terrorist action of israel vs apathy

No the gazans are not like ants they're human beings

Get a life, muir.

I said, "Gaza is built similar to an ant bed. What one sees on the surface does not portray what is going on underneath it."

Is this how you interpret the things you read?
Well, we have 800 or more civilians dead, is it really worth it? This is what I'm talking about when I say some of the IDF 'adventures' are mad. With numbers like that, whoever started it, it's hard to defend, like Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasak (yes, coming from a military standpoint, all of those were unnecessary gore and bloodhsed [set off a nuke in one of your favorite pacific territories] to the final goal). If you try to force a single-state solution, it will be worse than apartheid... by lots and lots. Could it be enticed without violence? Frankly, I know between the two places where I'd rather live, but forcing them with the history that's already there is only going to make the check-point Hell something barely better than the Nazis (the reason I call myself American instead of German [old school nobility (he gave up everything and had Hitler steal everything from Germany he had)]) at best, as die hards go crazy and their deaths (and the collateral) create 2 (or more) more for every one killed.

That's the horrible sort of slaughter that's the stuff of the worst nutty-militants' wet dreams.

Edit: and frankly, if you think Hamas or whoever are getting these rockets from themselves, you're beyond daft. And that's the sort of shite I'm talking about when I say the other regional powers are using this conflict for themselves, regardless of how it ends or who gets killed from their actions; keeping the Israelis from feeling safe enough to try to deal with their holier-than-thou settlers going wherever they want. Stoking the fires is fucked up.

Edit: and this sort of blithely selective sympathy is the sort of thing that drives me to drink.

Edit: don't let it get to you, just ignore all the pain and be a good lemming. Obviously, magic happens and it works out without anybody having to think or do anything about it. No, nobody would ever use nukes, we're all invincible, folks.
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Get a life, muir.

I said, "Gaza is built similar to an ant bed. What one sees on the surface does not portray what is going on underneath it."

Is this how you interpret the things you read?

And i'm telling you that for a human being to make a statment like that whilst ignoring the fact that Israel has hidden nuclear missiles gained from information stolen by a spy who worked in the US and that Israel refuses to sign thwe nuclear non-proliferation treaty whilst at the same time lambasting iran for pursuing an entirely legal nuclear power programme shows not only a huge level of hypocrisy by the state of Israel but also from her clearly biased supporters
Well, we have 800 or more civilians dead, is it really worth it? This is what I'm talking about when I say some of the IDF 'adventures' are mad. With numbers like that, whoever started it, it's hard to defend, like Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasak (yes, coming from a military standpoint, all of those were unnecessary gore and bloodhsed [set off a nuke in one of your favorite pacific territories] to the final goal). If you try to force a single-state solution, it will be worse than apartheid... by lots and lots. Could it be enticed without violence? Frankly, I know between the two places where I'd rather live, but forcing them with the history that's already there is only going to make the check-point Hell something barely better than the Nazis (the reason I call myself American instead of German [old school nobility (he gave up everything and had Hitler steal everything from Germany he had)]) at best, as die hards go crazy and their deaths (and the collateral) create 2 (or more) more for every one killed.

That's the horrible sort of slaughter that's the stuff of the worst nutty-militants' wet dreams.

Edit: and frankly, if you think Hamas or whoever are getting these rockets from themselves, you're beyond daft. And that's the sort of shite I'm talking about when I say the other regional powers are using this conflict for themselves, regardless of how it ends or who gets killed from their actions; keeping the Israelis from feeling safe enough to try to deal with their holier-than-thou settlers going wherever they want. Stoking the fires is fucked up.

Edit: and this sort of blithely selective sympathy is the sort of thing that drives me to drink.

Edit: don't let it get to you, just ignore all the pain and be a good lemming. Obviously, magic happens and it works out without anybody having to think or do anything about it. No, nobody would ever use nukes, we're all invincible, folks.

The palestineans have AK47's some home made rockets and some hand thrown rocks

The israelis have tanks, helicopter gunships, nuclear missiles, nuclear submarines, war ships, fighter jets, a mechanised military etc etc

Its really not hard for an objective observor to see whoi is bullying who. Yes i know that AIPAC spend billions of dollars on lobbying in the US and yes the zionist central banking families who control the centralised mainstream media in the US get the media that americans watch to distort reality but surely there are plenty of americans who are able to just look at the facts?

