Texit 2023

Why not, sounds good to me
It's certainly big enough to be its own country continent
There's a plausible pathway for this. It's had me wondering, "if this ever were to happen, would me & my family become expats for living in another state? or would Texas law insist we be beholden to it? would we have to go back to get our passports? what about extradited if we break Texas law while in the US? considering politics, living in Georgia may not provide much safety.

I suspect Canada would offer us asylum and my long-distance friends there would likely help us settle in. It's interesting to think about.
It's funny too. This is the sort of thing my life's been preparing me for, almost this very scenario. Unlikely, though not as impossible as some make it out to be.

What are your thoughts? @Roses In The Vineyard

A lot of mixed thoughts about this as it can go sideways either way given the current political climate never mind that mid terms is coming up. The root of the problem not just for Texas but most of the country is that the Federal government has for the most part have broken down mostly due to corruption and incompetence beyond belief so there is a strong need for dialogue as well reform. Worst case the shit starts hitting the fan and not just for the US as this has implications globally.
If it did happen, it'd undoubtedly go sideways. There's no clean cut choices. But how sideways could be anybody's guess. And for many residents it'd be awful.
My guess is it's still very unlikely though. They bring this up regularly to fire up their base and not much more.
Well, Texas, prepare to get invaded like Russia invaded the Ukraine. You REALLY think the current world power is gonna be chill with a former part of it's country hanging around? Maybe if you grovel like Canada or Mexico.


You're gonna need nukes
I don't think it would be dramatic. New Zealand was once a part of the Australian State of New South Wales. Now we still get along just fine with our Kiwi neighbours. Travel and work between the two countries is virtually like between Australian states.
I don't think it would be dramatic. New Zealand was once a part of the Australian State of New South Wales. Now we still get along just fine with our Kiwi neighbours. Travel and work between the two countries is virtually like between Australian states.
I don't feel like Australia has as many military bases or a history of overthrowing countries sgt installing their own leaders to the extent of the United States though. We have a generally extremely aggressive military policy so it doesn't seem like a good comparison
I believe it would be a huge mistake to allow Texas to secede.

Texas is a large piece of real-estate to open to a forgein 'supporting' country should the US say no money after secession.

Be like opening the gate to let a fox in the hen house IMHO.
I believe it would be a huge mistake to allow Texas to secede.

Texas is a large piece of real-estate to open to a forgein 'supporting' country should the US say no money after secession.

Be like opening the gate to let a fox in the hen house IMHO.

Allow to secede, then bomb them into the stone age, take what is of use, then continual military occupation and resource extraction.

We know how this works. We’ve done it countless times in the past. :rolleyes:

Allow to secede, then bomb them into the stone age, take what is of use, then continual military occupation and resource extraction.

We know how this works. We’ve done it countless times in the past. :rolleyes:

Anything for oril rites.

Thinking of examples, I think China and tawain would be a much more accurate comparison of the climate that could develop, but maybe I don't have enough political knowledge to make a claim like that
Thinking of examples, I think China and tawain would be a much more accurate comparison of the climate that could develop, but maybe I don't have enough political knowledge to make a claim like that
But, thinking about it, we have an unofficial deal with tawain that if China were to invade we would defend them; so if hypothetically china made a similar deal with Texas, that might create an actual huge world war
But, thinking about it, we have an unofficial deal with tawain that if China were to invade we would defend them; so if hypothetically china made a similar deal with Texas, that might create an actual huge world war
Isn't Texas more likely to want to go independent in order to avoid the foreign influences that the other states attract.

Texas isn't exactly a pro foreign state, like many blue states.
Isn't Texas more likely to want to go independent in order to avoid the foreign influences that the other states attract.

Texas isn't exactly a pro foreign state, like many blue states.

I'm just brainstorming that if Texas or really any us state wanted a shot at becoming an independent country, given the US' aggressive military policy they probably need the support of another country of substantial economic or military power to stand any real chance. Otherwise I think USA will just deny Texas and reabsorb it by force.

But I'm willing to be wrong. Your example could happen, too. Speculation only goes so far, and most people probably think it's unlikely that Texas will even succeed in seceding so it's really a wild speculation to begin with.

I know that France helped the original colonists to defeat Great Britain during the independence war because they were pissed off at Great Britain and trying to become the global power instead. At least that's what we are taught here on what happened. Without French support the war might have tipped the other way. So I'm not sure if Americans historically are particularly dead set against creating temporary alliances in order to overthrow whoever they don't currently like. China might be a stretch, but if that's what Texas decided to do to get leverage it's unlikely that any of USA's allies would see backing Texas as advantageous. You would mainly be looking at counties whose motivation was to push USA into losing power via sowing the seeds of political discord. In the case...Russia is probably more likely since US politics already accuse Russia of actively interfering with elections.

A Russia-China-Texas alliance would be a great start at putting pressure on the USA. They could even rope in Cuba that has and common ideological views and also happens to be strategically closer to the USA.

Still .. It's a huge stretch! HUGE! I'm just having fun speculating here, and maybe others will dismiss it and view it as a waste of time. That's fair.