My step mom who lived in Nepal for a few decades pointed out to me in my teens that she found the buddhist practices there very corrupt and devoid of original meaning.... I think in the west we sometimes gloss over how buddhism manifests in real life..............I love the method though... the method I think is elegant.
Zen literally means meditation. The thrust of Zen in the west has been its un-theistic approach to numinous experience. It is a practice. But for most of its history in Asia it has been in the "religion business" which inevitably fosters corruption of all kinds.
For those of us who recognize the problems with any religion with stated polemics the Zen ideal of abandonment of rational thought as a mode of perceiving reality is awfully appealing.
edit: I have been reading both Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra by DT Suzuki and his translation of it. I posted this on my apostelytizer blog and my meditation page on FB

[Studies in the Lankavatar Sutru p 213 DT Suzuki]
This reality exists in the world as gold exists concealed in the ore, for it is this that makes things abide, makes them arrange themselves in order and establish a realm among themselves, and constitutes their essence. It is eternally there. It is the suchness of things.
[Lankavatar Sutra Translated by DT Suzuki (143) p 123-125]
Again Mahamati said: It is said by the Blessed One that from the night of the Enlightenment till the night of the Parinivana, the Tathagata (143) in the meantime has not uttered even a word, nor will he ever utter: for not speaking is the Buddha's speaking. According to what deeper sense is it that not-speaking is the Buddha speaking?
The Blessed One replied: by reason of two things the deeper sense...this statement is made. What are the two things? They are truth of self-realisation and the eternally-abiding reality....Of what deeper sense is the truth of self realisation? What has been realised by the Tathagatas, is that my own realisation, in which there is neither decreasing nor increasing; for the realm of self-realisation is free from words and discriminatons, having nothing to do with dualistic terminology.
What is meant by an eternally-abiding reality? The ancient road of reality... has been here all the time, like gold [or]...silver...preserved in the mine...the Darmadhatu abides forever whether the Tathagata appears in the world or not: as the Tathagata eternally abides so does the reason (dharmata) of all things; reality forever abides, reality keeps its order, like the roads in an ancient city.
For instance..., a man who is walking in a forest and discovering an ancient city with its orderly streets may enter into the city, and having entered into it, he may have a rest, conduct himself like a citizen and enjoy all the pleasures acuring therefrom ...(143) Did this man make the road along which he enters into the city? and also the various things in the city?
...what has been realised by myself and the other Tathagatas is this reality, the eternally-abiding realty (sthitita), the self-regulating reality (niyamata), the suchness of things (tathata) the realness of things (bhutata), the truth itself (satyata).
For this reason, Mahamati, it is stated by me that from the night of the Tathagata's Enlightenment till the night of his entrance into Nirvana, he has not in the meantime uttered,nor ever will utter one word. So it is said:
7. From the night of Enlightenment till that of Nirvana, I have not in the meantime made any proclamation whatever.
[ Studies in the Lanka. by DT Suzuki p 213]
Therefore, when the Bodhisattvas or Buddhas attain to realisation, the experience is not something altogether new to walking into an old happens [upon]..and quietly enjoys...the Buddha did not create these things, they have been here from the beginning.
The dharma he has an insight into is something enduring, a regulative principle, and suchness of things it is reality, truth...for this reason the Buddha declared that since his enlightenment ....