You can also look at the death count and where the israelis are dropping theirt bombs and shells to see that the israelis are targetting children and international doctors in gaza have said as much even on the mainstream news

Israel won't stop doing that while it feels it has support in the US

Withdraw the support, end the violence, end the siege of gaza, begin the negotiations for a viable, contiguous palestinean state
The palestineans have AK47's some home made rockets and some hand thrown rocks

The israelis have tanks, helicopter gunships, nuclear missiles, nuclear submarines, war ships, fighter jets, a mechanised military etc etc

Its really not hard for an objective observor to see whoi is bullying who. Yes i know that AIPAC spend billions of dollars on lobbying in the US and yes the zionist central banking families who control the centralised mainstream media in the US get the media that americans watch to distort reality but surely there are plenty of americans who are able to just look at the facts?

You can also look at the death count and where the israelis are dropping theirt bombs and shells to see that the israelis are targetting children and international doctors in gaza have said as much even on the mainstream news

Israel won't stop doing that while it feels it has support in the US

Withdraw the support, end the violence, end the siege of gaza, begin the negotiations for a viable, contiguous palestinean state

Oh, you have me with aliens and various conspiracy theories (interpretations of what "illuminati" means) but lost me at "homemade rockets"... they're well beyond that now. It wasn't amateur rocketry that hit their airport;) Palestine has no serious money or military to speak of, which is why I'm complaining about IDF 'adventures', but they get their new rockets from somewhere, but from the Rothschilds would be a serious stretch. Being one schooled in power plays, my guess would be someone irritated with Israel, the US, or the West in general.
Oh, you have me with aliens and various conspiracy theories (interpretations of what "illuminati" means) but lost me at "homemade rockets"... they're well beyond that now. It wasn't amateur rocketry that hit their airport;) Palestine has no serious money or military to speak of, which is why I'm complaining about IDF 'adventures', but they get their new rockets from somewhere, but from the Rothschilds would be a serious stretch. Being one schooled in power plays, my guess would be someone irritated with Israel, the US, or the West in general.

There are missiles from many surrounding countries pointed at israel that are not being fired that would be devestating

The gazans are not using effective missile technology

The israelis however have the latest 'smart' bombs so that when they hit schools and hospitals and places they know are populated by children then you know its not done by accident

Think about this beyond the level of actual physcial harm done to those kids

Think about it also on a level of psychological harm

before this violence the israelis would fly their jets at low level over gaza in the middle of the night to wake up the populationa nd terrify them with sonic booms

They kidnap palestinean boys off the street and beat them and imprison them and scare them until they piss themselves

Bombing a civilian area doesn't just physcially harm people it has a deep psychological affect

The israelis with their checkpoints and arrests and brutalisation are psychologically trying to break the spirit of the palestineans.

They want to leave a psychological scar on every single palestinean child....that's their mindset
You know nothing of their mindset, as you are blinded with hatred and screaming from those you love. What do you think your response would be?

War causes death and scars, but it can also bring peace. Tell me, @muir : why is the world at war? Are they not? Why is it so imp-ortant for certain people to destroy Israel? Why is Russia taking Crimea and arming rebels that shoot down civilian planes? Why is Obama playing golf? Why is Netanyahu holding his military back, when he knows where the command and control centers are? Why are Germany and France continuing to sponsor Russia when they can't see he is heading their way? Why does Hamas choose to place civilians in harm's way? Why are Iran's nuclear aspirations continuing? Does Kerry really think he can fix all this and be elected as President? Why is ISIS stealing Babylon blind? Why is there no help for Ukraine? What ever happened to Mahmoud Abbas? Where is he and what is he doing, or why is he doing nothing?

What about the 100,000 plus dead with barrel bombs and chemical weapons? Still going on? Why? Is it so hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together? Why has Russia armed Hezbollah to the teeth? Did I ask where NATO is? What about Obama? Does the EU not see what is happening and who is allowing it to happen? Why7 are Christians being robbed and run off or killed in Iraq? Can you answer any of this without copying and pasting your division of propaganda?
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You know nothing of their mindset, as you are blinded with hatred and screaming from those you love. What do you think your response would be?

They get their orders from above just me

A fighter pilot does not just get in a plane and decide to bomb a building he knows is full of children...he is given orders from up the chain of command to do that

The people at the top of the chain of command do not act randomly, they have strategies that they are pursuing

The people at the top of the israeli high command are well acquainted with the results of the CIA research in MKUltra and Project Monarch becuase the CIA and Mossad have an arrangment whereby they share intelligence

That covert research was eventually exposed and investigated but most of the paperwork had been destroyed. There was only paperwork available because one cache of MKULtra files had been stored somewhere else

So we only know officially about the stuff that was on the files that weren't destroyed, however we can be sure that the programme was far more extensive

The research was based around trauma based mind control. In its title 'MKUltra' the K stands for Kontrol which is german hinting at some nazi roots to the programme.

