't faked! LOL
There was nothing I could do about it so I kept my words to a minimum as I followed my daughter around the neighborhood collecting candy. She ran into a little schoolfriend so I got stuck talking to the mom.
"Oh! You're Irish!" she exclaimed.
"Um, well no, we're not." Said with Irish accent.
Shrug shoulders.
She asked me one more question and when I answered she raised her eyebrows, gathered up her daughter and went on their way.
I was so thankful when we finally got home and turned out our lights. The accent left at about 11pm and that was the end of it.
As kind of haha funny as it is, it was VERY weird and strange. Any ideas?
How very appropriate for Halloween/Samhain.certainly something bleeding over from a past life.
I honestly don't think I had a past life, or it was a long time ago. I think I might be one of those indigo people. I have psychic powers and strong clairvoyance. I see like around 4 visions per month out of nowhere, and I can guess things REALLY well sometimes.![]()
Might I just say I love this thread. Ha.
Alright, time to share mine. It's not as creepy as everyone else's but it's something.
When I was a child, at around 5 or 6, at around 5 or 6 pm [I know it was around that time since I usually pray the Angelus(prayer in the Catholic religion) that time and I didn't that day], ironically enough, my dad asked me to buy cigarettes for him [this was in the Philippines so don't bother making sense of the laws there; it's too flawed.]
Anyway, after I got the cigarettes, I looked at them and counted them to see if the vendor gave me the right amount. Suddenly, I heard a female voice ask me 'What are you doing?' while walking beside me.
I didn't look up at her; I continued counting the cigarettes but I did glance at what she was wearing. It was a long, white flimsy dress, ankle length. I remember I smiled and said "Oh, I'm counting the cigarettes." I looked up then and was about to ask her 'What about you?' but there was no one in sight. At all.
I did try looking to see if someone was playing a joke on me but there really was no one in sight so I madly dashed back towards our house. Heh.
Ok The house I grew up in was built in the 30's as a brothel. Our back yard once was an alley way complete with fire hydrant! My room was in the basement. It was a concrete walled in room, I dont know why I chose this room but...yea...It was like a dungeon. Anyway at night I would hear everything from moans of pleasure, to screams of pain. One night when i was freaked out, I grabbed my camera and aimed it at the corner the noise was coming from, and the camera just went off on its own over and over again...
When the film was developed there is one shot where the frame was pushed aside and you can see a figure. Its strange colored, and creepy.
Omgosh! The ones you experience really gives me the chills!
Has anyone learned to do these things ?
ie. messages from dreams like federer
or at least, had the ability but learned to improve it
I heard that we are all capable of things such as getting insight from the subconscious, ESP etc but they are hidden in most people and need some nudging to waken
At the moment I'm learning a bit, via meditation
I wouldn't say I 'learned' it since it's beyond my control, but it does happen. It's quite fascinating really. May I know you awaken it though, if it is indeed possible?