terrorist action of israel vs apathy

Some people seem to have a problem with cause and effect; they can't seem to understand that the palestineans were living in peace (alongside some jews) until some outsiders (non religious zionists) came in and violently took the land off them forcing them to live in ghettos like gaza


Is that all, [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION]?
You threw me off.
You threw me off.

Don't blame me for the fact you are standing on thin moral ice

I am standing on a rock of ages.
I am standing on a rock of ages.

Are you aware that the palestineans are genetically closer to the biblical jews than the ashkenazi zionists who have taken over control of the rock?

How does that make you feel as a christian now you know that?

Also are you aware that zionism is built on secularism and is a materialist creed?

How does that make you feel as a christian....that materialist zionists are killing the religious descendents of the biblical jews?

You know how the bible says that 'money is the root of all evil?'

That's because money is what ties us into the world of matter and takes us away from the world of spirit. This is why jesus was outraged that the moneychangers were ripping off the people

The temple was the home of God and only one currency was allowed within the temple bounds which was the half sheckle. People visiting the temple would have to use half sheckles to buy offerings to make within the temple bounds.

Lets say that the going rate for a half sheckle was a chicken and you were a farmer coming to the temple from the countryside. You would hand over your chicken to the moneychangers and they would give you a half shekle which you would then use to buy offerings to make to God

But the moneychangers colluded and formed a cartel to fix prices. They increased the value of the half shekle so that the next time you came to the temple they asked you for 3 chickens to pay for your half shekle

This is why jesus was angered...because he saw commerce enter the temple of art....he saw the cynical moneychangers ripping off the common people and this made him angry at the injustice of it.

Money is quantifiable and is of the world of matter....it is not unquantifiable and of the world of spirit so matter was corrupting the temple which was supposed to be the well-spring for spirituality

How would you feel if i told you that today the money-changers are based in the city of london and frankfurt and the new york stock exchange and in the BIS and that they were engaging in all sorts of financial skullduggery that once again was disspossessing the people?

As a christian would you recognise the injustice that jesus recognised?

What if i then told you that the chief family of money changers (the Rothschilds) were also behind the money system in the west and were also behind political zionism?
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Zionist Israeli army spraying raw sewage on palestinean homes

That's crap.
That's crap.

What's crap?

You're bein a bit vague there

I'm not asking you if you like the information i'm just telling you what the situation is (the truth isn't what we want it to be the truth just is the truth)
I grow tired of reading the same excuses over and over. How do you feel toward ISIS? Back them?
I grow tired of reading the same excuses over and over. How do you feel toward ISIS? Back them?

Tell me Just me...you're an adult, you must be well acquainted with handling money by now

Tell me...who makes your money?

Who creates your money? Who prints it?

You must know this. If you have such strong opinions on things you must have an in depth knowledge of these matters

As for ISIS they are funded and armed by the zionists

CIA contractor says ISIS is fabricated http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/08/28/376913/isil-completely-fabricated-enemy-by-us/
ISIS part of PNAC http://www.activistpost.com/2014/08/why-does-isis-fit-in-so-perfectly-with.html
I don't wish to devalue knowing each other because of differences. If you think they are armed and financed by the Zionists, what about Bin Laden? Wasn't he a firm follower of Al Wahhabi?
Tell me Just me...you're an adult, you must be well acquainted with handling money by now

Tell me...who makes your money?

Who creates your money? Who prints it?

You must know this. If you have such strong opinions on things you must have an in depth knowledge of these matters

As for ISIS they are funded and armed by the zionists

CIA contractor says ISIS is fabricated http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/08/28/376913/isil-completely-fabricated-enemy-by-us/
ISIS part of PNAC http://www.activistpost.com/2014/08/why-does-isis-fit-in-so-perfectly-with.html

Press tv? You are going to have to find a better source than that.

I love this part:

... the station is "a platform for the full fascist conspiracy theory of supernatural Jewish power"


"Nick Ferrari, a former presenter of one of Press TV's shows, told The Times that Press TV’s news coverage had been “reasonably fair” until the 2009 election—but not any longer."