After world war 2 the russians and the americans grabbed nazi scientists. Some scientists had been involved in rocket programmes but some had been involved in human experimentation especially in the concentration camps. These scientists were integrated into covert US programmes as part of Operation paperclip

Mind Kontrol was one aspect of this.

The israeli high command are well versed in trauma based mind kontrol and they are visiting massive psychological trauma onto the palestinean people

There is nothing more psychologically damaging to a community then being violently invaded by a more powerful force and then subjugated by that force. One Israeli,
Mordechai Kedar, a lecturer on Arabic literature at Bar Ilan University, has said publically that the sisters and mothers of palestinean fighters should be raped. Not only did his university not reprimand him for these comments they actually defended him. Please see the article i will post next to learn more about this

An israeli politician Ayelet Shaked, of economics minister Naftali Bennett’s Jewish Home party recently publically said on her facebook page that the israelis should murder palestinean mothers so that they cannot give birth to anymore 'little snakes'

Can you see the rhetoric? Its about dehumanising the palestineans much like the nazis did. It's about pretending in your mind that the victim to be of the violence you are about to carry out is not really a humna being and therefore it is not really a crime

Politician lieberman who used to be a bouncer at a nightclub recently said that the israelis must 'conquer and cleanse gaza'

These opinions are not rare in israel where people have been indoctrinated by rothschild controlled media to see their arab neighbours as sub human. In fact if you look online you can watch clips of israelis sitting on top of a hill clapping everytime another bomb is dropped on gaza...bare in mind that each bomb is killing civilians including children (now upto 1000 dead)

So many israelis are consumed by hatred and racism and they cannot be expected to desist in their violent rampages whilst they feel they have the support of the US. The US provides support a number of ways. Firstly is provides financial support to the tune of billions of dollars each year to israel which is mostly used to buy military hardware that is then used to kill palestinean civilians, secondly it uses its veto in the UN to block any moves to stop Israels war crimes and thirdly amercians give their support by voicing support for israel online giving israel the impression that they have support outside their own borders...this encourages them to carry on murdering palestineans

Israel is VERY conscious of its public image which is why it uses powerful loby groups like the ADL and AIPAC to lobby congress and to silence any dissenters by branding them an 'anti-semite'. Also israel hires israeli students to go online into forusm like this one and to try and spread pro-israeli propaganda:


Please understand that this is a war for hearst and minds

If the US withdraws support for Israel then israel cannot act unilaterally and they have to then enter negotiations with the Palestineans. This is THE ONLY WAY that they will step down their violence and illegal settler expansions

Don't be fooled by any verbal condemnations by US politicians about the illegal settlements, the reality is that they give israel billions of dollars of your taxpayers money every year...so thats the real truth about what the people at the top of the US think about Israeli expansion

War causes death and scars, but it can also bring peace. Tell me, @muir : why is the world at war? Are they not? Why is it so imp-ortant for certain people to destroy Israel?

They don;t just want to destroy israel just me, they also want to destory christianity and islam as well......they want to gt the three to fight each other in a giant 'clash of civilisations' and then they will inherit the earth with freemasonry

There are freemasons at the top of US, Russian, British, Israeli, palestinean etc society who have no loyalty to their countries but only to freemasonry. These guys are all working together to create conflict between all these nations and peoples

I know that the mainstream news NEVER talks about freemasonry and i know that the mainstream media talks all the time about: islam, christianity and judaism, so who do you think runs the mainstream media justme?

If you look at the eye above the pyramid symbol on the back of a federal reserve dollar bill ask yourself:

is that a christian symbol? NO
is it an islamic symbol? NO
is it a judaic symbol? NO

So what is it? It's a freemasonic, occult symbol just me

After world war 1 the league of nations was formed as a prototype world government. Then after world war 2 it was changed into the United Nations. Also a world bank was formed and the IMF...basically a load of centralised, globalised institutions were formed which are controlled by the freemasons

You see each time there is a conflict the central bankers use it as an opportunity to centralise their power even further so that now they control all the central banks of the west including yours and mine from the Bank for International Settlements in switzerland

They have a plan for a final 3rd world war from which power will be centralised into its ultimate manifestation of world government controlled by the freemasons

The illuminated freemasons believe that they are part of the 'spiritual hierarchy' (please see the writings of Annie Beasant for more about this (her work is published by the Lucis Trust, formerly known as the Lucifer Trust, which is given special status by the UN)

This hierarchy has a vision for a new age...the age of aquarius where the old religion will be abolished for example: christianity, islam and judaism and it will be replaced with luciferianism which will beckon in a new age of enlightenment

