Storytelling Talent?


A true lady
I have known for a long time that I have this skill. I notice everyday things - usually human behavior - and if anything strikes me as odd, I think about it and then tell others the story with my spin. I will have them enraptured, impressed and in stitches.

Is this an INFJ thing to observe everyday life, analyze it and entertain others with those observations and analyses? I call this storytelling but maybe it is just talking about life and human truths.

Does anyone else do this?
I have known for a long time that I have this skill. I notice everyday things - usually human behavior - and if anything strikes me as odd, I think about it and then tell others the story with my spin. I will have them enraptured, impressed and in stitches.

Is this an INFJ thing to observe everyday life, analyze it and entertain others with those observations and analyses? I call this storytelling but maybe it is just talking about life and human truths.

Does anyone else do this?

Doing what you do gives people a different perspective than they had before. Its an art form. Perhaps you should try writing. As near as I can tell... inxjs seem to be more prone to this ability than others. But thats only my opinion.
The wind blew through the street pretty hard.


The wind gusted down the asphalt blacktop sending bits of dirt and debris into passerbys eyes. One lady on an erand to retrieve much needed medicine for her husband was nearly struck by an automobile as she stepped into the busy intersection having been temporarily blinded. The gods were not happy today, not at all she thought.
Not an infj, but i've been told i'm a great storyteller and i'm good with word-play, i have excelent memory and i have a quick mind/wit. However, i don't usually like attention, and i'm impatient, so i'd rather just make quick and precise remarks.
My ENFJ father haves a REALLY good way to tell stories, there's a kind of performing streak that he gives to his stories, since he's a trained actor, but there's a natural feel to him that INFJs may share, so i can totally see that.
I have known for a long time that I have this skill. I notice everyday things - usually human behavior - and if anything strikes me as odd, I think about it and then tell others the story with my spin. I will have them enraptured, impressed and in stitches.

Is this an INFJ thing to observe everyday life, analyze it and entertain others with those observations and analyses? I call this storytelling but maybe it is just talking about life and human truths.

Does anyone else do this?

I've had my moments. But I always kind of chalk this up to my shadow E self coming out. I met another INFJ who could do the same. Because we could be so bombastic in audience pleasing, we called it the neurotic sideshow. Not saying you are neurotic, by the way. It just felt so otherwise contrary to the INFJ nature. So ya got me. Yes, I've noticed it, no I can't explain it! Btw, I seem to have mostly lost this skill by my mid thirties. I got a lot more inhibited.
No, I'm not good at it! I really am not not not good at it at all! It takes a lot of work for me to create engagement like that! I am much better at responding creatively to the storytelling of others. It must be nice to be good at it.
I've had my moments. But I always kind of chalk this up to my shadow E self coming out. I met another INFJ who could do the same. Because we could be so bombastic in audience pleasing, we called it the neurotic sideshow. Not saying you are neurotic, by the way. It just felt so otherwise contrary to the INFJ nature. So ya got me. Yes, I've noticed it, no I can't explain it! Btw, I seem to have mostly lost this skill by my mid thirties. I got a lot more inhibited.

I wonder if that's just growing into ourselves, the inhibited part.

It sounds, at least to me, like embracing that which for so long, has felt so hard.
I wonder if that's just growing into ourselves, the inhibited part.

It sounds, at least to me, like embracing that which for so long, has felt so hard.

Totally agree. I tried to fight who I was for so long. I still do, but to a lesser degree. I really, really tried to be an E at times. This could be hilarious (as in people laughing with me), or quite disastrous and humiliating too.
Interesting. So, it's a me thing and not a type thing? I always wondered. Maybe like [MENTION=10759]BrokenDaniel[/MENTION] said, it is due to actor training but it's more than that. I synthesize the truth, see the humor or fascination in it and when I share, it truly entertains.
I tell a great story, and can recite a few long poems (the cremation of sam magee for one) and can even sing, (not very well but I sang and recited for hours trying to get my kids to sleep when they were babies)
I had the lead in my HS play and give a mean brewery tour.
I seem to be good at recounting past stories about people I know (or myself) and making them interesting and entertaining. I find a lot of humour in the things that people do and I can usually translate that back into a story that is at least somewhat entertaining. At the very least I find myself entertaining :D
I'm a story teller. All I do is tell stories about my life. Which is fun for me, I do like talking, and thankfully fun for those around me. Every once and a while I interact with someone who is impatient and they want to know the point of my story. Those are most annoying -_-
Always thought this was a Te Ne thing though. The INFJs I've interacted with aren't good story tellers. One would fumble so much while telling a story he'd never tell it. Another would get so off base of the story itself with seemingly no connection in his speech you couldn't help but laugh at him. And I don't think the third told stories. She was pretty close off in general. Though she was a hell of a lot more well spoken then the other two.
Met a group of folk across the country 15 years back for a few days. After having ridden 45 minutes to a hunt, hunting a morning, and riding back to the lodge...
I was told I was a storyteller. Told the man I took pride in my truths. He explained I told experiences in stories, so I was what was called a storyteller.
Guess that makes one more of us.
No, I'm not good at it! I really am not not not good at it at all! It takes a lot of work for me to create engagement like that! I am much better at responding creatively to the storytelling of others. It must be nice to be good at it.

It's all in the delivery! :-)

E. g.: Whenever someone asks, "How are you?", I reply with my stock "Like you wouldn't believe!" (This can be given in an Eeyore/ laconic/upbeat/with-a-wink/etc. voice.) I leave it for them to decide.
If I'm telling a story that I really love and have an interest in telling, I'm an excellent story teller. If someone asks me how I'm doing, I can hardly put a sentence together.
I have known for a long time that I have this skill. I notice everyday things - usually human behavior - and if anything strikes me as odd, I think about it and then tell others the story with my spin. I will have them enraptured, impressed and in stitches.
Does anyone else do this?
Is this an INFJ thing to observe everyday life, analyze it and entertain others with those observations and analyses? I call this storytelling but maybe it is just talking about life and human truths.

I definitely relate to this. I have been very observant of people since I can remember. I even have had people catch me people watching and say something to me about it. I also started writing stories in middle school. I still write, although I don't think I'm a great writer. I do think my stories are really interesting though. When I share my ideas with people they usually seem intrigued. I like the story parts of me. Now, I mostly write for myself just as a creative outlet.
I can't do this at all. Verbal communication is my downfall.
I have known for a long time that I have this skill. I notice everyday things - usually human behavior - and if anything strikes me as odd, I think about it and then tell others the story with my spin. I will have them enraptured, impressed and in stitches.

Is this an INFJ thing to observe everyday life, analyze it and entertain others with those observations and analyses? I call this storytelling but maybe it is just talking about life and human truths.

Does anyone else do this?

Observe and Analyse? Yes.
The storytelling part? Nope.

Just like [MENTION=12656]Elegant Winter[/MENTION] I do not consider my verbal communication skills to be at a level where storytelling is my thing.
Storytelling verbally? Nope. Just do't have it in me.

Storytelling via writing? Now, here's where I shine. I actually have a manuscript that I am currently translating to type so I can send digital copies to a few publishers. So far, two of them are very interested. I live in CA and get to fly to NY next week to meet with them. Sorry if it seems like I am boasting, I am just really excited about the prospect of becoming a published author.