Main article: Press TV controversies

Press TV has been the subject of allegations of anti-Semitism. In October 2012, the Anti-Defamation League issued a report detailing what it says are examples of Press TV broadcasting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and opinions.[18] The report criticizes Press TV for interviewing or providing commentary space for a number of individuals which it describes as "American anti-Semites, conspiracy theorists and Holocaust deniers, who help amplify the Iranian regime's hateful messages".[18]

On 9 November 2013, Press TV website reprinted an opinion piece in its 'Viewpoints' section, first written by M.I. Bhat in Veterans Today, above the disclaimer that The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of Press TV. The article claimed that Jews are not only to blame for the Germans rallying behind Hitler, but also asked if Jews did not learn from their experiences in Germany, Russia and the United States, would it surprise Zionists or the world" if Americans are "incubating another Hitler?"[19] The article also alleged that much had already been written and said about "American Zionists' control of the United States of America - banks, Wall Street, media, Hollywood, markets, politicians, foreign policy, indeed the whole life of Americans," and that the recent headline, "White House urges Jewish leaders not to lobby for new Iran sanctions" was even stronger proof. Bhat also asserted that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were a "false flag" attack committed by "American Zionist Jews and Israel" who successfully diverted the resulting American fury against Muslims.[19]

The station has been criticized for "anti-Americanism" and "uncritical embrace of conspiracy theories".[citation needed] For British journalist Nick Cohen the station is "a platform for the full fascist conspiracy theory of supernatural Jewish power"[20] and for commentator Douglas Murray it is the "Iranian government’s propaganda channel".[21]

Responding to Cohen and others, George Galloway, the British MP and Press TV's UK presenter, has said it "challenges the prevailing orthodoxy" by providing an outsider perspective on "the truth and a voice for the otherwise voiceless".[22] Mehdi Hasan of the New Statesman has argued that "engaging with Iran, no matter who is in charge in Tehran, is a prerequisite for peace and progress in the region. The very fact that Press TV is Iranian-owned makes it the ideal English-language platform on which to do so."[23]

The BBC journalist Linda Pressly described it as pro-Palestinian, anti-sanctions against Iran, and critical of Western foreign policy.[24] Nick Ferrari, a former presenter of one of Press TV's shows, told The Times that Press TV’s news coverage had been “reasonably fair” until the 2009 election—but not any longer.[25]
I don't wish to devalue knowing each other because of differences. If you think they are armed and financed by the Zionists, what about Bin Laden? Wasn't he a firm follower of Al Wahhabi?

Al Qaeda was the name of the CIA file of mujahadeen fighters the CIA armed and trained to fight the russians in Afghanistan

Bin laden was a CIA asset

That's not to say that there aren't angry muslims out there who go and join these organisations thinking that they are waging a genuine jihad, but they don't realise that at the top of these organisations their leaders are in cahoots with the zionists

ISIS leader meeting John Mccain before the creation of ISIS:



The zionist puppets like McCain who do what they are told to do by the Rothschilds who own congress went to Syria and spoke to the jihadis there.

They got them to form a new terrorist group called ISIS. They provided them with training under the excuse that they were 'rebels' fighting Assad and they armed them and funded them

They also fund them through their allies in the gulf state monarchies such as Qatar

The zionists also arranged to have Iraqi army hardware left behind for ISIS so that they could acquire it
Press tv? You are going to have to find a better source than that.

I love this part:

... the station is "a platform for the full fascist conspiracy theory of supernatural Jewish power"


"Nick Ferrari, a former presenter of one of Press TV's shows, told The Times that Press TV’s news coverage had been “reasonably fair” until the 2009 election—but not any longer."

Where does it say that?
I'd like to play a clip now of the jewish intellectual Noam Chomsky who himself quotes a US government document explaining why many muslims are angry at the US.

The government document that Chomsky quotes from shows that the US government was aware of anger in the middle east at outside interference way back in the 1950's because the US was blocking the spread of democracy (for example by propping up corrupt royal families in the gulf state monarchies)

However although what chomsky says here is true, Chomksy always places the focus on the US. He never talks about the financial interests that control the US and their zionist roots

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I can provide several other links if you don't like that one.

Do you mean the wikipedia page?

So you are writing off press TV because of what zionists have said about it on wikipedia?

You need to wise up...

Here is a mainstream media newspaper article from one of the biggest newspapers in Britain 'the guardian' talking about zionist editing of wikipedia (and thats just what the mainstream media has to say about it!)