Humanity will be ruled by the illuminati who will rule as Platonic 'philosopher kings'

To achieve this they will turn the wrld religions against each other in a biblical clash centred around jerusalem so that the last man standing will be luciferian freemasonry

The freemasonic brotherhood have been preparing for the coming catastrophe. They have put the georgia guidestones in place, they have built nuclear bomb proof seed banks in svalbard and kew gardens in london. They have been creating tunnel cities under the US and one major entrepoint for these is Denver airport which has been built with a Kevlar roof and a statue of one of the horses of the apocalypse outside. The site also contains plaques to the freemasons. the freemasonic elite will be given a signal at the given time to go to their nearest safe place. Denver airport is ready to receive planes loaded with freemasons and their families

The freemasons have created an undergound command bunker with each department of the government provided with an office, ready to run a shadow government to replace the elected one; this has been done under FEMA

The freemasonic policeforce has been turned into an army ready to deal with the general population when the dollar collapses or whatever catastrophe it is that they are going to use to justify the creation of the new world order for the new age

The freemasons have infiltrated everyone...they've infiltrated your church, they have infiltrated the jewish synagogues, they have infiltrated the islamic maddrassas and mosques, they have infiltrated the military, the intelligence services, the media and so on

They have been surrounding russia with nuclear weapons and have created a first strike policy against russia where they hope to launch a devestating salvo at russia followed by a defence screen of missiles they hope will take down russian retaliatory missiles for example some will be launched form subs and some may even have been sneaked into the US in dirty bomb form through the container ports and placed strategically around the country

Of course they could never hope to get all the russians missiles so some will hit the US. Israel will be obliterated. Muslim centres such as mecca and cairo and damascus will be obliterated. Christian centres will be obliterated such as rome. Europe will be hit badly being between russia and the US and being part of the US forward missile bases and under the missile sheild

Why is Russia taking Crimea and arming rebels that shoot down civilian planes?

Russia is facing the very real possibility of an all out nuclear strike from washington and is desperately trying to stop US forward missile bases being deployed in NATO bases along Russias borders for example in Poland

The rebels are trying to maintain some distance between NATO and moscow and frankly who can blame them? ask yourself this....would you be nervous if russia orchestrated a governmental coup in jamaica and installed a load of forward missile bases there? Because thats what NATO has done in Ukraine

Why is Obama playing golf?

Obama is a freemason and knows that he will get the call to go to his safe place when the emergency is declared

If you look at history the nazis gained power because of the reichstag fire (their parliament building). Hitler blamed the fire on the communists and used the crisis to declare a national emergency which legally permitted him to declare the enabling act which gave him dictatorial powers...a cessation of democracy, which in turn enabled him to declare martial law and to send out his military to round up enemies of the nazis (including 5000 communists)

Have you wondered why:
your police is being turned into an army?
Why the politicians are trying to take the guns off the public?
Why the department of homeland security is stockpiling billions of rounds?
Why the NDAA was passed allowing the US military to operate on US soil and to arrest and detain US citizens without trial?
Why the government has created surveillance programems such as PRISM wathcing civilian phone call and internet email traffic listening out for any signs of dissent?
Why they are now flying drones over your head?
Why the US military is training to do house to house searches?
Why SWAT team house busts have increased in frequency?
Why the police have become more aggressive and are doing more stop and searches?

They are preparing for the luciferian take over

Do you know who built the main american icon of the 'statue of liberty?' It was french freemasons....it bares the torch of illumination marking out your country as freemasonic controlled

Religious people who are seen as a barrier to be removed by the freemasons. The freemasons even created the 'new age' movement as a way to pull people away from the religions and prepare their minds for the new age of aquarius

If you are a religious person you are on their database as a potential threat

Why is Netanyahu holding his military back, when he knows where the command and control centers are?

You are thinking too conventionally that's why so much stuff is not making sense to you

Things are not as they seem out there. These guys play both ends against the middle. This is what you learn when you gain the illuminated 33rd degree of freemasonry...you learn their modus operandi which is: 'order from the chaos' and you also learn that the way to control the profane is through divide and rule...the square and compass= dividers and ruler...divide and rule


So they play both ends against the middle. So i this case they'll play the jews, christians and muslims off against each other

This is why they will fund the israelis, ISIS and create hamas and not destroy hamas

hamas is useful to them...they're using hamas to keep the violence going with israel...they want the jews and muslims and christians at each others throats so if hamas dissapeared tomorrow they would have to recreate it again because they need it to foment the chaos!

