Straight INFJ Males

yep, Aikido
because of the philosophy part

This is exactly why I became interested in Aikido, the philosophy. "If you have the skill to defend yourself, you have an obligation to defend your attacker". That's just beautiful. After many years of being uncomfortable with such an aggressive style, should I ever need to simply restrain someone, or defend myself from someone I would really prefer not to hurt, stumbling upon Aikido was a real blessing. The fact that the style is utterly amazing in physical practice only strengthened my interest in it. At current, Aikido and Tai Chi are the only styles I have any interest in developing.

Could we do polls on the questions or is that in the wrong direction?

I didn't want to start a 'movement' with the Straight INFJ male thing, and would prefer to keep the discussion here, if that's okay with everyone. We're clearly getting a consensus on INFJ males and martial arts. We're quite drawn to them, which is a clear sign of Inferior Se.

Would anyone like me to create a poll to see the interest in martial arts on the forum, and subdivide by INFJ males and INFJ females?

I have always had an interest in martial arts but have never pursued it due to being overweight. I guess I have always feared being laughed at for doing things that you generally see well-built people doing.

You'd be surprised how many people are not so well built in martial arts.

I would strongly suggest Aikido if you're over weight. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, it would actually use your mass to your benefit.
Tae Kwon Do
10 years.

I've also done a bit of Hapkido.

When I was 7-8 I also did Amatuer Wrestling if that counts.(I still remember some take downs)
Oh and I studied a lot of military tactics and maneuvers and played lots of war based strategy games. Not sure if that counts, but its in the same vein.

This leads me to my next question for straight INFJ males.

Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?

And since we're on the subject...

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?
Okay, straight INFJ males, first question.

Do you practice any form of martial arts, or have interest in them?

No. None. Nada.

This leads me to my next question for straight INFJ males.

Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?


And since we're on the subject...

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?

No, not really.

These questions all seem one dimensional. What else you got?
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Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?

Tactics and warfare somewhat. I love older stuff, invading castles ftw!

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?

Very much so, as long as it's not killing anything heh.
Fired guns before and I have no desire to do so again.

My military interests only extend to the historical contexts. I've taken classes in war, revolution, and peace studies.

Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?

Yes I love military history. I like all history, but I especially liked military history since it was so definitive in changing things throughout antiquity. I especially loved studying about the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptian war machine and tactics and battle plans. I love Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar they were big inspirations growing up. I loved playing war games on the computer, maintaining the land you control and trying to conquor more, using tactics, etc. I used to model attacks in games like Rome Total War after wars I read about in history.

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?

I filed for my concealed carry permit on my birthday when I turned 21. I love shooting, I own a number of handguns and rifles and shotguns. I never got into archery but only because I wasnt exposed to it, I have a feeling, that like shooting I would be a natural at archery.
This leads me to my next question for straight INFJ males.

Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?

And since we're on the subject...

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?

For the first, I find the history and different branches of the military (the US and other counties as well) interesting. I am not too interested in large scale tactics, but am quite interested in small force and special ops tactics and how they affect large scale tactics.

For the second question, I am very interested in all of them. I own a Glock 17 (9mm with night sights), bolt action .22, 20 gauge single-shot shot gun, and longbow with a slight recurve (68 inch, 60 lb pull). My dad has a Russian M-44 (7.62x54 bolt action), a Chinese SKS (7.62x39 semi-auto), Bushmaster AR-15 .223, Replica Remington 1858 (black powder .38 revolver), .50 Black powder rifle, and an 1862 black powder musket that has been passed down in our family. I enjoy target shooting with all of these firearms (except the 1862 musket, since it is so old, we do not shoot it). Funds permitting, I would like to get an M1 Garand one day (my grandfather's favorite from when he was in the army shortly after WWII), a .50 rifle (not sure which brand yet), Remington 700 SS 5-R Milspec .308, H&K .45, a 12 gauge over-under shotgun, and many more.
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Okay, straight INFJ males, first question.

Do you practice any form of martial arts, or have interest in them?

interest, yes. Practice? Not yet. hoping to get on that soon

and yes to the second question, and semi-yes to the third
This leads me to my next question for straight INFJ males.

Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?

have some mild interest - that is I enjoy strategy and tactics but really dislike the killing part.

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?

My yet unrealized interest is archery. Someday will probably try firearms too
This leads me to my next question for straight INFJ males.

Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?

And since we're on the subject...

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?

Some. Historical military, not so much. It's the tactics part that I take interest in, as well as the technology in part.

I've fired multiple handguns and a couple rifles. The one I liked the best was a .45 Baretta. Surprisingly low recoil and high stopping power. I do not own a gun however, and I don't forsee myself needing one as I am no longer living on farmland. I found target shooting somewhat entertaining, though.

I took that test earlier and got 50 towards masculinity. The eyes, words and empathy score were more feminine than masculine.
I've taking this before, with results pointing 50% towards the feminine area, which is what most woman score.

I'm exactly the norm for males according to the results. (50% into male)

I see, I see. IIRC, I typically scored the average score for a man on all the 'manly tests (Such as spatial relationship test, which I'm an abhorrent at) but I scored really high on the tests that were more 'womanly' (Such as the verbal test and the memory test)
Do you practice any form of martial arts, or have interest in them?

I have no present interest in them, but I wouldn't mind trying them. I saw somewhere in the thread that someone said it has something to do with having inferior Se, but I think my Se is relatively well-developed for an INFJ. I haven't really had the opportunity for marital arts though.

Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?

My only interest in military is avoiding it.

I enjoy rifles, archery, etc, but I almost never get to do it. I'm not particularly interested in it, but I do enjoy it.
This leads me to my next question for straight INFJ males.

Do you have interest in the military, military history, tactics, warfare, modern or otherwise?

And since we're on the subject...

Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting?

Yes pretty much period, I'm a history buff and I like things that explode which is why guns are so great(so many little explosions).