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Lots of propaganda out there about how you should learn from rejection and use it to turn yourself into a better person. This is good advice in some situations, but not others.
For example, if you are rejected from a job, then this typically doesn't mean you made some particular, correctable mistake in your interview that you could do differently. It just means you were either not good enough or unlucky, and in neither case is focusing on the particular circumstances of the failure going to help you. You just have to keep grinding.
Similar statements can be made about romantic relationships.
For example, if you are rejected from a job, then this typically doesn't mean you made some particular, correctable mistake in your interview that you could do differently. It just means you were either not good enough or unlucky, and in neither case is focusing on the particular circumstances of the failure going to help you. You just have to keep grinding.
Similar statements can be made about romantic relationships.