Look at how well funded ISIS is and how it keeps getting its hands on US hardware...its being supported by the illuminated freemasons who want to use it to wreak chaos in the middle east

Why are Germany and France continuing to sponsor Russia when they can't see he is heading their way?

Well remember that there ar freemasons in the russian, french and german governments!

Just look at the british government...its said publically it will not sell any arms to russia but it is still selling them £130 million of military hardware!

Its all lies and deception. Russia and the US are gearing up for a hot war and the freemasons will happily help them

Why does Hamas choose to place civilians in harm's way?

Hamas is a tool of the freemasons

Like the muslim brotherhood it came from the Grand Lodge in cairo

Why are Iran's nuclear aspirations continuing?

They have a legitimate right to pursue nuclear energy...they are allowed to do that under national law. It would take an illegal act to stop them

Does Kerry really think he can fix all this and be elected as President?

Kerry is a member of illuminated freemasonic lodge 322 known as 'the skull and bones'

Why is ISIS stealing Babylon blind?

because it has friends in high places

Why is there no help for Ukraine?

Ukraine now is a dangerous flash point which could be used through a false flag to spark world war 3...if it hasn't already (see recent shoot down of commercial plane)

What ever happened to Mahmoud Abbas? Where is he and what is he doing, or why is he doing nothing?

The west bank is rioting

The palestineans want statehood through the UN but the US blocks it

What about the 100,000 plus dead with barrel bombs and chemical weapons? Still going on?

You've lost me here...who are these people you are referring to?

Why? Is it so hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together?

Because the real antagonists stay hidden!

'The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincning the world he didn't exist!'

If you imagine an extra secret (occult) party being inolved in all these events who have an agenda to turn everyone against each other then things will make more sense

Why has Russia armed Hezbollah to the teeth?

You know how the US and russia each built lots of nuclear weapons to create a checkmate situation called 'MAD' (mutually assured destruction) where neither side could attack the other without being destroyed themselves?

To checkmate Israeli (freemason) expansion in the middle east israels neighbours must have the clout to defend themselves

Israel has abot 200 nukes it can destroy its neighbours with. For example there will be some crazies in israel who would like to nuke Iran. So how does Iran and syria and other countries make sure that israel won't nuke them? They have to have a deterrent...so they build lots of conventional missiles

So Iran and its allies have many many missiles pointed at Israel some of which are controlled by hezbollah in lebanon. This way israel knows that if it goes for the nuclear option it will be destroyed in kind

Israel has tried to throw that balance off by building a missile defence sheild called 'iron dome' which is funded by US taxpayers but the shield is not that effective which is just as well because if it was then the crazies in israel might go nuclear which would inevitably spiral out of control leading to world war 3 and the inevitable destruction of israel from a more powerful country like russia

Did I ask where NATO is?

A tool of the occultists

What about Obama?

A puppet of the occultists used to make black people in the US think they are being represented in US government when they're not

Does the EU not see what is happening and who is allowing it to happen?

The EU is controlled by the occultists...its a stepping stone to world government

Next they will create a north american equivalent made up of mexico, canada and the US...then down the road they will merge this with the EU

Why7 are Christians being robbed and run off or killed in Iraq? Can you answer any of this without copying and pasting your division of propaganda?

inter-religious carnage from which luciferianism will emerge tiumphantly like a phoenix from the ashes!

Unless people can see what they are doing of course and prevent them; the best way to do this is to ALWAYS say NO to war so that no major crisis can be caused and no 3rd world war can be caused

Just keep saying NO to all conflict
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[h=2]They Aren’t Hiding It Anymore: Calls for Genocide, Rape of Palestinian Women enter Israeli Mainstream[/h] By Jonathan Cook
Global Research, July 22, 2014
Jonathan Cook: The Blog from Nazareth 21 July 2014

