[PAX] Strangers revealing personal things?

People love to tell me very strange things about themselves. One incident that springs to mind happened five years ago after cycle class. A women I recognized approached me and preceded to tell me that she was afraid to go to next gynecology appointment due to her husband demanding she have sex with him three times a day, everyday! Her concern was how her gynecologist would react to her overused lady parts. Yeah. Gross and TMI.
People love to tell me very strange things about themselves. One incident that springs to mind happened five years ago after cycle class. A women I recognized approached me and preceded to tell me that she was afraid to go to next gynecology appointment due to her husband demanding she have sex with him three times a day, everyday! Her concern was how her gynecologist would react to her overused lady parts. Yeah. Gross and TMI.

How did you respond? It seemes like an outreach for help...
I'm not around people I don't know very often. But when I am around strangers and I DO let them in, they tend to open up. They don't necessarily tell me weird personal things, but the convo does often go fairly deeper than maybe it normally would. It tends to be the elderly that I talk to though.

For instance this one time at a fair, I was trying to get away from all the noise because I felt like crap, so I found this quiet bench away from the noise. I don't remember if the old man was there when I got there or if he showed up after. Anyway after a few minutes I realized I wanted to talk to him (this was a particularly out-going day for me; I also asked the face painters if I could paint one of their faces and was granted access with the promise of mini donuts- the promise was to them, btw). So yeah, I talked to him, and he didn't tell me anything spectacular, but I just felt like we both were enjoying the break we were giving eachother.

I guess in person i don't have people telling me stuff that's deemed as TMI. But online in private chat rooms, I feel like I can get just about anyone to open up. But it often requires a fair amount of opening up on my own end. If you want someone to tell you something embarrassing, tell them something embarrassing about you.

People I don't think just come up to me and blurt out something extremely personal though.
Do you have odd experiences with strangers or acquaintances revealing very personal or embarrassing details to you in casual conversation? In public?

This happens to me all the time, so much so that I don't see it as unusual anymore. Today, I was shopping and someone rammed my cart on purpose. I looked up and it was my neighbor. I had not seen him in months, so I said hello and told him about the divorce and how we are all doing okay. He told me that he has an enlarged prostate and it takes him a long time to urinate. Then he said if I need anything to just stop by and ask.

This happens to me all the time. How about you?
are you pretty?
I think we give off a 'you can tell me anything' vibe or something. It's not normal for people to 'spill' like this. I feel like when i ask someone how they are, they really tell me how they are, at least half the time. Even now when I'm just in the shop or in the street. I keep my earphones in pretty much all the time when i go out to keep people at bay, but when I'm in the shops, I have to take them out, as it feels rude to the shop assistants.

Genuinely when i talk to people, I'm fine with them telling me their stuff, but at the minute I'm not 100% so I have to minimize that. What a crazy little rock we are standing on.
because people are more likely going to ask you these things if you're pretty,simply because they'd feel like they could trust you if this was random

I disagree. I know several very pretty women who do not get this kind of outpouring of information. I agree with @James that it's a kind of openness or sincerity we have. It's unusual. I am totally trying the earbuds thing. Brilliant.
I disagree. I know several very pretty women who do not get this kind of outpouring of information. I agree with @James that it's a kind of openness or sincerity we have. It's unusual. I am totally trying the earbuds thing. Brilliant.

One time my mp3 player had died, but I kept my earbuds in for the reason James gave...:md:

It doesn't always work, and then when someone taps on your shoulder even though you have them in, and you're quietly trying to sit by your lonesome on a bench, it just makes it all the more bothersome, but it's better than nothing. I do the same thing he does too, I don't keep them in if I'm interacting with an employee at a store, and will take them out before I get to the cashier because I agree that it feels a bit rude.
I always though it was just something those weirdly intense extroverted feelers do as a normal day to day thing. lmao... kidding!

When I worked in trauma, it wasn't unusual to walk up to someone and hug them without even so much as an introduction just because I knew they needed it. I know when I recognize something in another, the kind of pain they carry, I think it's something like that. They recognize something within us, something that tells them we're safe to unload on.

Or it could be something as simple as they honestly don't realize were preoccupied enough with our own thoughts and appear bored and as if we have tons of time and fucks to give.

When it comes to the 'lil old bitties, though, awww... I love chatting with them. I think they're so painfully lonely and when they unload their troubles, you just know it's been ages since they've talked to a willing listener.

The strangest random conversation was with a tiny little old woman at the post office who was very worried that hair was growing back where it had fallen out years ago after menopause. She took it as a sign she was going to die soon. She was terrified, so much so that she was telling this to a complete stranger. I made some kind of joke about going to get Brazilian waxes together just to make her laugh. She didn't, though, till I explained what a Brazilian was. She had the most contagious giggle ever.

*edited because autocorrect is trolling me. Yup, nothing to do with the person thumb typing on a tiny as keyboard and confusing the hell outta autocorrect. Nope. Not at all.
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