Sucrose/HFCS are ~really~ bad or you (1.5hr)


Director of Space Exploration
4w5 or 5w4, so/sp/sx
[ame=""]It's so nice to be agreed with by someone who spends his life steeped in the science of what you believe.[/ame]

This video might save your life
Welp; giving a kid a can of coke is exactly as bad as giving a kid a can of budweiser
I can probably summarize without watching -

Sucrose and HFCS are bad because they prevent your body from regulating insulin properly, and stop nutrients of other foods from being absorbed into the body which can (will) ultimately kill you in a lot of different ways.
I can probably summarize without watching -

Sucrose and HFCS are bad because they prevent your body from regulating insulin properly, and stop nutrients of other foods from being absorbed into the body which can (will) ultimately kill you in a lot of different ways.

Yop yop; very close... he goes into great detail
Probably a good idea to watch the video though, in order to drive the idea home into your subconscious.
Probably a good idea to watch the video though, in order to drive the idea home into your subconscious.

Aye... even the lengthy metabolic reaction charts were interesting; Following this video would raise probably anyone's lifespan by 15-30 years
but I likes sugar :(

Glucose and Fiber, man... sweets are not out of the question; highly processed ones, though, you've got to moderate... and discard the soda and juice entirely.
And yet people are alive. Fascinating how much the human body is capable of adapting to.
And yet people are alive. Fascinating how much the human body is capable of adapting to.
Yeah, as long as you let your body detox itself everyday, you can pretty much eat anything in moderation. It's when you let the toxins accumulate in your body that it becomes a problem.

My guilty pleasure is fast food french fries. :o Partially hydrogenated oil and everything!
And yet people are alive. Fascinating how much the human body is capable of adapting to.

Except the dead ones... you know, from complications of diabetes, CVD, etc.
Except the dead ones... you know, from complications of diabetes, CVD, etc.
I suppose it's important for some people (such as yourself). It's not particularly important for me. If I die, I die. My body is supposed to sustain itself naturally to whatever I put into it. That's life.
I suppose it's important for some people (such as yourself). It's not particularly important for me. If I die, I die. My body is supposed to sustain itself naturally to whatever I put into it. That's life.

You go girl!
No, your body is not supposed to do that at all. Right now I can think of a dozen things that if taken internally would kill you within the hour.

It MATTERS what you put in your body.

Yeah, I wasn't really referring to lethal poisons and such. I was talking about about junk food.

EDIT: And sucrose, which frankly, hasn't killed me so far.
Well, I'm not dead and my body is not disintegrating (visibly) so fuck it.

Yeah, it's kinda like... why bother saving any money. There are no rainy days. Diabetes and coronaries and aneurisms and liver failure; those are in some far off distant future, after all, and the future can't hurt me. Well.. till it arrives, anyways, at which point I'll probably be making everyone else miserable for never having warned me. Of course, I'll have conveniently forgotten that they were warning me... the whole damn time. Glucose is 75% as sweet as sucrose and not anywhere near as deadly. You can still have sweets without putting toxic ones in you. =3