As we watch the horrifying slaughter unfold in Gaza, bear in mind the Israeli psychosis that fuels and justifies it. Here are comments from three rightwing Israelis – two leading politicians and a professor – who very much reflect a strain of mainstream thinking in Israel, one that the international media largely avoids noting.
Each, in their different ways, is advocating a genocide of the Palestinians.
Ayelet Shaked, of economics minister Naftali Bennett’s Jewish Home party, calls on her Facebook page for murdering the mothers of what she terms Palestinian “terrorists” (a very broad concept indeed in current Israeli thinking) so that they cannot give birth to more “little snakes”:
They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists. They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists. …
[The terrorists] are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.
Mordechai Kedar, a lecturer on Arabic literature at Bar Ilan University, believes the sisters and mothers of Palestinian “terrorists” should be raped:
A terrorist, like those who kidnapped the boys [in the West Bank on June 12] and killed them, the only thing that will deter them, is if they know that either their sister or mother will be raped if they are caught. What can we do? This is the culture that we live in.
Note that his university did not reprimand him. They defended his comments:
The purpose was to define the culture of death of the terrorist organizations. Dr Kedar illustrated in his words the bitter reality of the Middle East and the inability of a modern and law-abiding country to fight the terror of suicide bombers.
And finally we have Moshe Feiglin, a deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament and a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, urging the Israeli army to kill Palestinians in Gaza indiscriminately and use every means possible to get them to leave:
[Netanyahu] announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately. Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave. This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts. … All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’. …
The IDF will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations. … The enemy population that is innocent of wrong-doing and separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave. Israel will generously aid those who wish to leave.
This psychosis is not going to get better on its own. In fact, it’s going to get much worse. How much worse will depend entirely on the continuing inaction of western leaders.
I'm feeling sick.
For those of you who remain unconvinced, I also held a pro-israel bias much of my life. I went along with the consensus because it seemed reasonable, and no one around me questioned it.

It's time for us to question our answers.

When we think we know it all, we stop learning. It's everyones responsibility to consider new ideas.

If we are closed off to considering new thoughts, how can we ever know anything new?

I understand it isn't comfortable to think of the world differently, it's why so many of us remain indifferent.

If we ask one question it begs another, and we are sometimes afraid where the questions will lead, but we must not become stagnant because of fear.

It's a personal, inner work that must be done. We must watch ourselves to make sure that we aren't letting our emotions upset our critical thinking ability.

Pay attention to how emotionally charged all the news media is, how it constantly appeals to emotion. There is very little time for questions when the news is spinning so fast.

The amount of dis-information being pushed in the news is incredible. This alone should raise a lot of flags for those of us who have stood in firm support for the national narrative.

I think people in america have suffered a substantial amount of toxicity from environmental pollution as well as the toxic media/pop culture.
People would do well to avoid the tv, newspaper, and magazines. We would do well to watch our diet and eliminate toxins, and get a fluoride filter for your water.

@justme I think you said Israel had the most moral army in the world... or alluded to it.
Maybe I'm mistaken. I know Ive heard a few people say such things.

Look at these people and accept some responsibility for what you want to support.

If you are pro-israel, or if you just don't care, this is what you are condoning.

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I'm feeling sick.

Just remember the mass of humanity is basically decent but there is a section of the population who feel distinctly different and they prey on the rest. They are organised, networked and self aware and they use the media to spin narratives....surface stories full of good guys and bad guys where their hand in things is always concealed. All sides are infiltrated by the network, all sides are played off against each other

Humanity is their plaything

However of we can all stand together....jew, muslim, christian, atheist, agnostic, buddhist etc and recongise that under all these cultural ideas we are all human beings then we can stand upto this network who play on these surface differences in order to create conflict and divisions and we can say 'no more' to their wars and divisions

It doesn't have to be this way...we can all choose to make this life experience a better trip but we have to recongise our shared humanity
It impels me to pray.

As I have many times before, I pray. Do you think the Israelis hate the Palestinians? They do not. They are not beheading them. The more rockets that are fired, the greater their resolve for it to stop. Israel has been drawn into the Gaza Strip. Some people run when they hear a gun; others, run to the report of the gun. The Israelis are doing exactly what Hamas wants them to do. If the Palestinian refugees were not there, this would have been over long ago.
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It impels me to pray.

As I have many times before, I pray. Do you think the Israelis hate the Palestinians? They do not. They are not beheading them. The more rockets that are fired, the greater their resolve for it to stop. Israel has been drawn into the Gaza Strip. Some people run when they hear a gun; others, run to the report of the gun. The Israelis are doing exactly what Hamas wants them to do. If the Palestinian refugees were not there, this would have been over long ago.