[h=1]Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups[/h] Two Israeli groups set up training courses in Wikipedia editing with aims to 'show the other side' over borders and culture

Two Israeli groups have set up 'Zionist editing' courses with aims to alter perceptions about Israel. Photograph: David Silverman/Getty Images

Since the earliest days of the worldwide web, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has seen its rhetorical counterpart fought out on the talkboards and chatrooms of the internet.
Now two Israeli groups seeking to gain the upper hand in the online debate have launched a course in "Zionist editing" for Wikipedia, the online reference site.
Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settler movement, and the rightwing Israel Sheli (My I srael) movement, ran their first workshop this week in Jerusalem, teaching participants how to rewrite and revise some of the most hotly disputed pages of the online reference site.
"We don't want to change Wikipedia or turn it into a propaganda arm," says Naftali Bennett, director of the Yesha Council. "We just want to show the other side. People think that Israelis are mean, evil people who only want to hurt Arabs all day."
Wikipedia is one of the world's most popular websites, and its 16m entries are open for anyone to edit, rewrite or even erase. The problem, according to Ayelet Shaked of Israel Sheli, is that online, pro-Israeli activists are vastly outnumbered by pro-Palestinian voices. "We don't want to give this arena to the other side," she said. "But we are so few and they are so many. People in the US and Europe never hear about Israel's side, with all the correct arguments and explanations."
Like others involved with this project, Shaked thinks that her government is "not doing a very good job" of explaining Israel to the world.
And on Wikipedia, they believe that there is much work to do.
Take the page on Israel, for a start: "The map of Israel is portrayed without the Golan heights or Judea and Samaria," said Bennett, referring to the annexed Syrian territory and the West Bank area occupied by Israel in 1967.
Another point of contention is the reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel – a status that is constantly altered on Wikipedia.
Other pages subject to constant re-editing include one titled Goods allowed/banned for import into Gaza – which is now being considered for deletion – and a page on the Palestinian territories.
Then there is the problem of what to call certain neighbourhoods. "Is Ariel a city or a settlement?" asks Shaked of the area currently described by Wikipedia as "an Israeli settlement and a city in the central West Bank." That question is the subject of several thousand words of heated debate on a Wikipedia discussion thread.
The idea, says Shaked and her colleauges, is not to storm in, cause havoc and get booted out – the Wikipedia editing community is sensitive, consensus-based and it takes time to build trust.
"We learned what not to do: don't jump into deep waters immediately, don't be argumentative, realise that there is a semi-democratic community out there, realise how not to get yourself banned," says Yisrael Medad, one of the course participants, from Shiloh.
Is that Shiloh in the occupied West Bank? "No," he sighs, patiently. "That's Shiloh in the Binyamin region across the Green Line, or in territories described as disputed."
One Jerusalem-based Wikipedia editor, who doesn't want to be named, said that publicising the initiative might not be such a good idea. "Going public in the past has had a bad effect," she says. "There is a war going on and unfortunately the way to fight it has to be underground."
In 2008, members of the hawkish pro-Israel watchdog Camera who secretly planned to edit Wikipedia were banned from the site by administrators.
Meanwhile, Yesha is building an information taskforce to engage with new media, by posting to sites such as Facebook and YouTube, and claims to have 12,000 active members, with up to 100 more signing up each month. "It turns out there is quite a thirst for this activity," says Bennett. "The Israeli public is frustrated with the way it is portrayed abroad."
The organisiers of the Wikipedia courses, are already planning a competition to find the "Best Zionist editor", with a prize of a hot-air balloon trip over Israel.
[h=2]Wikipedia wars[/h]There are frequent flare-ups between competing volunteer editors and obsessives who run Wikipedia. As well as conflicts over editing bias and "astroturfing" PR attempts, articles are occasionally edited to catch out journalists; the Independent recently erroneously published that the Big Chill had started life as the Wanky Balls festival. In 2005 the founding editorial director of USA Today, John Seigenthaler, discovered his Wikipedia entry included the claim that he was involved in the assassination of JFK.
Editors can remain anonymous when changing content, but conflicts are passed to Wikipedia's arbitration committee. Scientology was a regular source of conflict until the committee blocked editing by the movement.
Critics cite the editing problems as proof of a flawed site that can be edited by almost anybody, but its defenders claim the issues are tiny compared with its scale. Wikipedia now has versions in 271 languages and 379 million users a month.
@just me

Senator Rand paul talking about how the US is supporting Al Qaeda in syria:


The CIA (which is military wing of the Council on Foreign Relations) has been training jihadis which the US calls 'syrian rebels' but which were really the core of ISIS