The recent explosion of violence in Gaza may have been initially sparked by false or inaccurate claims, according to Israeli police.
The ongoing conflict began last month when three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped from a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank. Their bodies were later discovered in a field outside the city of Hebron. Before police were able to determine who was responsible, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu placed blame for the tragic deaths squarely on Hamas, Gaza’s elected political leadership—an accusation that may prove to be false.
On Friday, Chief Inspector Micky Rosenfeld, foreign press spokesman for the Israel Police, reportedly told BBC journalist Jon Donnisonhe that the men responsible for murders were not acting on orders of Hamas leadership. Instead, he said, they are part of a “lone cell.” Further, Inspector Rosenfeld told Donnison that if Hamas’ leadership had ordered the kidnapping, “they'd have known about it in advance.”
Naftali Fraenkel, 16, Gilad Shaer, 16, and Eyal Yifrah, 19, were kidnapped on June 12 from Gush Etzion, an Israeli settlement south of Jerusalem. After an exhaustive search that lasted over two weeks, security forces discovered the boys’ bodies in a field just north of Hebron, close to where they were abducted. The night of their disappearance, one of the boys called a police hotline and whispered, “They kidnapped me.” Police speculate that he may have been caught, leading the perpetrators to kill the teenage boys.
Husam Dofsh, a former member of Hamas, was arrested on suspicion of his involvement on July 5. After learning that he was a suspect, Dofsh called the Times of Israel and insisted he’d taken no part in the kidnapping. “I saw online, and people also told me, that I was tied to the mess, but I did not kidnap and didn’t do anything. I just want to continue my life,” Dofsh told reporters.
During the course of Israel’s investigation, some 400 Palestinians were arrested and up to 10 others were killed. Among those detained were Aziz Duwaik, the speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council and West Bank-based member of Hamas; and Mahmoud al-Khatib, a Hamas legislator was also reportedly abducted by the IDF during a dawn raid in the city of Bethlehem.
Israel's crackdown in the West Bank instigated Hamas to begin firing rockets into Israel—a move that quickly escalated the conflict.
In early July, several members or activists connected to Hamas were killed, including a 14-year-old boy, which led the group to intensified their rocket attacks. Although there were no resulting deaths, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) began successive airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.
“Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay,” Netanyahu said in reference to the kidnapping. However, Inspector Rosenfeld’s statements, along with a number of reports concerning the identities of known police suspects, seem to indicate that Hamas leadership was not involved in the vicious crime.
The two more-likely suspects are Amer Abu Aysha and Marwan Kawasme, who have been missing from their homes since the night of the kidnapping. Police found cellphones and prepared food caches in their homes. Both had recently opened bank accounts in their wive's names. Palestinian security forces reported that Abu Aysha and Kawasme were missing to the Israelis the day after the kidnapping occurred, according to Al Monitor.
“That was the first clue in the investigation and the reason why Israel pointed an accusatory finger at the Hamas infrastructure in Hebron,” wrote Shlomi Eldar, a veteran journalist who has covered the Palestinian Authority for the past two decades.
Abu Aysha and Kawasme are known members of the Qawasameh tribe, according to Palestinian security forces. While members of Hebron-based Qawasameh clan identify with Hamas, they have a history of undermining its efforts to end violent conflicts with Israel. In 2003, for instance, the family sent two suicide bombers to blow up a bus in Jerusalem after a tahadiyeh (ceasefire) had been successfully negotiated between Israeli and Palestinian fighters, which was endorsed by Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin.
At the time of writing, a reported 848 Palestinians and 35 Israelis have been killed, including 208 children in Gaza, since July 8 when Israel launched Operation Protective Edge.
A number of Middle East journalists have written articles accusing the Israeli government of politicide—launching Israel into renewed conflict with Hamas in order to sabotage the formation of the unified Palestinian government that it so adamantly opposed. Vanetia Rainey, a Lebanon-based correspondent for The Week, wrote: “Israel must have known that [the] Palestinian Authority would not want to be seen to condone violence and would have to cooperate with the campaign of raids, something Hamas has been sharply critical of, calling it ‘harmful to Palestinian reconciliation’.”
This week, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas backed Hamas’ conditions for a ceasefire.
"The Gaza demands of stopping the aggression and lifting the blockade in all its forms are the demands of the entire Palestinian people and they represent the goal that the Palestinian leadership has dedicated all its power to achieve," he said.
The killing of 15 women and children by the Israel Defense Force at a UN elementary school in Beit Hanoun appears to be unifying Palestinians, but not through a shared interest in diplomacy. Roughly 10,000 protesters in the West Bank marched on Jerusalem Thursday after the school bombing. Two were killed and hundreds injured when the march clashed with Israeli police near the Qalandiya refugee camp.
On Friday, Hamas called for a third intifada and Abbas called for a “Day of Rage” marked with increased protests. “This is your opportunity,” a Hamas spokesperson said in response to the protests.


If the reported findings of the Israeli Police hold up and Hamas is officially cleared of any wrongdoing in the case of the three kidnapped Israeli teens, Netanyahu and the Israeli government may have to explain why a massive military operation, with an 80 percent rate of civilian casualties, was instigated under a false premise. And if violence in the West Bank continues to spread, the IDF may find itself divided on two fronts.
Correction: Israel's crackdown in the West Bank—not Gaza—following the discovery of the three murdered Israeli teens instigated Hamas into firing rockets on Israel. We regret the error.

[h=1]It Turns Out Hamas Didn’t Kidnap and Kill the 3 Israeli Teens After All [Updated][/h] By Katie Zavadski [h=3]213.3k Shares[/h]Share 176.3kTweet 35.9kShare 223Share 889EmailPrint
Photo: Mohamed Farag/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images When the bodies of three Israeli teenagers, kidnapped in the West Bank, were found late last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not mince words. "Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay," he said, initiating a campaign that eventually escalated into the present conflict in the region.
But now, officials admit the kidnappings were not Hamas's handiwork after all.
BuzzFeed reporter Sheera Frenkel was among the first to suggest that it was unlikely that Hamas was behind the deaths of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel, and Eyal Yifrach. Citing Palestinian sources and experts in the field, Frenkel reported that kidnapping three Israeli teens would be a foolish move for Hamas. International experts told her it was likely the work of a local group, acting without concern for the repercussions:
[Gershon Baskin] pointed out that Hamas has earlier this month signed an agreement to form a unity government with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, bridging, for the first time in seven years, the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank and Gaza.
“They will lose their reconciliation agreement with Abbas if they do take responsibility for [the kidnappings],” Baskin added.
Today, she was proven right:
Repeated inconsistencies in Israeli descriptions of the situation have sparked debate over whether Israel wanted to provoke Hamas into a confrontation. Israeli intelligence is also said to have known that the boys were dead shortly after they disappeared, but to have maintained public optimism about their safe return to beef up support from the Jewish diaspora. Writing for Al Jazeera, Musa al-Gharbi argued that Israel was deliberately provoking Hamas:
All the illegal and immoral actions related to Operation Brother’s Keeper were justified under the premise of finding and saving the missing teens whom the Israeli government knew to be dead — cynically exploiting the tragedy to whip up public outcry in order to provoke and then confront Hamas. This pattern of deception continues under the ongoing military offensive in Gaza. For example, last week in collaboration with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Abbas, in its efforts to alienate Hamas, Israel announced a bad-faith cease-fire proposal, which Hamas was not consulted on and never agreed to but whose violation supposedly justified Israel’s expansion and intensification of the military campaign into Gaza.
Despite continued negotiations, the violence shows no signs of letting up, and after Thursday night's massive protests in the West Bank, there is still no ceasefire agreement. On Friday, it became clear that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's attempts to broker a seven-day truce were rejected by Israeli officials. Instead, Israel will apparently widen its ground operation in the Gaza Strip, despite international outcry about the civilian death toll. According to unnamed officials, the proposed truce was too generous to Hamas's demands.
Hamas, meanwhile, still hasn't weighed in on the agreement, whose details are being kept secret, but continued to launch rockets into Israel. International peace talks are set to resume in France this weekend, and we're keeping our fingers crossed.
Updated, Sat. 11:44 a.m.: This claim was also reported by BBC's Jon Donnison, who spoked to Israel Police Foreign Press Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld:
Today, after a ceasefire with Hamas for 24 hours, Hamas fired rockets again into Israeli cities ..........................................................................................................................................................................while the Israelis were on hold. The Israelis went back into action. This is the latest violence.


[h=2]The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel,[/h] according to Simon Schama. They built the Israeli Supreme Court. They own Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest media agencies in the world. They have a controlling share in the Royal Dutch oil company, the Bank of England and the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association). They foment wars, install presidents, dethrone kings and bankrupt nations, such is their power.
The Rothschilds typically operate behind the scenes. In the case of Israel, the Rothschilds engineered WWI and waited until 1917 when Britain was in trouble. The Rothschilds then promised the British Government that they could get the US to enter WWI (on the side of Britain) and thus ensure Britain’s victory of Germany et al. However, they wanted something in return: Palestine. Thus the Balfour Declaration was created, which is an official letter from the British Government Foreign Secretary James Balfour to Baron Rothschild. It states that: ” His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.”
There is a big problem with this. Palestine was never Britain’s to give away. It rightfully belongs to the Arab and Palestinian people living there. The Rothschild Zionist Jews came in, took over and forcibly evacuated and killed millions of Palestinians who lived there. They are still committing genocide to this day. The creation of the Zionist state Israel was massively unjust right from the start. Something conceived in iniquity breeds conflict down the road. It is no exaggeration to say that the founding of Israel itself may be the precursor to WWIII.
Zionist Israel controls the governments of the US, Britain, Canada, France and more – and the Rothschilds control Israel.
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